Schutzhund -confusing reaction - Page 3

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by ALPHAPUP on 10 December 2010 - 23:12

yes .. DON is correct  .. best when working with a dog .. work on one factor,  ' one' and accomplish what you want to accomplish and /or  teach what you want the dog to learn ----        that is ... .MORE THAN just a  good commntary DON !!


by micheleambernick on 10 December 2010 - 23:12

Don I agree, Do you think posting a video would help,so you guys could see what i am trying to post,I will get one up. (husband can post one up). I also need to give a little more back round about the dog. We got him from a man my husband works with, He already had his BH when we got him. He is 3 and years old. We have owned him for 1year and 10 months. So all his training from puppyhood was not done with us. Not that I think it makes a huge difference because German Shepherds are smart, imo if we had owned from age 8-10 weeks I think I would be less of a worry wart. My husband on the other hand thinks it makes no difference. thanks again,  


by micheleambernick on 10 December 2010 - 23:12

Thank Alphapup. You really know so much,Are you a trainer? If so wish you lived near me

Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 10 December 2010 - 23:12

I just wouldn't be trying to do obedience while desensitizing him to gunfire. As odd as it sounds, if Alphapup and I both agree, it has to be right. We are usually arguing. But he is right. Your only focus right now is getting him to be oblivious to gunfire and having a fun time and focused on playing with you. I just meant with the video, that I don't know what types of reactions he is having to the gunfire and I'd hate to see you reward his reactions or even his unfocused crappy obedience. If he's that bad off, I'd go a good distance from the gunfire and play. As he shows no reaction, I move closer to the gunfire in another session. We slowly progress and move closer to the gun. A good place to do this is a state park that has a gun range. Start off a half mile to a mile away and work your way closer until you can play with him between the line and the targets.

Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 10 December 2010 - 23:12

Well being a smart GSD has nothing to do with taking a dog over. Getting a dog that is already started has more to do with the foundation they have put on the dog. Hopefully the foundation work was proper and the puppy wasn't mishandled with too much pressure. Styles of training vary and a dog will adapt. Some people don't like pups because they are a crap shoot and others want puppies because they trust in their own imprinting and foundation work. I wouldn't be worried about the dog too much. You've had him long enough to bond and he is yours now. Relax and have fun.


by micheleambernick on 11 December 2010 - 01:12

until we get a video him here is a picture,I know its not much help. I justed wanted you all to see him.Warm Regards,Michele


by micheleambernick on 11 December 2010 - 01:12

One more thing a great big thank you to Don. Every post you wrote is so right . My husband and I really appreciate your knowledge. I will relax and have fun with him.

Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 11 December 2010 - 02:12

Nice pic! Don't thank me, I'm just passing on what's been given to me.

by ALPHAPUP on 11 December 2010 - 15:12

michelle... - to answer you .. i do train canines ..BUT .. every canine in essence teaches and trains me !!! Don in his posts has made me think of better posts that i can offer you . So one thing [ again only one thing/suggestion] - i would do : first .. realize percussions and different sounds dogs percieve.. but none the less .. you might consider a starter pistol or a real caliber handgun to utilize  .. that is for you to decide.. If . this were my dog : .. the principle is : every single time this dog eats, ewvey single time .. the dog does not eat unless this is done  [use food extraordinarily scrumptious ]  .. as the dog is feeding  and as it is in the act of eating , with a person at some far distance [ you have to decide , could be 100 yards at first] , as the dog eats the gun is fired. .. start with this exercise single shot. you want to chage the outlook of the dog . As the dog becomes accostomed and comfortable .. then as the gunshot has become comfortably paired with gunfire ,  the timing converts to : a gun shot fired at a distance then immediately [ within a second] feed .. SO ...  a gun shot immediately feed. .. this dog never never  eats unless there is a paired gun shot[ at a comfortable distance] ... the next sequence is to do the same - gunshot / feed but close the distance [ step by step slowly .. very slowly over time and repetitions] ... the goal .. may work sometimes may not .. but the goal is to have the dog feel , think , change the motivation , such that a gunshot is a  stimulus that brings the dog  to it's need to eat ... now some dogs just don't have a ness stress level [ the genetic makeup]  .. and there again .. " you can't change the spots of a leopard" sort to speak .. and at times ... we have to realize .. you can' t make a dog what it is not. Wisdom is knowing the difference ..  working with dogs takes time and patience !!! do not do to much to fast or you will bring the dog right back to where you started !! playing with you is a good alternative .. as long as the gunfire reaction doesn't overshadow the dogs desire to interact with you ... the need to play may be diminished by the uncomfortableness of gunshot .. you have to read the dog .. BUT this i know ": eventually the dog needs to eat .. a lot more than it will need to play ...  !! " it needs to eat to survive a lot more i reckon than it will need to play !! So again .. i second Don's point of view .. work on  ONE factor. later you can add more exercises to work on the gunfire .. but enough for now .. AP


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