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GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 13 December 2012 - 20:12

Moons wrote: "The three million dollar question is....... who decides what is treasure or what is only trash?"

The TOS, established rules and finally just like in real life someone to judge what is within the rules and what is not.

Moons wrote: "Everyone please be nice."

lol, exactly.


by Ninja181 on 13 December 2012 - 21:12

I think the key to deciphering information posted here is to have first been an observer.
Anyone who has been around for a while and read most of the threads usually knows whose information is worth listening too etc. and who doesn’t know didley.
Unfortunately this doesn’t help a new poster at all.


by AUBS47 on 13 December 2012 - 21:12

True said Paul, very true


by rtdmmcintyre on 13 December 2012 - 23:12

The internet has always been a crazy thing.  It is like drinking alcohol it removes inhibitions, it does this because for the most part people don't know each other and there is a lack of consequences for a persons actions.  What is the worst that happens?  They get banned from a particular board.  They simply move on to another.  Those who try to be polite are usually looked upon as being weak.  I can be a very nasty person if I so wished, but that is not whom I wish to be.  My choice, not because of consequences, but my choice because I want to be able to look at my self in the mirror at the end of the day and know that I have treated others as I wish to be treated.  Today's society doesn't have the same standard of acceptable conduct that it did of 40 years or so ago.  Then we also have the cultural factors, as well as language barriers.  If people want to bad mouth each other there really isn't a whole lot anyone can do about it.  The only person you can control is you your self.  The Admin.s can only go so far with out being dictators.  They have to try to draw a fine line between free speech and  dictatorship.  If each one takes care of our own house, keep our yards clean the whole neighborhood will be a whole lot nicer.  But in reality there will always be a couple of trashy yards and those will be the ones that get the attention.  So we can either focus on the negative of anything or we can focus on the positive and the benefits.  Each one, our own choice.



by CMills on 13 December 2012 - 23:12

I also agree with GSD ADM-  I think there's alot of times that some of the posters reply or remark to threads more sharply and rudely than necessary.  Many come to this board for information and help, and get themselves raked over the coals. Not necessary!  We are all here to learn and be more knowledgable, and that's what others should offer.

by Paul Garrison on 14 December 2012 - 00:12

Ibrahim....How would you describe many of the posts?  Its funny how I really made a request for folks to be nice. Look at the posts. I bet most would not be said if they were face to face.

Des87.....There is a wealth of information.

Hundmutter.....The problem with things in writing is you do not know the tone in which they were said. Every post I have ever made has been rewarded with insults. It suggests that most opinions and their writers will be insulted.
'BTW  you quoted someone who has a classified ad up to sell a dog,
but he won't post comments on the site 'cos he thinks we are all so         "All so awful"  This is the problem. I never said he said that. It is not nessary to read into what was said. Maybe the buyers are nicer then the posters.
awful ?   SO why is he happy to sell his dog to people who visit PDB ?
Isn't he worried he will have to deal with someone 'nasty' over the sale?'

This is a pdegree database with a forum. Please where does it say to post to the forum to use the Database?

Two Moon.......Who says I understand dogs and who says I don't? The same question about humans. Is this the asshole side of nature? It is not nessary.
The dog is a herding dog. Do you have herding dogs? Do yours bite? Do yours protect? How well?  What do they really do? Would Max like your dog? 
Are you going to come and rescue me? I think not. It seems you do not have the courage to use your real name and hide behind your computer. I will post my address and maybe you can come and teach me to stand on my hind legs.
Here is what I am saying to Two Moons and all of the rest who are like her ( I assume female what self respecting man would call himself that) stop being jerks and start being nice. It might take effort but it will be worth it. Like the dogs you like and I will like the dogs that I like.

Reggie.... I agree

Paul Garrison
1510 N. Grant ave.
Springfield MO.

by beetree on 14 December 2012 - 00:12

Paul, put your address away, no one is going to show up and want you to put up your dukes. You are actually baiting Moons, who is a man by the way. Not very nice in my book at all! Look at the personal insults you flung at him, even though I agree, most times I want to fling something at him, LOL!

It is just funny for some of us when the Polyanna hits the fan.
Wink Smile

I believe in being nice but I just know I am going to have to deal with some real live jerks probably every day of my life. Some are in RL and some are here. 

AND since we are airing our beefs about posting behavior, I really, really, really hate it though, whenever any body uses the "cowardly screen name" argument on these boards, BECAUSE  it is not required, so to me, I really don't care how it makes you feel because I'm not breaking TOS by using only a screen name. 

Oh well, had my say.

Everybody, please play nice now!



by rtdmmcintyre on 14 December 2012 - 00:12

bee I think you misunderstand.  Paul isn't hoping that someone shows up to fight.  but rather hopes someone is in the neighborhood and has some beer to share.  LOl

really though I do understand why some use screen names and some of that is due to how some on the internet act.  You are told all over to be careful about the amount of information you put on the internet.  believe it or not, not everyone out there has upright intentions.

Letsss see my new screen name should be

One who walks with dogs.

J Basler

by J Basler on 14 December 2012 - 01:12

What a good Example Mr Moon

by beetree on 14 December 2012 - 01:12

Reggie, aka 1whowalks(3)dogs, what do you suppose is the favored beer in Springfield, MO?  ......  Wait a minute.... isn't MO, the "Show Me State?"  LOL 


 "I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me."


No wonder he wants to show us his! 
Tongue Smile


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