GSD kill's 5 year old child - Portugal - Page 1

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by AnaSilva on 06 September 2015 - 16:09

Another tragedy ... Thumbs Down

A German shepherd dog, kills a child that, they say, he was accustomed to play ... For me this is pure negligence! do not let a dog, even less one tied to a shed, alone with a child of that age!

When will people learn?! Sad Smile

Here is the original article This is what it says: (put it on google translator so sorry if it has mistakes)

"German shepherd kills five year old Dinis was playing in the backyard, near the German Shepherd bit him in the neck. Dinis Duarte, five years, usually played with the German shepherd breed dog that was in the backyard of grandparents, about 50 meters of housing, near the town of Ribolhinhos in Castro Daire county. Yesterday afternoon, the grandmother, who used to watch the games grandson, was absent for a few minutes and the dog attacked Dinis. When the grandmother arrived by 16:15, Dinis was lying on the floor vanish in blood. The worst happened. The dog, who played every day, bit him brutally in the neck. Immediately they were driven means of rescue. The Fire Department of Castro Daire initiated several resuscitation maneuvers, but they could no longer save the child. Deaths were also declared on site by the medical INEM. Throughout the afternoon, dozens of people came to the room to try to understand what had happened and could not hold back tears. "What a tragedy. How does this happen?" Asked Sandra Monteiro, the child's godmother. "The dog threw it to him and caught him in the neck, a vein, and already nothing could do," added the familiar. The grandmother, who took the child's account, since the mother is emigrated, was in shock and had to receive psychological support from INEM professionals. "Grandma never let go. He had a love and appreciation for the unique grandson," said neighbor Jose Almeida. The German shepherd was with the family for about six months. The Protection Team GNR Nature and Environment visited the site and the canid was taken to the kennel. with P.G"


by AnaSilva on 06 September 2015 - 18:09

Just two weeks ago, we went with Becky to a dog show, Becky does not participates on this stuff because she is not "show line" so even there people were looking at us like we were some type of alien... This show was just next door to me so we went to take a look (I really love dog and this shows are a chance to me to meet breed's that I don't normally see) and took Becky with us to improve her social skills in a different environment with lots of dogs and people.
It was really badly organized and there was very few space to the public to watch so we saw a friend that was showing and passed to the breeders area to watch the show in peace.
Becky is not very friendly to small children, she is very uncomfortable with then, up until 8 or 9 years old, but she simply ignores then.
We were watching the show, minding our own business when a couple um a little girl, about 5 or 6 years, stopped next to us. It was like in the movies, like slow motion, the girl just slapped Becky's nose!
Becky is training to react to aggression to her or Flávio, of course Becky reacted! The luck was that she was so surprised that she had a "WTF?!" moment... And it was enough for Flávio to pull her and get her away from the child... If we were been treated like aliens before imagine then "Clearly "work lines" are way to aggressive" or "Oh dear... she is not only not a pure breed but she is also aggressive"... Flávio did the right thing and used that situation to train her control and forced her to behave. But she spend the rest of the afternoon reacting with to much interest in every small child that passed by. And surprising us all (NOT) most child are even less controlled by there parents then there dogs... and in the middle of Best of Group or BIS there was small children running around the ring and sometimes even inside the ring... It was also happening a conformation show of Great Danes and I saw some small girl and her mother calling a baby dog when the handler was trying to put him for judging... If I were the dog owner or handler I would go ballistic...

If Becky bitten the girl that slapped her?! what's then? Is it really Becky's fault?
But we were the bad guys... we had mutt... a cross breed... Next time I will take Mic with me just for then to see the muttest of the mutts :D


by kitkat3478 on 07 September 2015 - 00:09

Von Stephanitz. ...I never met a German Shepherd that didn't love children...
Von Joni...I won't own a German Shepherd that won't tolerate children..not saying they have to love them....but all mine do.
Of course the dog gets the blame for the stupidity of the people...WHO in their right mind lets a 6 year old play by a dog on a chain? Not even for the bite factor, that chain hurts when it whacks your ankle bones.
For the most part, most my dogs loose in the house. When females in heat, some boys get tethered...they do not like the 12x12 kennels.
My 6 yr old granddaughter knows, do not go by dogs while on the chain, they scared of the chain, not the dog.
I am perfectly comfortable with my dogs, all together in house, with my grandkids.


by Hundmutter on 07 September 2015 - 07:09

Young children can be horribly unpredictable around any dog -
which is why the grandmother should not have left the child alone
with the dog ... especially not a dog they'd only had 6 months, and
felt the need to chain up anyway.


by susie on 07 September 2015 - 16:09

No, it´s not Becky´s fault, she is a dog - but in case something happens, nobody will care...
All of us are dreaming of a dog that loves or at least tolerates children-in reality this depends of a lot of factores:
Is my dog used to children at all?
Any bad experiences with children?
For what did I train? ( F.E. a dog that learned to defend its property mostly doesn´t distinguish between child and adult )
Most important: How does the child behave?

A dog that is asked to tolerate children needs to be around children that know how to behave around dogs. A lot of children nowadays don´t know....At the end it´s always your resonsibility = take care every second.

Still laughing about the "mutt" though.  Teeth Smile

by Nans gsd on 07 September 2015 - 17:09

An may I add to this scenario; in the US kids are not allowed to run around loose, neither are the dogs. In fact, dogs not entered in the show are not allowed around the show parameters; they can be a distance away from the show rings or area, but unentered dogs are not allowed near the showing rings...

Since people don't watch their kids and you take your girl to areas where there are all shapes and sizes of children and Becky does not like certain age groups, be very very careful not to take your eyes off her. If a dog bites a kid running around the shows in the US that dog could be banned from the shows for life. Does not matter whether it's the kids fault or the dogs fault, it's always going to be the dogs fault. No matter if kid is a loose monster or not. Why risk it at all. You knowing she does not like certain age groups is to your advantage, keep her safe. Nan


by AnaSilva on 07 September 2015 - 18:09

kitkat3478 my Becky don't really likes children but she tolerates then very well, and with my little cousins if they pic up something to trow she will play with then and enjoy herself. But when provoke she does not care if it is a child or an adult =S it is like Susie says, does the child know how to behave with the dog?

Susie and Hundmutter totally agree with you =S

We are again passing a phase of tv showing how bad dogs are... today was a 55 years woman that supposedly was attacked for no reason when she was riding a bike by a São Miguel Cattle Dog (one of the portuguese cattle/guard dog breeds) Sad Smile the woman is in the hospital in critical condition, a neibor says that the dog jumped the fence and attacked the woman that was passing by Sad Smile another dog that is going to die ... another person that was bitten... Sad Smile


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