Locking pedigrees on PDB is not such a good idea. - Page 1

Pedigree Database

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by Prager on 21 June 2015 - 15:06

Pedigrees on PDB are the main reason I go on this website any more. The pedigree service is wonderfull and very useful tool.
But I have just find out that PDB recently locked it's pedigrees. Including pedigrees of my dogs posted by another party!!!!! I understand why it may be good idea to lock the peds but I would like you to know that there are serious unintended consequences to this action. 

1/I have many times corrected errors on pedigrees on PDB . For example there was several Klara z Pohranicni straz which got often mixed. That is no longer possible .

2/Also if I put on PDB my dog but in his background are dogs which have errors on your website then pedigree of my dog is incorrect since I am not able to correct it. 

3/ also I have found that my dogs (like for example Bady ze Svobodneho dvora) are locked down by people I have no idea who they are and even the picture is mine yet Bady who is layuing by my feet just now is locked down by some "Gunner05. Thus if I want to make any changes of further titles of my dog I am unable to do so. 

4/ also if someone puts my dog on a PDB with false info then I too am not able to correct such error. 

That is very disturbing to me. Like my dog Bady ze Svobodneho dvore who is fully owned by me for many years but locked by Gunner05 with e mail ChrmngEclipse@aol.com but I do not know who he is yes I guess I can contact this person about MY DOG and ask him or her to allow me to update data of MY DOG. . This is tedious unfair and if the person refuses then my dog may be presented in incorrect way like w bad hips and so on even so he has good hips.

5/Also I do not have time to go and check on my dog's pedigrees all the time to see if who ever registered my dog on PDB did post correct or incorrect info unintentionally or maliciously. end even so if I discover such pedigrees of my dogs posted by other people are  not accessible to me since I did not placed their pedigree on this website.

 Prager Hans 

Western Rider

by Western Rider on 21 June 2015 - 15:06

Prager it was made necessary for the pedigrees to be locked.

Here is the thread that expolains all you need to know so that you may add dogs see that corrections are done and to be able to edit your own dogs.


Sorry I cannot make that a clickable link but you do know how to cut and paste it so you should have no problems You will also find the Thread on page 2

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 21 June 2015 - 15:06

All wrong, Hans. You are able to correct all problems plus have the added benefit of no one else being able to change your dogs without asking permission. You have even admitted why it is a GREAT idea to lock pedigrees numerous times in your above post. But I am guessing it escapes your conscience to why we had to do it.

Now after reading all that is wrong with pedigree database, I am going to go enjoy fathers day and leave you to figure out how to change YOUR pedigrees. Maybe someone will come along and drop you a bone but again they may let you wallow in your loathing of PDB.




by jc.carroll on 21 June 2015 - 15:06

Yeah, I'm not a fan of locked pedigrees either. Very disappointed in that decision, honestly.


I would've rather that changed were allowed, but then had to go in for review before being approved. That would've been a better way.

I added a ton of dogs to the Parson Russell and Jack Russell databases. God knows how many. Several hundred terriers. I can't say for certain there weren't errors, especially since further back some of those dogs were only known by a single name on the pedigrees. It would be nice if people could submit a correction to the pedigrees I added. 

There could've been a few people designated as "pedigree reviewers" who would get alerts in their inbox saying: "new pedigree submission for ____." If the changes were approved by the reviewer, then the reviewer could select to make the changes live. If they weren't approved, then the reviewer could select to deny the submission. 

There are a few folk here who are very passionate about lineage. I know there are different breed forums, but I'm sure there are a few folks in each breed who'd be willing to be "pedigree reviewers."

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 21 June 2015 - 16:06

I tried to put that very system in place but Oli didn't want it.

Instead he went in this direction.

The thing is is when this whole system gets put into place all any member will have to do is click a link to edit a pedigree and we will get a notice that the member wants to change the pedigree. A reviewer is going to do what? Look at some information (the change) and then decide if it is okay? The reviewer is going to go off the change being submitted by the member and just approve it unless it sticks out like a sore thumb. In a sense what really does that accomplish?

I have said this before, once the whole system is in place anyone will be able to ask to be a breed editor this will give them the editor rights of every German shepherd, poodle or terrier in the database, there will even be a few members who have global editor rights which is every pedigree.

by joanro on 21 June 2015 - 17:06

Will the real names of the 'breed editors' be made public? Could be conflict of interest with some applicants.....


by Prager on 21 June 2015 - 17:06

I understand the reason for all this . No need to atack  me. I am just trying to understand how to deal with it since my dogs are locked out.  I also was not aware of the other thread. Thus I am sorry to create parallel thread.

 I have these questions:
 1/ Sorry I am from analog age and the terms obvious to most are not obvious to all- which unfortunately includes me  What is beta? 

2/ If you switch the dog in my name because he is my dog, like  my dog Bady ze svobodneho dvora, then I can still not change errors in his pedigree if they involve dogs in his background. Like adding pictures, hips evaluations and so on . Correct? 

3/ you mentined that some may be edditors of peds.I have fixed many pedigrees here. How could I be a such edditor?  


by Prager on 21 June 2015 - 17:06

GSD admin you say that : "You are able to correct all problems..." I am not trying to be samrt ass but can you explain to me how? I mean step by step. IIn some manual . I do not see how to do this. I do not even know what is "bate" you keep mentioning on the other thread. All I now see and know is that I am locked out of peds of my own dogs because I was not the one who created them. Jinopo whose dogs  am in charge of here   were in past  entered here by scores o f people I have no clue who they are.  There are 10s if not hundreds of such dogs here. I am unable to update then or correct them....sinc i am lacked  out of most  of them. 

 Again I am not btching and I do understand that scubbacks are destrying this tool and then need to be stopped. It is shame though the the conb\venience is gone.  

Prager Hans 

Western Rider

by Western Rider on 21 June 2015 - 17:06

Go here There is also topics on this on previous pages



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