LEO says why Mali's are better than GSD's - Page 2

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by Ace952 on 21 November 2010 - 01:11

Oh and I forgot that he told everyone that Mals have twice the working life compared to GDS's.  He said GSD's have a st5reet working life of 4-5 years while Mal's or 9-10 years workability on the street?  Is that correct as well?


by Rik on 21 November 2010 - 01:11

I was involved with the GSD for many years in probably the weakest organization in the world for h/e production. I did not find 40/50% h/d in the GSD. Just my experience.

This LEO, if he is paying $10,000, for dogs, then they are at an age that h/e have been evaluated. Where does he come up with the 50% h/d in the gsd. It is not true.

As for the mals he buys, who is so foolish to pay $10,000 for dogs and find out later that 20% have h/d.

He is just parroting what he is told. The KNPV GSD has no trouble finding a place in the working world.


by Bancroft on 21 November 2010 - 02:11

If we are talking about a dog for the street, IMO KNPV dogs as a "breed" are superior to the best of our working line GSDs. They better in bite power, athleticism, health, tenacity and toughness and if givena  choice, I would prefer one of these. I do not agree that they are particularly difficult to train, but you have to know what you are doing. The Dutch "way" is not always the best way.

Pirate Lair I suggest you expand your horizons and speak to someone like Mike Suttle, better still work one of his dogs. KNPV dogs come in different shapes and sizes but 45kg Mali and Dutchies are not uncommon.

This is sample of a championship I attended this year. I only seen a few GSDs that can match these dogs maybe the odd gem here and there but overall very few and I have worked GSDs for 20 years.



Pirates Lair

by Pirates Lair on 21 November 2010 - 02:11

Expand my Horizons?

I believe you may be mistaking a Sport dog profile with Police dog work which is what I commented on, No KNPV dog is going from the training field to the street to work in apprehension, patrol or tracking without specific police training.

My SVV1 GSD can track as well, sport tracking and actual man tracking on the street are as different as Sport Dogs and Police Dogs.

With all due respect,  this is just my opinion

by Bancroft on 21 November 2010 - 02:11

All dogs no matter what their background undergo retraining for the patrol work. What is your point?

You seem to have a lot of opinions about tracking. Have you ever trailed a man? My dog has a bit of problem tracking a trail across streams, care to tell me how I could solve it???

Like I say, please expand your horizons. I admire your enthusiasm, but sometimes it is better to learn than to type. JMHO.

Pirates Lair

by Pirates Lair on 21 November 2010 - 02:11

Sorry, I'm not good at these Forum games so have a good night

Kim Moore

Uber Land

by Uber Land on 21 November 2010 - 03:11

I have personally seen a 35 lb female Mal take down a helper at the South Central regional Schutzhund trials a few years back. 

I've also seen video's of guys high on PCP pick up 80-90 lb male gsd K9's in choke holds and toss the dogs to the side.

I like to see a dog hit with full body force and speed.


by Slamdunc on 21 November 2010 - 04:11

It's all about the dog and not the breed.  Mali's can be great as well as Dutch Shepherds, but they are not all great.  There are plenty of GSD's that work just as well.  It really depends on the dog. 

I like all three breeds for Police work and I have seen good and bad dogs in all three breeds offered for sale.  When we evaluate dogs it is about the dog and not the breed. 

Ace, your guy in your original post is just offering his opinion, which is rather limited and narrow minded.




by ronin on 21 November 2010 - 19:11

Mals and xDH are great but far from perfect, like the GSD. I don't like any K9 going in at full speed/force as operationally the risks are too great; send the dog across a garden at night and then wonder whats behind the dog (Greenhouse,Garden Stakes, tools etc) and the bad guys will move, will fight, will attack, the big KNPV leaps are great on YouTube, the smaller Mals achieve take downs through speed, not power. Seasonedd K9 will come in at ground level unless the opportunity is too good to miss.

KNPV training is brutally cruel, not referring to electric more the physical beatings the dog has to take as corrections. Only 1 in 5 Mals that start training will ever get a PH title, 80% of those that get a title are considered to "too social"or lacking civil drive. Of the small number that are left the Dutch Police will cherry pick the ones they want (large size dominates) and then re train them for Police work. The majority of K9 work is tracking, this is none existent in KNPV, also the bitches are neither worked or titled generally and are not held in the same regard as the males.

For all the culling, crossing breeds, brutal training there is still only a small number of successful dogs produced by dutch standards. Yes Mals work longer, GSD's are finished by 7yrs, Mals go closer to 9-10yrs.Mals are cheaper and healthier.

The $10000 price tag is mostly unique to the US, we buy our K9's from good Working Lines (Tiekerhook) and pay six  or 7 hundred dollars, I do hear stories of working pups going for a $1000. In the UK working dogs are cheaper because of the continent being near but we won't pay big prices and they are difficult to sell due to small demand. Only 2000 Police K9's.

As an optimist the Mal is the best thing that has happened to the GSD, it gave us a kick in the ass, and a bench mark, we must not be drawn into an arms race with the MAL but use it as a healthy baseline.

I wish someone could do something with the Rotts working qualities!

by sting369 on 21 November 2010 - 20:11

Ronin, I liked your post.  It held my interest and was well written.  To be honest not a lot of internet forum posts can do that for me.  So congrats. 


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