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by susie on 01 October 2024 - 17:10

I haven´t been posting for a very long time - live changed, focus changed....

I guess all of you whitnessed that Germany is no longer the number one in breeding and selling German Shepherd Dogs to the United States any more.
Most ads on this forum are from Serbia, followed by other countries from Eastern Europe. These dogs are pretty cheap compared to the costs you have to pay for dogs from Germany, France, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, or other West European countries.

A lot of you bought and still buy dogs from Eastern Europe for several years now, and a lot of you already sold, bred, and sell puppies out of those East European dogs.

In case these dogs you buy/you breed with did show their working ability did proof their health in your home country - no problem...Just go on, stop reading, my post doesn´t affect you.


A lot of the dogs you buy and breed are NOT bred by the original German breed standard, those dogs are either not titled/koered at all or their titles are not earned according to the German/VDH/FCI rules -
they are just dogs, looking like GSDs, in the best case bred out of real DNA proofed GSDs.

For us ( Western Europe, in my case Germany) it becomes more and more difficult to raise, title, breed GSDs according to the rules, whereas breeders and trainers in Eastern Europe successfully do find ways to circumvent the same rules...

The result?

Dogs looking like GSDs, but NOT BEHAVING LIKE GSDS ANY MORE! Nice looking pets, not more, not less...

We ( in my case Germany ) already lost, but YOU are able to go on, YOU are able to save this outstanding breed, it´s up to YOU!

You want to breed REAL GSDs?

Don´t believe in written titles
Don´t believe in written health certificates
Don´t believe that proven (?) parents automatically produce good puppies
Worst case:
Don´t believe that untitled/unproven dogs out of proven (?) dogs are able to produce GSDs according to the standard.

At the end of the day you are the one who has to look into the mirror, and you are the one who has to decide if you want to save the most wonderful breed of the world, or if you just want to make fast money...

Take a look at the dog in front of you, and than ask yourself, if this dog is worth to be bred according to the GSD breed standard.

In case you think your dog is worth to be bred, go to a club and ask for a second and third opinion.

In case they are enthusiastic, go to a vet and test for HD/ED once again.

In case this is okay, too, start your breeding program and be proud of your dog!

Otherwise - love your dog, give it the best live of earth, but don´t breed it!

by Auslese on 02 October 2024 - 13:10

What you say is sad but true Susie. But what is sadder yet is that this board is board is all intents and purposes dead as far as GSD fanciers are concerned. Not even one post about the BSZS this year. Nothing abut the BSP or the WUSVV Weltmeisterschaft. Nothing about what is going on at the SV or the GSDCA or UScA.

Your post is the first one in a long time like the old days. I check in here at least once a week hoping I will find a topic of interest but there is not anymore. All of those who used to be regulars are gone and no longer contributing. I guess it is time to find another forum to discuss GSDs but I have yet to find one...


by susie on 02 October 2024 - 14:10

Thanks a lot for your response!

I, too, still check in once in a while, but I don´t find anything of interest according my breed anymore.
I tend to take a look at the ads, too, and I hate to see all those ads about

- puppies out of untitled parents
- "females in heat", not titled, not koered, not old enough
- untitled stud dogs
- pregnant bitches, neither titled nor koered
- missing / questionable health tests

Dogs like this don´t even get a pedigree in my country, they are given away either for free or for a small fee, they are on the same level like mutts.

And it´s not about bureaucracy, it´s because people over here know that puppies out of proven/titled parents do increase the chance to breed puppies according to the breed standard -
still no warranty, but a real chance.
Later on the offspring needs to show its own health and working ability....

To achieve all these titles/health certificates is expensive and very time concuming, breeding "just German Shepherd Dogs" because they are out of dogs looking like German Shepherd Dogs is much easier and way cheaper.

In my personal opinion people fall in love with the GSD not only because of its look but because of its versatility and overall working ability that no other breed does show.
That´s why people want to buy / own a GSD...

If I want a nice looking breed, there are enough breeds and dogs out there; if I want a German Shepherd Dog, I want a dog, able to work, able to protect me and my home, stable and sound.

For the breeder it´s about responsibility, it´s about knowledge, it´s about sincerity.


by susie on 02 October 2024 - 14:10

No posts about BSZS, BSP, WUSV Championship do show that people don´t care about the breed standard, don´t care about working ability, don´t care about bloodlines, don´t care about health, don´t care about genetics at all any more....

It´s about money plain and simple-

If I pay x money for a female I need to get out y puppies to make money.

by GSDHeritage on 02 October 2024 - 18:10

Not all members check or read the Latest Posts.

Members are not even reading the reason members can't enter dogs now send PM's to Admins to question this.

by GSDHeritage on 03 October 2024 - 17:10

Susie,  The Admins did work on deleting and marking dogs not proven to be purebred GSD's on the PDB.


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