Hovawart - Page 1

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by seeofred on 24 October 2013 - 18:10

For some reason I have a feeling that this type of dog played a bigger role in creation of German Shepherd...what are your opinions?



by Hundmutter on 25 October 2013 - 02:10

Nah, seofred, I for one doubt that.  The 'history' refs to the
Hovawarts background are decidedly dodgy, and anyway
its one of those breeds 'recreated' after the end of the War,
more or less from scratch, so what exactly went into its genetic
make-up is cast into doubt.  [More likely there was a little GSD
introduced to the Hovawart rather than the other way around, lol.]

The GSD, conversely, is a 'created' breed and its origins quite
well documented.  From a time when there were not many 
Hovies around.  And they aren't mentioned by Von Stephanitz.
So it is extremely unlikely that much Hovawart blood was in any
of the various German sheep dogs that were used to create the

But for me the clincher is that when you meet Hovies, they
really are not 'like' GSDs in temperament.  They are capable of
the same 'guarding' characteristics, but the resemblance ends
there so far as I have seen. A lovely breed, but not a patch on
the Shepherd for intelligence and adaptability. 


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