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by beetree on 02 November 2016 - 18:11

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

...Add all this up, and you get 26 out of a possible 44 Benitos. In the fascist derby, Trump is a loser.

Haven't you heard, Mexico is paying for the wall, lol. I don't see it happening myself. What's the point when there are already so many tunnels!

Also, the woman card isn't the reason for not wanting a Hillary president, no matter how many times it is said by the recently very, very worried. Keep strumming those key chords attempting to deflect from the negative issues plaguing Hillary at this, the final push.

I really thought she had it in the bag!  But, now? I just don't know! One thing I will say, is I never heard of Pence before Donald picked him, and by golly, I think he made a real great choice. He certainly brings some much needed balance to the whole package.


by Noitsyou on 03 November 2016 - 01:11

The difference between the negatives associated with Trump, such as the facts I posted, and the negatives associated with Hillary is that the Trump negatives are based on facts, the Hillary ones are not. Like I said, Trump supporters and Hillary haters are irrational. This is why some posters here and almost all of the ones on another forum get so angry at me. They know they can't support their beliefs with facts so they resort to crying and complaining. If this forum were like the other one I would have been banned.

Woman card? Yeah, seeing as how Trump supporters are bigots at best and racists at worse (they are either birthers themselves or birther apologists) and how they have no problems with how he talks about women, I would say that playing the woman card is not exactly wrong. When you hear the language they use with regard to Hillary it is clear they have an issue with women. The C-word is thrown out. The B-word is thrown out. The T-word is thrown out. It's like "racial" slurs for women. The buttons you find at Trump rallies should be an embarrassment for an adult to wear but his supporters aren't easily embarrassed, like their candidate. For example, "Life's a bitch don't vote one" or "Hillary sucks but not like Monica." That's the intellect, or lack of, that Trump appeals to. Then you have the claims that Huma and Hillary are lovers. I don't call these people bad however as I understand where they are coming from, unlike Trump who just knows how to use them. It's just sad that they are being used by someone to feed his ego.

And claiming deflection is weak for two reasons:
1. There is nothing to deflect. The supposed crisis is simply irrational people thinking that emails somehow equals something bad. Oh my god they found emails!.....And?
2. The claim of deflecting is itself deflecting. Deflecting from Trump's birtherism for one and how that was/is a racially motivated movement. We go from the first black president to a man who questioned that president's citizenship.

by Noitsyou on 03 November 2016 - 01:11

And that article grading Trump's fascism does not do Trump any favors. If Mussolini is at the top end with 44 then Trump with 26 is still more than halfway to being Mussolini. And this is a 26 in 2016, not the 1920s. I mean, if the best thing you can say about Trump is, "well yeah, he is a fascist but it's not like he's as bad as Hitler or Mussolini," then I think you already lost. One problem with that article is that Hitler and Mussolini weren't at their worst until they were in power. Trump is still a candidate.

by beetree on 03 November 2016 - 14:11

if the best thing you can say about Trump is, "well yeah, he is a fascist but it's not like he's as bad as Hitler or Mussolini," then I think you already lost.

Weirdly enough, I am not competing about anything, so losing is darn near impossible. Typical response from you though, that even facts from a left leaning, biased source* must be challenged. Why? Might it just be the messenger?

by beetree on 03 November 2016 - 15:11

It sure takes a matching amount of hubris equal to Hillarys' own, to make this statement:

...Hillary haters are irrational.

There is plenty to consider that wilts the angel wings attached to her by those blindly accepting the Dem party marching orders and written script. The insistence that the group think commonly seen here, has sole ownership of reason is evidenced by the very compartmentalization made famous by Hillary's staunchest supporter and best role model for president, Bill Clinton.

It is this self same trait, that drives the insistence that it seeks only certain facts, ignores actions shown that consistently seek diversions around laws, and even speaks to how laws can ignore personal ethics. It is a short term defensive mechanism that has its uses. As a longterm strategy, it only creates the living of a lie.

I just heard Obama say, when "She (Hillary) makes a mistake, it is an honest mistake." So, the fact that she— with all her experience in controvery within politics is carelessly and consistently unconcerned about following laws, and can't form a personal opinion on a strategy of policy that is consistent, as in having the same private stance that equals a personal stance on the most important of issues, is an "honest mistake", is really just one of the saddest statements of all. 

So, what is it that binds the blinded ones here, so much that the dangled promises that can't be sustained are sipped greedily like they are nectar from the gods? I am accused of something blinding me that mysteriously y'all see, but me, so kindly be specific and explain what is that, too? 

by beetree on 03 November 2016 - 15:11

Five days to go. This race is getting as close as the Cubs and Indians in the 10th inning! Oh, and to think I just couldn't stay awake to see the winning runs. I tried, I really did.


by GSDtravels on 03 November 2016 - 16:11

by beetree on 03 November 2016 - 17:11

Consider that the author is Matt Gertz, let us speak of bias, too. Isn't bias a lie in itself?

Media Matters bias rating is Left.

Apparently, the FBI's interest was peaked because of the book, "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story Of How And Why Foreign Governments And Businesses Helped Make Bill And Hillary Rich is a 2015 book authored by Peter Schweizer." That much is true. That there was disagreement within the higher ups and the field agents within the FBI itself, is true. Oh, yeah and the rift with the DOJ. Are we even surprised that here again, is  a Clinton controversy theme, with Bill's improptu tarmac meeting of Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

In life, it is observed that within every rumor there is often found a grain of truth. Keeping aligned with that truism must have motived the FBI to investigate. Here is something with a bit more substance to read:

by beetree on 03 November 2016 - 17:11

I just figured it out — One would need to write 3.71 emails per minute, for 365 days a week, 8 hours a day to create 650,000 emails.

WOW. Working hard, got it! That didn't even leave time for bathroom breaks!


by Hundmutter on 03 November 2016 - 20:11

THEY ... ARE ... NOT ... ALL ... HILLARY'S ... E-MAILS.


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