German Shepherd Dog Female for sale: Dark bicolor female (id: 304706)

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Avoiding scams

German Shepherd Dog - Female for sale

Dark bicolor female

Sent by majoruvhaj

Czech Republic   CZ ←→ Posted from Czech Republic

Updated: Feb 05, 2025 04:58 AM (inserted 4 days ago) -> 155

For more information please email -

Dark biclolor 2 years old female. She is very active, lively and happy with a balanced temperament.
She is used to being ordered around by a child.
She is suitable for family watching, breeding.

She has a quality working pedigree, his ancestors own top ratings at the Czech and World Championships.
She loves fetch, ball, ring. The father is a German stud.

She likes contact with people and children, is used to other dogs and can live both in the house and in the garden.
She also enjoys cuddles from family members and is a guard dog at the same time.
She likes to drive in the car very much. He loves water.

Leads the blood in the pedigree.
Bubbi Majoruv haj - ZZO, BH, ZM, ZVV1, IPO-VO, IPO3, FPr3, UPr2, SPr3, HD 0/0, ED 0/0
Xarka Majoruv haj - ZZO, ZVV1, BH, IPO-VO, IPO2, FPr1, SPr1, HD 0/0, ED 0/0
Ängsbacken's Rosso - World Champion, Multiple World Champion - 2nd place, IPO3-WUSV "Sieger" 2007
2.Platz WUSV-WM 2006 in Randers/Dänemark
SCH3, BHP3, IPO 3 fin. FCI 08'7.
Index vom Münzspiel - IGP 1 282 Punkte Gesamt SG, IGP 2 286 Punkte Gesamt V, IGP 3 276 Punkte Gesamt SG.
K'nox vom Tollhaus - IPO1 31.03.2018 99,93,97
IPO2 15.04.2018 99,93,97
IPO3 28.04.2018 99,96,99
IPO3 26.05.2018 99,95,99
IPO3 19.01.2019 96,96,98
IPO3 22.04.2019 93,98,100
Bolle Ja Na Ka - 2X BSP Sieger - IGP3, 2X WUSV Participant, 1st place WUSV Team Member

Dark bicolor female


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