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by kitkat3478 on 25 January 2013 - 20:01

Jon-rob, I particularly like the one from SM where she purchased chickens with the sole intent of "legally" being able to "shoot and kill" her neighbors nusance dogs.
There's a compassionate person for ya!
Another BTW, I would rather see someone walk away from the board because they couldn't navigate the rescue threads when there are CLEARLY several threads on various subjects with a wealth of information and save a dogs life regardless of the breed or if it is even purebred ,than have them stay.
I mean Hell, no matter what info you hope to take away from this forum involves a little bit of jumping around.
Not all good info jumps out from the opening page.
Their loss... (and yes, this whole thing bothers me. It's selfish)

by beetree on 25 January 2013 - 20:01

Time to move to Dogs 102


Yes, this site started with GSD's. I think the intention is to end with data on all breeds. And in the case of the Rescue forum, ANY DOG should be given the chance to live, if someone will give them that chance.

Sitasmom always looks out for number 1.  And she is a dog broker. Surely the spots in homes taken by rescues could worry her pocketbook.

Rescue owners tend to keep their dogs forever..... not  like some breeders or brokers who are always looking for "forever homes" for the dogs they feed who don't provide their keep.



by kitkat3478 on 25 January 2013 - 20:01

I say PLEASE leave the Rescue section alone .
My God, how many dogs have already been saved thanks to the DB and the fantastic people that have stepped up to the plate.
Even one dog saved is a wonderful thing.
If people are too stupid to navigate the website, what are they adding anyway.
If you come looking for specific answers, you have to use your brain anyway to get around.
If you are a good person that wants to contribute to help others and not just yourself, you are delighted to see how many people there are that DO care.
If you want a rescue free website, START YOUR OWN....


by Hundmutter on 25 January 2013 - 20:01

GSD Admin:
Thought you had already decided  to take the Rescue threds out of
the 'latest posts' list, so that those looking for rescue threds would
start with the Rescue Forum ?  And to adopt / recommend adopting
Marjorie's headings ? Seems a reasonable course. 

I'm not making any demands;  just trying to show there's more than
one point of view on this issue.  Fawndallas for e.g. had some
sensible points, but she was more or less 'jumped on' by others.

Doesn't mean any of us want to stop all rescuing, or make a living
out of our dogs;  and some of us resent being lumped in with any
one who is currently not 'flavour of the month' just because some
posters want an excuse to spew vitriol.  (Better get in: Not actually
referring to you, Beetree, on that one, by the way.) 

by beetree on 25 January 2013 - 20:01

????? Vitriol????

I'm just for some common sense. Fawn misunderstood from the start, seems obvious to me.  

Seems to me, if Marjorie makes a "Rescue protocol format to follow", GSD said he'd make it a sticky. Problem solved!

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 25 January 2013 - 20:01

I have decided to do nothing. I only suggested to remove them off the latest list, which is non-sense as those posts that caused this mountain actually turned into a tiny little molehill.

I see this as people not being able to ignore the things they don't like. I am not sure what the flavor of the month statement is about as it adds nothing to this discussion and in the end will probably make matters worse.

GSD throws up his hands in utter disbelief and leaves the debate.

Abby Normal

by Abby Normal on 25 January 2013 - 21:01

 I just dont see it. It isnt rocket science to navigate the pdb and the different sections.  Even when that batch of rescue listings went up how hard was it to ignore them and move on to the ones that were of interest?  I think it is a bit patronising to think that newcomers are going to find it too hard, most people are well used to navigating all kinds of websites, and this is set out pretty clearly!
I dont read all the rescue postings as being in the UK I cant do much, but I love to see everyone working together to help the dogs, and love to see some of the success stories. Gives a new meaning to the phrase for the betterment of the breed!
My vote is leave it as it is, and if we all have to work a bit harder by going to the separate forums rather than latest posts so what?


by fawndallas on 25 January 2013 - 21:01

Ok, my last ditch effort.

Looks like the initial concern of being over whelmed has resolved itself.  I have not seen the "overwhelm" of threads like we did the 1st day.  So I think the bottom line concern has been addressed.

I do not want the Rescue forum to change.  I supported it from the beginning and I continue to support it.  I have conceded that it is not limited to just GSDs.

How about we leave this as it is and think about ways to maybe make the rescue forum more efficient?  Once someone has a suggestion, post a thread on the Rescue forum; make the title meaningful and easy to identify.


The rescue forum is a tool to be used for a great cause.  Let's not taint it with unkind words.  We are doing good and saving many dogs.  We just have to work out a few things.


Besides:  IT'S FRIDAY.                


by kitkat3478 on 25 January 2013 - 21:01

Thank you Admin.-,it's Fantastic that the most important decision is to be made by those that have compassion and the ability to keep the help coming for "SO MANY"(too many) dogs in need.
Again, I thank you, and the dogs thank you.
I hope it is now, case closed!

by hexe on 25 January 2013 - 23:01

For Dog's sake, this site costs its users NOTHING, and STILL some of them think they have a right to bitch and moan about 'too many rescue posts' showing up in the 'Latest posts' option. 

I think you made the right call, GSDAdmin.  I'm just glad that my heart is still vulnerable enough that when I see rescue posts in the 'Latest posts' list, the only emotion it raises is sadness, not annoyance. The day such posts generate the latter feeling would be the day I knew I'd been broken and laid to waste.


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