Kennel Club Release Yet Another Statement - Page 4

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by missbeeb on 17 February 2010 - 12:02

Oh well... it was worth a try, (see below) at least I got a reply!  I'll have another think about this tonight, I'm at work right now... there will be someone out there.

Thank you very much for your email, however I am very sorry but this is not something that we are able to assist you with in this instance.

I hope you can understand that whilst Max would like to be able to help everyone who contacts him, sadly because of the sheer volume of correspondence he receives, this is not always possible.

Wishing you the very best for the future,

Kind regards,

Kate Burgess

PA to Max Clifford

Sue B

by Sue B on 17 February 2010 - 12:02

HI Karen (Ambii)
WOW, you are a Whiz on the companies thing, I always get lost around those websites. Once went looking for some other matter and did so much digging its a wonder I didnt come out in Australia !! lol 
I dont think you were insulting anyones intellegence Karen, I too believe lay mans terms is the best way to inform the Public as not only would some of this wrangling with the KC go over their heads I believe they would switch off before we got to the punch line, afterall the only people this is going to interest is other like minded people and Joe Public is not in the slightest bit interested whether our Breed Clubs get CC allocation or not !!  They would though be interested in hearing about a New Movement that are promoting ONLY HEALTH CHECKED PEDIGREE DOGS. Now that simple statement is easy to understand and would capture their interest, but doesnt want to get too heavy or their interest will just switch off again.

You must all realise what I mean, think of the glazed look your non doggy friends get when you forget to talk about something else in their company !!! Now do you get my drift? That , unfortunately is what most Joe and Jane Publics would do if they had to read through all the KC Crap we have had to deal with over the past 10mths (or at least since their first CC allocation statement last July).

What we need to remember is that the KC have played us along for almost 18mths. First promising to remove the Alsatian word from our Breeds name (if only we would all sign up to their KC ABS Scheme first), to promising to consider introducing some form of two tier registration system (if only we would all sign up to their KC ABS Scheme first), whilst all the while they were having meetings with the FCI and signing reworded FCI contracts in May and while on behalf of West Yorks I was busy rewording our Accredited GSD Scheme to fit in with the KC ABS Scheme in order for the KC to bring in a Two Tier Registration system , they were busy wording letters to Breed Clubs about their decision not to Allocate Breed CC;s in 2012.

I find it too obnoxiously nausiating to continue to list the extremes they have been prepared to stoop to in their attempts to make us tow the line, punative threats, intimidation, deciet and dubiously legal, bully boy tactics have all been thrown at us, whilst they now change their statements to fit any given situation almost on a weekly basis,  needless to say the KC word at the moment is about as valuable as their promises and in the GSD World their promises are worth diddly squat.

by Penny on 17 February 2010 - 13:02

Hi suggest that Ambiigsd and Hutch pool their obvious  resources you can come at this problem in a different way to the most of us,  , thats a start, and I would wonder, now having been sent Jemima`s full details, whether I should or some-one should make contact?  What does anyone think.  We do need laymens terms of course we do, as Sue rightly says, to trawl through the nonsense of the past few weeks even nay months would do most peoples heads in and they would switch off. The basics are to Joe and Jane...........something like .......

The Kc register every puppy that a puppy farmer asks - without question of hip status, mandatory health checks or even how the puppies are bred or kept.

The KC refuses to register only puppies whose parents are checked against hip dysplasia even, so that it protects the breed from this terrible disease.

The KC registered approx 4 years ago, a mans puppies who lives in a little house with a medium size garden - 23 litters from April to Oct of the same year Mother to Son matings, puppy bitches mated, etc etc and the list went on and when written to ask what they could do by our governing body  -  trotted out with the old "no can do" to refuse such registrations

Dog shows with the KC are absolutely no guarantee that you have a good puppy.  Your dog can have  high hip scores winning top awards, dogs that suffer epilepsy winning top honours and pedigrees can be made up,  as dogs do not need to be identified as the correct mother and father with the KC - no checking is done.

To go to buy your puppy from an accredited breeder means that this person has paid £15 for that name Then pays £10 yearly to keep it.  a large percentage of these people have never had a visit from anyone at the KC. Indeed some have never bred a litter and are just starting out.

others will be able to suggest other simple, but very damning things that are done under KC Rules and Regulations then we should collate the main points of the issue        Mo


by hutch on 17 February 2010 - 13:02

I have contacted Jeremy Vines - focusing on the KC's hypcorisy about health issues and suggested that it might be an interesting topic for his show in the lead up to Crufts. I will let you know if I hear back from it. 

We might also get some mileage from contacting every celebrity we can think of with a GSD and see if they will lend a face to the campaign to get the Press' attention?



by missbeeb on 17 February 2010 - 13:02

Mo, please see my previous post on this thread... I have contacted Jemima, some weeks ago and given her Sue Belfield's email addy and Jo Summerhill's name, since he is the GSDP person and would know everything.


by AmbiiGSD on 17 February 2010 - 14:02

Chris Evans maybe one to contact.  He may well be interested considering this:

I believe he still has shepherds, but don't quote me.


by missbeeb on 17 February 2010 - 14:02

I think contacting Chris Evans is a pretty fab idea.  He has a new radio show doesn't he?

Sue B

by Sue B on 17 February 2010 - 14:02

I would go with anyone of the affore mentioned with the exception of Jemima PDE for in my cynical , suspicious , call it what you will opinion, she had her chance to deliver a balanced view point and BLEW IT. My once bitten twice shy survival instinct prevents me from climbing into bed with anyone with whom previous encounters proved them to be less than economical with the truth. Remember this, the KC were foolish enough to fall for her charms when they allowed her to do her filming in the first place, you only have to watch their perfomance in the private interviews with Ronny and Geoff to realise that.

Now I know there are those that believe one should keep their friends close whilst keeping their enemies closer but some have a nasty habit of stabbing you in the back and so personally, if you dont mind,  I would prefer to keep them much further than arms length, just to be on the safe side. Then if she has a change of heart she can do it on her own to prove herself worthy of being welcomed into our fold and until such time (as that will probably never happen), this Shepherd prefers it if that particular wolf be kept at bay.  

Best Regards


by missbeeb on 17 February 2010 - 15:02

 LOL... well, I'd climb into bed with Auld Nick, (Scots for Satan) if it gets us what we want!  What does that make me?  Polite answers only, please!

by Penny on 17 February 2010 - 15:02

Hey girls, stop jumping in to bed with people (without taking me with you, that is).

Seriously, considering Sues thread above - and advice I have just received by phone.... I really think we should backtrack from Jemima.  The thought Sue has of waiting for her to have a change of heart is a good one, and if it doesnt happen we havent lost anything.  Sue puts this into perspective at a time when we are all trying to get a lucid person with some clout to speak on our behalf.  As she says, the KC thought she was speaking on their behalf and what neddies she made them look.  So, back to the drawing board.  Mo


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