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GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 13 April 2015 - 16:04

Are you talikng to me, hnt? Because she can target me all she wants, although that would go over like a lead balloon.

by joanro on 13 April 2015 - 16:04

You will catch more flies with sugar than vinegar. Tis true my friend.
Yet you condone her language and support her on these two threds, I did not ever insult her or speak rudely, not even with her nasty attitude. You agree with her and her attitude, fine. I find her obnoxious towards every person who didn't tell her what she wanted to hear, and you are laying the blame for her hurt feelings on me? Like I said, for her sake, byb rock, let's give a big cheer for byb and who gives a crap about the quality of life for dogs...she's the new voice for pdb. Not only is she rude and obnoxious, but she was caught in lies by several people, playing victem when in fact she was the aggressor.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 13 April 2015 - 16:04

Boy those abuse reports keep piling up on the locked thread. Joan if you want to argue you are going to have to find someone else to argue with you, good luck. Because you are not going to get it from me.

by hntrjmpr434 on 13 April 2015 - 16:04

Yes, admin.

I don't believe she is specifically targeting you, I think she is directing that threat towards anyone who disagrees with her unrealistic tirade.

No one attacked her as a person, there were just issues with her actions.

She has lied, manipulated other posts to seem like a victim, and has been quite rude on several occasions, but that is okay because she is new?

Sarcasm from myself and others is deemed rude and awful, but she is nothing but an ahole to people who don't agree with her.

She is new on PDB, not to the world of dogs. It would be different if she didn't know better about the importance of buying a dog from the right breeder, but she herself speaks of extensive experience. I personally would not have been harsh on her if she was truly a new person, but she is not. I feel as someone with her amount of experience should know better.

Both CKK and the OP(same person IMO) on this thread are regurgitating incorrect information, and using the fact that she is a newcomer to a forum to justify and excuse her actions.

by joanro on 13 April 2015 - 16:04

Nope, I just don't like being blamed for something she was doing. Iiwii

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 13 April 2015 - 16:04

I wish she would target me. Listen I know all to well about being new here and saying the wrong things at the wrong time. I just think there are better ways to tell someone that they shouldn't support BYBs. I am somewhat in agreement with the message just not the style the message was delivered in.

I am not hung up on BYBs or pros I pick the dogs I like and if one comes from a so called BYB, it is what it is, I have also bought dogs from pros and sometimes there is a fine line between BYBs and pros. IMO.

I tend to learn more and retain that info when someone is being helpful in a constructive way and I tend to rebel against those who can't educate in the proper way. It is what it is.

by joanro on 13 April 2015 - 17:04

'No one is saying youre bad for wanting a pet. After all the issues you had with gunner, how do you know for a fact it was environmental and not genetics? Specifically looking to get an oversized gsd and bred by your previous dogs breeders, while not knowing where the temperament issues originate is not so great. If you could get another gsd that is representative of the breed, go get one like your female...she is looks like a nice dog, and you say she is a good.
Stop supporting breeders on Craig's list and maybe, if nobody will buy their dogs, they'll stop breeding them.'

Gsdadmin, I'm not looking an argument, but would you please tell what is so horrible and 'driving' newbs away about my above post from her other thred? Because that represents my suggestions to her. I think is damned if we do, and damned if we don't. From now on, people asking for advice here can rely on what's left. I think I understand Gustav's motive, now, so I'll join him and others like workingdogz, I don't have anything more to offer the breed through this site. I'll just lurk like the rest of the breed enthusiasts. And smh. PS, especially, now knowing that you support byb as well, no wonder this obnoxious newb is in your favor. Happy trails.

Hired Dog

by Hired Dog on 13 April 2015 - 19:04

Dear Admin

I very seriously doubt that the person/s you asked to contact you will do so. I do believe you have a "smoking gun". The reality is that the vast majority of people want validations for their opinions and fantasies, not actual answers and a few days a go, one of the Admins here said that people are drawn to these forums because of the drama and such they create...absolutely, dead on answer by that Admin. I am a big fan of the great General, George Patton who coined the phrase, "if you tell them dirty the first time, they will listen", take care!

by Nans gsd on 14 April 2015 - 02:04

Get along lit'l doggie...

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 14 April 2015 - 03:04

"Gsdadmin, I'm not looking an argument, but would you please tell what is so horrible and 'driving' newbs away about my above post from her other thred?"



It isn't really about my perception, now is it? What I perceive as bad maybe you don't. This person felt attacked that is the bottom line. This person loved their dog and to me where it came from is a moot point.



If they don't contact me soon they will lose their account and any other account they may sign up in the future.


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