SV website announcement Team Marlboro Jaguar - Page 7

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by Jantie on 31 January 2012 - 05:01

The breeding ban on all of Jaguars progeny MUST be enforced.

It is NOT acceptable for GSD's in the SV-breedbook that their parents have rotten hips or elbows!
The progeny of Tell was banned, so must the progeny of Jaguar. It really does NOT matter where the pups were born!! Try logic!!

I have said it before:

Man hat mich heute mehrmals danach befragt ob Harley nun endgültig aus dem Zuchtbuch gestrichen werden wird. Meine Antwort ist eindeutig!
Es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit diesen Betrug zu ahnden! Die Regeln sowie die Erfahrungen lassen keinen anderen Beschluss zu!

Sollte Harley im Zuchtbuch eingetragen bleiben, bzw. NICHT gestrichen werden, dann spielt der SV ungestraft russisches Roulette mit der Gesundheit des Deutschen Schäferhundes.
Desweiteren sind wir dann auf die Prozesse der Besitzer aller Tell von der Rieser Perle-Nachkommen höchst gespannt.

Wir rekapitulieren: Wir hatten es dort zu tun mit nicht weniger als 63 Hunde im Inland, wovon heute bereits 53 OFFIZIELL aus dem SV-Zuchtbuch des SV gestrichen worden sind, siehe bitte SV-Zeitung von Oktober 2011, und mit mindestens 34 Hunde die zwar im Ausland geboren wurden, aber ebenfalls gestrichen werden sollten, wenn sie denn nach Deutschland kommen würden, also insgesamt nicht weniger als 97 Hunde. (Lesen Sie dazu unsere Dokumentation in Beilage.)

Rechnen wir pro Klagesumme in etwa 10.000 Euro, sollte sich der Verein jetzt schon einmal warm anziehen und gut überlegen, ob die Beiträge der Mitglieder nicht nachträglich bereits für 2012 erhöht werden müssen, um die Kostenlawine überhaupt bezahlen zu können.

Ich wollte an dieser Stelle die Stellungnahme des Tierarztes anbieten, aus der Praxis wo Jaguar geröntgt wurde, habe aber vollstes Verständnis dafür, dass wir dies zunächst einmal fairerweise nicht tun dürfen, ist der TA ja zumindest jetzt schon Kronzeuge in einem Strafverfahren wegen Betrug. Später vielleicht!

Also, auf gut Deutsch könnte man zusammenfassen: Rüden mit kaputten Ellenbogen bekommen im SV in Deutschland eine komplette Nachzuchteintragungssperre, und es spielt dabei nun wirklich keine Rolle ob der Nachwuchs in Deutschland, Guatemala oder Neuseeland geboren wurde!

Etwas anderes erlauben die Regeln NICHT!

Sollte der Hauptzuchtwart Reinhardt Meyer sich GEGEN die Nachzuchteintragungssperre aussprechen, ist er als Zuchtwart nicht länger tragbar und hätte in dem Verein der eine gesunde Zucht promotet nichts mehr zu suchen. Er würde sich gegen die Zuchtordnung  und somit gegen eine saubere Zucht kehren.

Please feel free to translate!
You all have a nice day now!


by Rik on 31 January 2012 - 05:01

Is Harley born in Germany.


by Miro on 31 January 2012 - 08:01

If Jaguar was not the father of top dog,no one will look at hips and elbows and no one will wright about this dog at all

by Mackenzie on 31 January 2012 - 10:01

Jantie writes "It is NOT acceptable for GSD's in the SV-breed book that their parents have rotten hips or elbows!” and, I would extend that to any other health problem that is detrimental to our breed. Breeders must take into account all the factors behind any animal that is to be used for breeding and consider whether they be either prohibited from breeding or used sparingly. It does not matter where the dog is born if it carries with it anything that is any way harmful to the GSD. That is just common sense.

Breeding is not just about following and using the current successful animals. Many of these are placed because they are to be sold and the money people can get a better price for the dog. Corruption!!

To be successful a Breeder must have a good working knowledge of the breeding families and the qualities that they transmit whether they are from Germany or any other country. Unfortunately, health problems are kept behind closed doors where only a selected few are aware of the problems. For example there is a top male from the last Sieger show who has four well known epileptic producers behind him. These males were not from Germany and they were all active and producing epileptics around the same time. With this knowledge a prudent, genuine breeder would investigate whether this problem has bred on before actually using the dog. This type of information may take some time to find because of the secrecy that surrounds the problem. Readers please note that I am NOT suggesting that epileptic progeny has been produced by this dog.

