KC PRESS RELEASE - Meeting with Reps from GSD Breed Club - Page 4

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by Member on 21 April 2010 - 10:04

It will be very interesting to see who turns up for this meeting which was announced at very short notice. Over the past few years I have been involved with BAGSD the Breed Council, the British Sieger and the BC Surveyors. All of whom have meetings. Knowing how hard it is to arrange meetings for representatives of these groups and make sure everyone is available given their work and any other commitments I will be interested to know how many people manage to make the time for this one. All the people I have worked with in these groups will know my personal commitment and my track record for attendance. What I am aware of, are all the reasons most people give for not having meetings on a Friday ie Shows at the weekends, Traffic at the weekends etc or in this case too short notice. One of the reasons over the past few years we stopped having seminars was the lack of support from the Breed Clubs and exhibitors. This is why I will be very surprised if many Clubs apart from the Alsatian Clubs actually turn up for this day of  promised education. And those that do have obviously on this occasion put themselves out and found the time.
John Ward


by jaymesie51 on 21 April 2010 - 10:04

Aileen as we know the KC are a sleekit bunch what they are doing is perfectly legal they are not discriminating against anyone they did say that they would hold a meeting with all the clubs that signed this undertaking to discuss it further
I am sure that there will be reps who personally  voted no at this meeting they have also invited 2 reps from the BC to attend this meeting i for 1 would like to see someone from the league say Nikki going as a BC rep so if the KC try to discuss anything other than this undertaking they will be told that they cannot do so as all the clubs would need to be present.
jim h


by Videx on 21 April 2010 - 11:04

 jim h: You simply astound me!


by Videx on 21 April 2010 - 11:04

jim h: You simply astound me!
Not all discrimination is illegal, and it does not have to be illegal to qualify as discrimination.


by jaymesie51 on 21 April 2010 - 12:04

David i have given you the definition of discrimination if you chose to not believe it that is up to you i know you are not man enough to admit when you are wrong so i will leave it there.
jim h

Sue B

by Sue B on 21 April 2010 - 13:04

Look boys, no point in getting frustrated or falling out with each other over this, the KC just aint worth it.

Jim, if at this meeting the KC were only going to discuss items on the Undertaking then fine I agree with you, but as David has pointed out, from the wording of the invitation "There will also be plenty of opportunity for discussion between the delegates and speakers." this suggests 'other' things could be brought up and discussed. Aileen has also made very valid points in her post. Though the thought of poor old Nikki (sorry for the old lol) having to jump up and challenge the KC or anyone in attendance everytime someone asks a question or starts a conversation which deviates from anything within the undertaking , well I just couldnt imagine a more horrific position to put someone in !! You got some beef with NIkki or something Aileen? lol (JOKE , cos I know you havent !! lol)  

The fact this meeting will not be kept entirely to the Undertaking is exactly why the KC have acted discriminately and if I may add somewhat punative and childlessly. To seek to divide a group into different groups and then further isolate one group from another, is equal to the playground tactics of sending someone to Coventry !!  A type of Chinese Whispers, except only a certain few are Privvy to the whispers. Actually, rather than being angry I find this quite amusing, for it shows the KC up for what they really are, playground bully's and having dealt with so many of these in my lifetime I prefer to remove myself from their company rather than join them. 

John (member) , as always another good post, but the difference here is that (as I understand it) the KC are to PAY the travelling expenses of the representatives attending this meeting, whereas when you or I or anyone else attends the Breed Council Meetings, Club Meetings (except for BAGDS of course where expenses are also paid), Seminars etc, they are all done at our own expense. Such is the dedication some have for this breed, so yes, it will be interesting who finds the time to turn up , on a work day, on a Friday, to an ALL DAY meeting when they will be having a FREE EXPENSES PAID day out at the Kennel Club. METHINKS, this might just be too much of an ego boost for some to refuse. lol  Bet we can guess who will be representing  BAGSD (lol) , as Mo and I said on the previous thread on this subject, it will be a Happy Hand Clappy, Back Slappy day for all concerned !!! YUK just let me go throw up and IMO another good reason not to have signed !! lol

As I will have left for a weekend in Germany the day before the meeting, I doubt it will even cross my mind until I get back home and hear or read what went on,  here on this database. OMG did I say doubt, that should read I KNOW it wont even cross my mind , believe me !!

by Aileen Ann Mathieson on 21 April 2010 - 19:04


I was not the one who suggested NIKKI - it was Jim H - just shows how things can get confused and mixed up.  I only put the point across about various types of discrimination.

I will forgive you for your WEE mistake Sue - love you really.

Friday for a Meeting - what a shitty day to pick - can you imagine trying to get to that Meeting at peak times of the day and how many will get MORE TIME off work to go - not many I bet and the notice give was very short - will be interesting to see who actually turns up from the 21 Clubs.  No doubt we will be informed one way or another.



by bilko on 22 April 2010 - 08:04

After reading the press release for this meeting I find myself puzzled as to what Gary Gray is going to bring to it. I can appreciate the other three 'speakers' and what they will predictably bring, but Gary Gray?Perhaps he is going to speak about the benefits of being a Kennel Club 'Yes Man'. As an enthusiast myself for the'German Shepherd Dog' I would be interested to know which 'Breed' is Gary Gray an 'Enthusiast' of.
Neil Dodds


by missbeeb on 22 April 2010 - 08:04

Well... I'm surprised you don't know what GG will bring! 

A tweedie type single breasted jacket, itchy flannels and perforated shoes.......... something for all you guys to aspire to! 


by Videx on 22 April 2010 - 09:04

Gary Gray will bring the following:

The template of the Kennel Club breed standard for the German Shepherd Dog (Alsatian)

not the correct international type - not the Alsatian type,

it will be the Gary Gray "MEDIOCRE TYPE"

His presentation will be entitled: "How to make a virtue out of mediocrity"


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