The decline in show entries in the UK - Page 3

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by jaymesie51 on 12 June 2009 - 22:06

David i can see where you are coming from but geographically it does not stand up  one champ show in Wales and one in Scotland with 10 in england a bit dodgy to say the least i thought the show scene was for britain and not just england if you want to go down that road then we would need to make sure that it was fair i would say 3 champ shows in scotland two in wales and 7 in england
1st show england 2and england third scotland 4th england 5th wales 6th scotland 7th england 8th england 9th scotland 10th wales 11th england 12th england if done along these kind of lines i think would be fairer on all and yes clubs could merge to make this happen(but that would be down to agreement with clubs) i know that entries are not great in scotland and wales but that is down to the cost of travel and not the quality of the shows  i do agree with at least one champ show a month instead of months with nothing and months with 3 or 4 champ shows, just my opinion
jim h


by Videx on 12 June 2009 - 23:06

 Jim h: Of course geographical distribution needs considering. The merging of Clubs would clearly help also. However I feel sure this will not happen because our breed shows are dying and beyond recovery now, and our Breed Council would need to change habits of 20 years duration. The negligence of recent years by all of the clubs through the Breed Council has ruled out any chance of recovery. Next year many of our Club breed shows will be lucky to attract more than 60 or 70 entries, and will have to consider one judge for their shows. We are now entering a period of rapid decline which WILL mean many more GSD Clubs giving up completely. This WILL be too late to help the remaining Clubs, except maybe slightly. The breed surveys WILL reduce substantially because most GSD breeders will see little point in them, and there will be very little need for training clubs. Juniors with any current interest will give up because adults have been giving up for many years and failed them. Our generation will leave a legacy of failure to our next generation, without a doubt. Necessary tough decision were not made, they were purposely avoided. 


by myfanwy on 13 June 2009 - 09:06


by patrick on 13 June 2009 - 12:06

 I agree with Dave,12 champ shows a year is needed to create, and maintain the correct level of interest from people. Miss Beeb, and many more have mentioned the suspect judging appointments and tickets. You can't blame the individual judges! the blame ls with the committee members who select and install these so called suspect judges. Some committee members  arrange these appointments over the phone, then inform the committee who is judging. This kind of practice has been going on for years, and then favor's are returned. If the 12 CH, show system came into being, I see committee after committee moaning who should get which date, and refusing to accept a month that doesn't suit them. You would need all the clubs to accept either someone selects and administers a type of rota or it is done like a lottery selection. 12 clubs, 12 months, 12 numbers. I would also make a further addition, to include the judging selection the same way, the same time, we have a judging list, cleanse it, use it! eventually every one will get a turn, you could also include German judges. This would at a stroke take away any possibility of committee members, or committee's fixing appointments for favor's. Like Dave has stated it's some radical changes needed, or eventual disaster.  Bill Owen.   


by Videx on 13 June 2009 - 13:06

The GSD Show Scene in the UK is at a similar point in time as when the TITANIC had struck the iceberg.

I have made at least four major and radical proposals over recent years, EVERY ONE has been dismissed/ignored by the Breed Council, or probably more accurately, by the elected officers of the Breed Council, those LEADERS who have totally fail to LEAD.

by Watcher on 13 June 2009 - 14:06

David & Bill,

You are correct things need to change but as far as i can see the ideas your both supporting will drive more peole away. The reason i say this is because you say the UK Gsd show scene needs a radical change but in your idea you seem to forget Nothern Ireland is part of the UK also Scotland and Wales only get 1 champ show and to top it off it's not even the GSD Club of far you've just alienated quite a few people in Scotland, a few in Wales and a hell of a lot of people in Ireland.

You also have to remember that many exhibitors out with England are willing to travel to England to support there shows but a lot of english exhibitors will not do the same for the other 3 countries.


by Videx on 13 June 2009 - 16:06

Suggestions are open to debate and changes, I don't give a shit about upsetting people, far too many of them are hypersensitive, probably taking after their dogs. For Christs sake why cant most people simply grasp the need to look at suggestions, ideas and proposals, and when they see somethings within them that the find difficult to accept, just come up with amendments or counter proposals which may address their concerns.

If people did this EVENTUALLY we would have a proposal which satisfies the MAJORITY. We can never aim for TOTAL support, and upsetting some will always happen. There appears to be a VERY SERIOUS CONDITION amongst GSD folk here in the UK, it is "DO F**K ALL AND UPSET NO ONE". This is such a feeble attitude which leads to disintegration.
I am all for REGIONALISATION of the UK, and ensuring EACH region is catered for in the best possible way, without any damage to the NATIONAL scene. This could have been done, this was another proposal put forward to the Breed Council several years ago by Sue Belfield and was SCUPPERED by the gross inadequacies of the Breed Council.

by patrick on 13 June 2009 - 19:06

Watcher, I think Dave's last post says it all! What is essential is all the clubs agree in principal, the detail of venue's and which country, is the easiest part to complete, I'm sure each country, and area will be well catered for. I think clubs that merge have little to fear because there are more benefits to joining together, more pairs of hands, a bigger and better committee, new ideas, more funds to do things  small clubs only dream about.Hopefully better and larger entries, I was at the north east open show Sammy Hunter retired at, She was presented with a great bunch of flowers, and then she made a plea for someone to come forward to take on the job as secretary. Believe me it was a plea from the heart .That club has Champ show status, I think there was only 2 or 3 committee members at that time. When clubs end up in that condition is it any wonder people find it nearly impossible to turn things around. So merging clubs into regions has so many great opportunities. Remember, people like to be part of a successful club, I'm sure other club members every where, can imagine many more benefits. These proposals could be the corner stone of our breed pulling away from total despair and oblivion. Bill Owen. 


by Liebe on 13 June 2009 - 21:06

I rarely show as I dont have a gsd rincraft within a sensible distance and due to family I dont have the option of driving 1hr plus each way to train.  This means that my dogs dont have the experience of running out in company or the way that classes are run today.  Sticking my head out to be tromped on - I have to say I'd like less double handling as it would make it easier to show a dog that isnt trained that way, also I dont have people who I can take to the shows.

I think the cost of showing, getting to the show etc., is  getting to many people and not just in our breed and until the current situation of high prices often with no rosettes etc is rectified I doubt things will improve.

Also needing handlers can cause problems, if you dont go to many shows you dont know who to ask, what the going rate is etc when you do go, which means that you have to take the dog in yourself and if you have no one with you double handling is stuffed up even if your dog is trained.


by Videx on 13 June 2009 - 22:06

At the present time we are not attracting all those that can train their dogs and can travel and can afford the handler fees and can find handlers for their dogs. We need to ORGANISE a national UK plan for our Show Scene, YES even for the dwindling situation we currently have.


We then need to PRIORITISE all remaining issues that need to be tackled and where possible make decisions to resolve them, either partially or wholly.

All of this to try and stop our GSD Show Scene here in the UK from going down without a fight.


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