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by DDRCzechFan on 17 September 2012 - 22:09

So, it's been a busy day, here's why:

Nick and I were driving into town to go to a Dollar General before we left out (needed some dish soap and some other things) and we came up to a stop light at a 4 way intersection. Once the light turned green, out of the corner of my eye (from the right side) I see this little brown blur...I held my breath, I knew it was a dog...She kept running and ran right into traffic. She was struck by an SUV. I saw her body fly and land in a nearby ditch.

In the middle of a green light in the smack dab of the intersection, I opened the door (yes, car was still moving) and ran to the ditch. No, I didn't get hit, people actually stopped traffic with their cars for me to get across to get to the dog.

I was crying as I ran to the ditch...I almost knew what I was going to find. However, I was surprised, she was shivering, lying down there in the ditch but there was no blood. She was breathing and terrified. I slowly walked up to her (I didn't know if she was in shock or what and I certainly didn't wish to get attacked) and she lifted her brown head, looked at me with the sweetest amber honey colored eyes I've ever seen and did something I wasn't expecting...wagged her tail.

I was talking to her, calling her "baby" and "sweetheart", hoping to keep her calm. I kneeled down, pet her head and she gave me kisses on my other hand that was scratching her chin. (By now, hubby and several passer-bys were standing at the top of the ditch just waiting, probably to see if she was still alive. I picked her up in my arms, she didn't struggle, just kept thumping her tail on my side as I carried her to our car.

There was a vet less than 2 miles away, I ran in, Nick carried the dog and they took her right back. The receptionist asked me the usual questions, "What happened?", "How long ago did it happen?", "Are you her owner?", and "Did she have a collar or tags?" I told her I wasn't her owner, she had no collar and I had no idea how I was going to pay to help her, so I offered to come in and clean kennels every day if they would take care of her and give her the help she needed.

After about two hours, the vet came out and reported that by a miracle, nothing short of a true miracle, she only had ONE injury; one of the bones in her tail was fractured. THAT'S IT! I asked if I could go back and see her, he said sure, and she was just lying in the cage and started wagging her tail when I walked up.

I walked back out, asked him how much I would owe, he told me, "Not a dime. You saved this little girl's life, and I can't charge guardian angels." I cried, and asked what he wanted to do with her, he asked if I would take her home and try to find her family or adopt her myself.

Now, she's lying in the crate on her bed, and I'm at a loss for names, though I was thinking Gracie or something similar. Any ideas?

Here she is, sorry for crappy quality, it was with my cell phone:

by 4 mals2sheps on 17 September 2012 - 22:09

ThankYou! you are an Angel and a extra special one for taking her home, How about
"MIRA" for miracle.


by melba on 17 September 2012 - 22:09

Grace or Gracie sounds like a perfect name. Thank you for being her guardian angel. Most would have turned their
head and kept on driving. It's stories like this that renews my faith in humanity. There are still good people out there.



by DDRCzechFan on 17 September 2012 - 23:09

I love Gracie and Mira(cle) both seem to fit her personality! She is a tough little girl but very, very sweet. Going to try to give her a bath either today or tomorrow and then maybe see about some Frontline Plus for her.

Personally, I don't know how someone could witness that and NOT stop and help! It was heartbreaking to see her little brown body flying in the air, I thought for sure she was going to at least have some cracked ribs or SOMETHING!

Thanking my blessings this little girl, apart from being scared, is otherwise unharmed (minus the tail). I will of course try to find a home for her, but to be honest, I really hope her home is here, with me and my husband and the two "kids".

I'll give updates on how she's doing, going to go feed the "pack" LOL


by VKGSDs on 17 September 2012 - 23:09

Karma!!!  *pats your back*  well done!

by SitasMom on 18 September 2012 - 00:09

She is going to be sore from head to tail for a couple of days - same when people get into a high impact wreck. Don't ask too much of her for a while.

She's giong to have a great life.......

Mira is really nice and not very common.........I like it.

by Alamance on 18 September 2012 - 00:09

Thank you!!!!!!!  And that was something like how God gave me my beloved boy dog.  Told him I did not want him for 7 very good reasons.  Well had him for 8 years until he had a brain tumor or somethink like that and I lost him.  Miss him still horribly.  Due to many reasons, he could not do much but be my beloved boy dog.

God was looking out also for YOU and your car and the other people around!!!!  Could have been a really horrible car accident because of her.

She needed you for some special reason and that was the way God had to make it happen and you need her!!!

God bless your vet and you tell him so.  He like so many vets here could have charged you a real bundle!!!!

I really as I told my boy, I did not need him and he did cost me a lot of money healthwise, but he was MY boy and I miss his so.  He did bring me a replacement dog, but this one is not him.

Thank you for risking everything for her!!!


by dogshome9 on 18 September 2012 - 00:09

God bless you, what a lucky little girl that you were there for her and such a wonderful vet Thumbs UpThumbs Up. Thumbs up for both of you.


by CMills on 18 September 2012 - 01:09

God bless you, and what a wonderful vet for not sticking you with a horrible vet bill!  She is your miracle girl, love her!


by DDRCzechFan on 18 September 2012 - 01:09

Yeah, I'll post an ad for a lost dog but personally, I think she is about perfect; right where she is. Thank you all for the compliments, though really, I think most of us from here would have done no less. I have never been to that particular vet before, I thinkit may be worth it to go visit him again. GOODNIGHT EVERYONE, GONNA SEE HOW LITTLE GIRL DOES ON A SEMI TOMORROW!


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