Oxytocin - Page 3

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by Nans gsd on 25 April 2013 - 13:04

And keep in mind Ace you need to give the last clean out shot within 24 hours after her last whelp.  At least that is what I have been told in the past.  And at the same time if you have a question if there might be another puppy, do the x-ray to be safe also within 24 hours after last whelp.  Had my friend done that her poor bitch would not have waited the 5 days with a dead puppy in her.  Just a hard lesson learned as she was an older and experienced bitch that had had 3 litters. Possibly she was getting tired?  Nan


by dragonfry on 25 April 2013 - 14:04

I would suggest you have the x-ray done 2 to at max 3 days before her due date and at least have an educated guess as to how many pups to expect. We counted 7 in my girl's x-ray and when #7 was taking her sweet ass time coming out. And my bitch was looking really tired we gave the shot. Plus her pups were born thanksgiving morning. So neither i nor my vet wanted to have to go to the office for any stuff.

(On a side note: i wonder if us helping females with weak birthing rates have puppies is causing more harm then good to our breeds?) This is not directed at anyone, just wondering out loud. Because i must point the finger at myself first.


by aceofspades on 25 April 2013 - 14:04

Her due date is on Sunday (63 days) and she actually started whelping last night.  I am going to make an appointment for her to have an xray tomorrow morning to make sure they are all out.  She has whelped 7 live pups and #8 was born dead.  Last pup was about an hour ago.  

Actually scrap waiting until morning, I am on the phone with my vet right now to schedule an xray for this afternoon. That way I can be sure.  Whether I did it a week ago or now I guess is irrelevant, if I did it before and it showed 10 pups and she stalled at 8 I still would have had to go back for oxytocin.  This way if there is a puppy retianed we get the xray and oxy in one visit and I don't have to pay for two visits.  Now question, do I pack up the puppies and bring them in with me or are they good at home for an hour?  I can't believe I am asking such seemingly amateur questions.  I have never taken my dam away right after whelping before.


by Sunsilver on 25 April 2013 - 15:04

That vet LIED to you! I live in Ontario, Canada, and when my friend's Shiloh whelped a litter of 9 pups several years ago, we lost the last two pups because we had no oxytocin, and they were just in there too long.

For the next litter, my friend got a reproduction vet specialist to give her some to keep on hand. She did need it, as this time there were 10 pups, one of which had to be PTS due to a severe cleft palate and some other structural deformities. Needless to say, with that large a litter, mom needed some help.



by arra on 25 April 2013 - 15:04

we have a dairy farm, so oxytocin is always available for me and we need it most of the time at the end of whelping a litter.Sometimes in between if the female takes too long for the next pup (more then an hour). I only give if necessary and for sure each time after I think she had the last pup to make sure the female is empty.
1 cc is enough each time, and always wait at least an hour between each dose! 
I am sure that small animal vet clinics  not give you this hormone...get it from a dairy farmer! And just an advise for woman, don't handle this hormone if you are pregnant or be very careful, it can be dangerous just by touching your skin!! 


by aceofspades on 25 April 2013 - 15:04

We have an appointment this afternoon, but so far puppies #8 and #9 didn't make it.  She is still panting so I suspect there are more left.  I also suspect none (if there are more) made it.  She is doing great otherwise, no sign of distress.

Time for a new vet *sigh*.  Generally i actually LIKE my vet, but they are clearly no good for repro.  If I can't find a repro vet locally I go to Vancouver often enough that I will find one down there.  I am extremely frustrated today.  Thankfully we have 7 healthy babies though.  


by aceofspades on 25 April 2013 - 15:04

oops double post

Sunsilver & Arra, thanks for the input.  Sunsilver, I know she lied to me, that is why I am frustrated.  I am going to take Janna in this afternoon for an xray and they will give her oxy at the vet and charge me $300.  I sometimes have a hard time getting people to take me seriously as I look like a little kid.  I've been going to this same clinic for 17 years, my longevity as a client should carry some weight.


by vandykan on 30 April 2013 - 03:04

In michigan, you can by oxytocin at a farm stores such as tractor supply etc.  Anyone can use it, it is not a drug that has to have a prescription.  At tractor supply, I find it in the locked refrigerator with  vaccines, antibiotics, etc.  Some bottles of oxytocin has to be refrigerated and some doesn't.  My work would sometimes order the ones that would be refrigerated.


by Jenni78 on 30 April 2013 - 09:04

The more those puppies nurse, the better off everyone is. Give her some vanilla ice cream, too. It's a nice cool treat and also has calcium in it. 


by Dog1 on 30 April 2013 - 10:04


Sorry to see the power of the internet has failed you. All the signs pointed to a need to have Oxy on hand. Probability of ten puppies is a deciding factor. Yet none was on hand even though the advice and instructions were posted here.

Your experience was similar to ours in the beginning. We lost puppies towards the end of the litter. Potentially beautiful puppies from some of the best genetics in the world that could have been great additions to our program slowly went from pink gums to white. We chalked it up to nature and was relieved mom was OK through it all,

It wasn't until a few years later that we realized through the use of Oxy that many of those lifeless little puppies we wrapped up in a towel and set aside to be disposed (of while mom frantically looked for the puppy we had taken from her) had suffocated only moments before finally being born.

Last night we whelped a litter. About halfway through the litter, a puppy was not coming out. Mom was pushing, we could feel the puppy, but moms efforts were not working. After a reasonable amount of mom effort, I went to the fridge, drew about .8cc, rubbed a little KY jelly in mom and gave her a shot. About three minutes later we had a good contraction and a girl puppy safe and sound.

Chalk this litter up to experience and by all means, find a new vet.


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