Any tricks to help with the itching as the sight heals? - Page 2

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by Jenni78 on 26 November 2012 - 04:11

Fawn, you can't blame Vetericyn for that. The wound was stitched shut! It can only get to what it can reach. For all you know, it could've been a raging infection if you hadn't been putting it on 3x day. 


by fawndallas on 26 November 2012 - 14:11

True about the Vetrycin.  I have always had such good success with it for my barn cats and lab mix.  I am sure that her tearing the stiches the day I picked her up did not help.

I will look into that other cream.  This should be something I can get at any pharmacy/grocery store, right?  Walmart is a bit of challenge to get to during a work week.  The donut that she now has on (see thread "Warning to all dogs everywhere") is still allowing her to get to the site.

Old timer vets say to let the dog lick, as they are helping the healing process.   I have always been told no by the younger vets (which makes more logical sense to me).  What are your thoughts?


by Jenni78 on 26 November 2012 - 14:11

Depends on how much they lick- obsessively or just occasionally. 


by fawndallas on 26 November 2012 - 14:11

With Rose, it would probably be borderline obsesive.  She loves to lick her self (at least she finally understands that the home is the only place to do that and not to do it in public).

by hexe on 26 November 2012 - 16:11

fawndallas, yes, you can pick up the diphenhydramine cream at anyplace that sells over-the-counter first aid products; the brand name would be Benedryl cream, but most drugstores and discount stores [WalMart, K-Mart, Target, etc] usually have their own generic version as well, usually labeled as 'anti-itch cream'. 

I know what you're dealing with, as I just had my girl spayed a few weeks ago, too, and she bugged at her sutures the first day--in her case, it was a combination of skin irritation from the clippers used to shave her very furry belly and the suture tie-off knot that was bothering her, and she actually managed to untie the knot and unravel two stitches in the course of about 20 minutes!  Fortunately, I happened to have company there that night, and one happened to be veterinarian--so she was able to retie the suture before the whole thing came out and I had an open incision on my hands!  I then grabbed an old t-shirt type nightgown, long enough to cover her all the way back to her rump, put that on her, gathered up the bottom of the shirt over top of her back and knotted it there so it was snug against her belly...that, along with the anti-itch kept her from being able to reach the incision site, and the diphenhydramine cream took care of the skin irritation, all saving her from having to wear the Cone of Shame.

If Rose is on the obsessive-side as far as licking her incision site goes, you can also give her Benedryl capsules by mouth for the sedation effect, as the cream itself will have little of that action.  Dosage for the capsule form of this medication is 2 to 4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, or 1 to 2 mg per pound [Merck Vet Manual]; the capsules are typically 25 mg strength.  You can give her the product by mouth, at the lower end dose, along with using the cream on the incision site, as the cream has little to no systemic effect. 

This, too, shall pass; you just need to get the infection in hand, and the incision should close nicely in 10 days or less once the former is resolved.


by fawndallas on 26 November 2012 - 17:11

DUH, the t-shirt trick.   Some days I am slower than dirt.  Thanks Hexe.

(by the way, are you the same Hexe that emailed me regarding the trial coming up this weekend in Little Elm, Texas (USA)?)

by hexe on 26 November 2012 - 17:11

Glad I jogged your memory, fawndallas.  We all need a nudge to it now and again, so don't feel badly!

As for your question, nope, wasn't me.  I'm in NE Michigan, and don't keep up with where club-level trials are being held very much these days.


by fawndallas on 26 November 2012 - 17:11

Oh my.  I laughed so hard my stomach hurts.  I so love my girl and what she tolerates from me.   MERRY FROGGY CHRISTMAS from Rose.     


by Hundmutter on 26 November 2012 - 19:11

Very snazzy ! And seasonal, too.Angel Smile   Hope Rose gets healed up
quickly without further hassle.

by hexe on 27 November 2012 - 02:11

Hey, if she's gotta wear one, at least it's colorful and festive and fun!  She clearly is a good girl, tolerating yet another insult from her person by wearing a shirt...but it's got to beat the heck out of the Cone of Shame or the Donut of Disgrace. 

Between the shirt and some anti-itch stuff, I think you should have this issue, um, er, 'licked'. 

[I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I really, really did try. How awful.]


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