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by Mindhunt on 26 October 2012 - 22:10

Warning this is a bit of a vent.......What is wrong with some owners???

Out the other morning very early with my 2 GSDs in the front yard letting them do their potty.  We were at the far end of the yard when I noticed 2 dogs come running up the street focused on my dogs.  I tried to get mine in the house before all hell broke loose without any luck (always amazed how fast dogs can move when motivated).  One very large yellow lab/mastiff mix intact and medium lab/pit(?) or boxer(?) mix intact (why would an owner leave mutts intact????) charged my dogs hackles up, teeth bared and that wonderful scorpion tail over their backs.  Four way dog fight on with my neutered 10 yo male and spayed 8yo female.  My calm NO, SHOO, NO, NO, OH SHIT turned into yelling at the others dogs (I am embarrassed to say as my heart rate kicked up so did my volume, not my finest moment lol).  I had the dogs on leashes and I got knocked on my butt after the "dog ball" ran into my knee hard.  My female spit (no other way to describe it) the other dog out and ran to check on me, my male had the other on his back and let him go to check on me.  The other 2 dogs were bleeding from a few wounds and had bled all over my driveway.  I hobbled into the house to check on my dogs who, thank goodness, managed to escape any injuries (which is amazing after going back out to look at the blood on my driveway).  Local public works witnessed the tail end of the fight and contacted animal control.  Later that week during the evening while I was coming back from clinicals, I saw the same dogs running loose in my neighborhood with the owner running behind them 50-100 feet!!!  I turned around because I wanted to video it and found out camera phones do not take good night videos, he called the dogs and took off between houses.  I saw him again this week running his dogs off leash at night so I contacted animal control and they told me that they could do nothing about it because they have one person on at night for the entire county only for emergencies but if the dogs come back and attack my dogs again, that is an emergency.  I understand staffing shortages and such but really, what if this idiot runs his dogs and they come up on some elderly couple with a small dog?  These are not nice dogs.  Ok, done ranting lol


by LadyFrost on 26 October 2012 - 22:10

next time you see them, shoot the owner...


by weitel on 26 October 2012 - 22:10

I'd have to agree with ladyfrost

by beetree on 26 October 2012 - 23:10

I knew someone would say that! 

How about if you stalk him to his home, (wait in your car when you think he'll be night jogging, and get his name and address, (check his mail box when he's not home). Leave a note on his door, or if you can find his number, give him a ring  and tell him about the attack. And that next time, if he chooses to be so careless, and it happens again, you will shoot to kill. You must have a gun, right? I think I'm the only one here from the USA who doesn't have one! So I'll have to say I would never do a lot of what I just said. LOL

Or, tell him if a hair of any of your dogs gets out of place while you are on your own property due to him allowing his dogs to roam, not only will you have A/C and the cops on his ass faster than white on rice, you'll be suing for triple damages and you'll make sure his dogs are euthanized. 

Gosh, did I just say that? ..... Thinking ...!

by hexe on 27 October 2012 - 04:10

...all of which, is why I have a fence.  Even when I was renting, I still put up a 'temporary' one with t-posts and 4' high welded wire...didn't cost too much, didn't cause any permanent changes to the property, and most importantly, it kept loose dogs from getting near my dogs.  It sucks that you and your dogs got ambushed like that, Mindhunt, but now that you know there's an irresponsible jackhole in the area with at-large, dog-aggressive dogs, it's time to visit your nearest farm supply or home improvement store, and get some fencing stuff.  You might not be as lucky next time, and it could very well end up with you and your dogs needing medical attention...


by Siantha on 27 October 2012 - 07:10

LOL i had a similar type situation my dogs NEVER leave my property even in this instance luckly. i do not have a front fence. the neighbors labs (siblings m and f) like to come into my yard and roam around the neighborhood. well after this i havent seen them once. they where up sniffing and probably peeing on my car when i opend the garage to go to work. both of my guys before i could move Bolted out the door like lightning they dont normaly barking their heads off. (there has bin tons of roberys in my neighborhood and so i freaked out thinking possably someone was trying to break into my car and they where going to shoot my dogs) so i go running out with them o.O and this poor lab was running like he had just seen a ghost. this is the same lab that when i tryed to shoo him off my property the week before growled at me. ahh im soo glad it ended the way it did. i love having a Strong recall on my dogs. because i kinda fear my boy would have torn them up if he got to them but animal control does nothing around here but drive around. i caught a boxer saw his tags went to the guys house. hes not home all the fences are locked. asked the neighbors and the dog has gotten out and picked up by AC like 10 times. they just started putting him over the fence... when will they start charging the owner and impounding the dogs.