It is not right that the SV and other governing bodies in other countries hold themselves out as having high values when the fact is that they turn a blind eye to what is happening. Worse still, when they are made aware and, the speed at which these matters are dealt with, the outcome is alarmingly slow in being published. If they do nothing then historically most of the problems go away and everything returns to just “business as usual”. Perhaps the time is coming in the breed where an “Arab Spring” is around the corner.



by Videx on 31 January 2012 - 16:01

Perhaps Jantie and other could at least TRY and read the SV announcements 1 & 2 VERY CAREFULLY. 

It is after all what matters and until they have made their final decision pre-judging should be avoided.

When the SV have made their final decision, it may then be the appropriate time to make criticisms if you do not agree.

Kangaroo court mentality from any individual should always be IGNORED and avoided. Jantie appears to hold his own Kangaroo Court regularly.

Generalities may be appealing, however ALL the specifics about each individual case are supreme and what matter.

by paulo on 31 January 2012 - 19:01

Better a whistleblower than letting cheats get away with a fraud that may have a genetic knock on effect for generations.


by Videx on 31 January 2012 - 20:01

paulo: Your comment as usual illustrates limited understanding of the key apects of the subject under discussion. Generalisation as usual, you should consider the specifics of this case.

For example: Some people consider that the crime of murder is the same for anyone who kills someone and deserves the same punishment in each and every case. A simplistic generalisation which is not worthy of civilised society.

Each and every offence should be carefully considered on its own facts and evidence. Not with simplistic generalisations.

Sue Worley

by Sue Worley on 31 January 2012 - 22:01

sorry David...I have been talking to the people in Germany who had Harley, and reading all on here, the bottom line is that this is WRONG, in any way shape or form it is UNFORGIVABLE..please don't tell me that you think that it is ok...yes, we have to wait to see what descision the SV come to, but that doesn't change what has happened does it ??? Also in amogst all this hiddeousness is a dog who has done no wrong to anyone , unfortunately his elbows weren't his where is he now, and what is his future and also that of Harley and the others, they all seem to get shoved to one side in the grand scheme of lining lovers... I don't think so!


by Videx on 01 February 2012 - 00:02

I have NOT said it is right - I am simply pointing out those with RESPONSIBILITY should be allowed to CONCLUDE their decisions on this matter, especially in respect of Harley.

Too many people without any responsibility with regards to this problem and making the decisions, go straight in with their CONCLUSIONS, even if they fail to know or understand ALL the Rules & Regulations, especially with regard to dogs born outside of Germany.

Simply put: let us await the final decision of the SV. Organisations cannot make instant decisions in the manner of individuals with NO accountability to the Organisations Rules & Regulations and the Members.

It is clear a wrong has been done, the SV have stated that. However there is clearly a need for the SV people responsible for such matters to give further consideration. Which again they have made clear in their 2nd announcement.

Barackroom lawyers (and there are many) do not impress me and never have and never will. The normal problem is they don't even recognise themselves as one.

by Jantie on 01 February 2012 - 05:02

Hi Sue,
You said: "the bottom line is that this is WRONG, in any way shape or form it is UNFORGIVABLE.."
And you are right!
Now David Payne, Dog1, Silbersee... may time and time again try to undermine my credibility, call me names, write lenghty comments of how wrong I am...
In the end, it doesn't matter.
I am the Assange of the GSD-world, and I'm getting things done. Things that in the past you would never have heard about.
I have brought the facts into the open, people didn't let me. (At first.)
And I am telling you what the (only!) decision must be.
The progeny of Jaguar must and will be banned, no matter what.
Why? Because we care about health in the breed and because it's the only ethical way to treat this matter!
No matter how they twist and turn and toss around here on the forum with words and clouds of distracting nothings!
WE, the members are making the decisions! WE are the basis of the Club.
The SV-members will not tolerate unhealthy breedings and fraud.
So we enforce the decision, David Payne!
WE, the backroom lawyers.
We'll take you beyond "impressed".

Follow up on me, my next paper is in the making.
See you all soon!

Never anonymous,
Jan Demeyere
B-8570 Vichte


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