Politics in the DVG America - Page 1

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by animules on 30 November 2006 - 12:11

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is politics in every organized competition, DVG America included. Here is an example of some of the current DVG America politics. For any that wonder, I am a member of Cascasde Schutzhund Club and was in attendance at the Regionals in a support capacity. I did observe many of the issues brought forth on the second link. Interesting reading to say the least. Original article as submitted: http://www.dogequipment.com/csc/Events/2006regionals/ORIGINAL_ARTICLE/index.htm The politics: http://www.dogequipment.com/csc/Events/2006regionals/index.htm The club website: http://www.dogequipment.com/csc/

by DJThurber on 30 November 2006 - 14:11

Such a shame! We are looing at various avenues of becoming a DVG club.


by Bob-O on 30 November 2006 - 14:11

Animules, thanks for the post as I was blissfully ignorant of what had alledgedly happened in that region. You are correct about the issue of politics rearing its head when a handful of self-important people decide to pat themselves on the back for the accomplishments of others. It's a shame that Carole was a part of this group, as I always kept her in high regard. The D.V.G. membership needs to see articles such as this in order to make corrections to the organization by casting their votes when the time comes. Bob-O


by animules on 30 November 2006 - 15:11

I agree Bob-O, yes the membership does need to be aware. I am hoping by making this information available here it will help get the word out.


by Bob-O on 30 November 2006 - 16:11

DJThurber, I would not allow the issues in the northwest to affect your decision as to whether or not become a D.V.G. club. I think that we will all eventually get past this issue with the election of a few new people. A bit of bad publicity shared by the links in Animule's post does a wealth of good for matters such as this, as it is supported by documentation. We (including me) criticise U.S.c.A. often for similar issues, but no organization is immune from the effect of strong egos once they are in a place where they can effect policies and procedures. As a member of both organizations I belive the membership will prevail and correct this matter in time. Bob-O


by animules on 30 November 2006 - 19:11

This was not meant to discourage new clubs from forming. This was to get information out. Bob-O is totally correct.

by maxi on 02 December 2006 - 02:12

I have read the letter carefully and looked at all of the emails and I have to say that CSC has a bizarre way of twisting the truth. The way it looks to me is that Les Flores wanted total control of the regionals, and if anyone dared to question him he would stomp his feet and whine. The old saying goes that there is two sides to every story, and I ain't buying Les's story.


by animules on 02 December 2006 - 02:12

Maxi, We were at the trial and saw much of what was recorded here. It wasn't Les acting up by any means, or being rude to the members or competitors at the judges dinner and the rest of the weekend. We watched and listened. Les still has our respect, can't say the same for the DVG America "officials". I also find it interesting the only posts you have are related to this. Join under a new name today just to comment on this thread did you? hmmmmm

by maxi on 02 December 2006 - 02:12

Yes., this site was brought to my attention by someone who likes to surf the web sites. Yes, I did join today because I felt that there needs to be a balance to this "story". How about Les booing Mac when he was introduced?????? How sportsmanlike.


by animules on 02 December 2006 - 03:12

Wow, where did you get your information? And where was that supposedly at? Some of the people getting introduced got polite, albeit not very enthusiastic, clapping. Some got very enthusiastic clapping.


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