Abby Normal

by Abby Normal on 27 October 2012 - 08:10

Can I ask you guys from the USA a question about fences?  Whenever I see TV programmes like say Animal Cop Houston or whatever (I know it's not representative, and not going to be showing the best the US has to offer dog-people wise either LOL) but also I've noticed the same with other general TV shows,it seems like in the main, houses don't seem to have fenced boundaries. I heard somewhere that there are city regulations in some cases where you aren't allowed to. Is that the case?

I can't imagine not having our property fenced off entirely. I know in comparison, our land area is probably a lot smaller than most of yours,  does that also have anything to do with it?


by DDRCzechFan on 27 October 2012 - 11:10

Abby, where I live, it is against the rules and we can actually be evicted from our home! Temporary fencing or otherwise, we are not even allowed to have a damn dog run (you know, the portable 8ft. long enclosure).

It is more common than you think, here in the US. Where I used to live, we had to petition the county for the RIGHT to have fencing put on OUR property. OUR YARD, OUR MONEY, and we had to PETITION to have it allowed and not removed against our wishes by the county!


by Sunsilver on 27 October 2012 - 12:10

I would NOT buy a house in a subdivision where I was now allowed to fence my yard for the safety of my dogs.

Where are people's BRAINS?? How do you keep your dog from wandering? From siring unwanted puppies (if it's male)? (I assume you have enough brains to know if your female is in heat, but probably should NOT make that assumption!)  Even a good-natured dog can hurt someone by jumping up on them, and knocking them over!

Our neighbor's lab did that to an elderly lady, and she was lying there on the ground for several hours before someone found her. The owners wound up in court over it!

WHathever happened to COMMON SENSE??

(And yeah, I know that little essay about the Death of Common Sense that's been making the rounds on the net for many years. It's TOO TRUE!!)  Angry Smile

My dog was chained to his dog house for the first 3 years of his life. I promised him that was never going to happen again. If you're a responsible dog owner, and not allowed to put up a fence, a chain is your only alternative...

This sucks for SOOO many reasons....


by laura271 on 27 October 2012 - 13:10

@Sunsilver - We live in a 1920's downtown neighbourhood where there aren't any fences so it looks like one giant park. It's very beautiful but we bought our house before we had dogs. We opted not to put up a fence since it would make us very unpopular with our (excellent) neighbours and Senta is impossible to contain unless it involves concrete, a steel roof, and doubled up welded panels like her kennel (she's iron willed). We are moving to the boonies in Alberta next year so we've just stuck it out here (it's a pain with two GSDs since you have to do everything with them).

I know I've ranted about this in the past but we've had a lot of issues with getting attacked by off-leash small dogs when we're out walking our dogs on-leash. One woman's dog in particular has attacked Bosco and I four times this week (even though my walking route is random). We had a very ugly argument the last time since she refuses to come and get her dog- despite my shouts of "come get your f**king dog". Her 15 lb dog keeps trying to bite my 90 lb dog's throat. It's not funny - Bosco seriously wants to kill the little dog and is very unhappy that he is told to "leave it". I warned the woman that the next time this happens, I was going to beat the crap out of her dog rather than risk Bosco killing her dog (my city has a zero tolerance policy for "dangerous dogs" no matter the provocation). This woman's dog has also attacked my neighbour when she was walking her puppy- my neighbour gave her the same response that I did. Calling AC does nothing - there's a dog that barks hysterically non-stop all day even though many of us have called AC.


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