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Labrador Retriever -
CH. Belle Points Cody of Char Don
Sire Born: 27. September 1986
AKC SE988918
Hip: OFA Good LR-30018G26M-T - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CH AM BR Hennings Mill Ramblin Comic HD- Sire | CH (CAN) Lawnwood's Babbling Brook 1981AKC SD613307 HD-OFA: Normal LR-16262-T Sire | Eng. Ch. Charway Ballywillwill 1978KCSB 2992BP HD- Sire |
Lawnwood's Crepe Susette HD- Dam | ||
Bradking Beverly 1981AKC SD541856 HD-OFA: Normal LR-15807 Dam | ENG CHEng. Ch. Fabracken Comedy Star ENG CH 1979KCSB 2991BP HD- Sire | |
Bradking Cassandra 1979KCSB 0225BR HD- Dam | ||
Belle Points First in Line HD- Dam | SW CH Puhs Superman 1975AKC SD191451 HD- Sire | Int. Ch. Puhs Black Devil SKK 07830/70 HD- Sire |
NUCH Keithray Marianne SKK 52065/74 HD- Dam | ||
Hampshire Cinnamon Teal HD- Dam | AM/CAN Ch Follytower Augustus SC056500 HD- Sire | |
Hampshire's Indian Pudding SC047520 HD- Dam |
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