Fast normal with OFA rating - Page 1

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by GSDBrisko on 11 February 2010 - 16:02

Looking at dogs that went fast normal but is also OFA'd as passing....  Anyone know of any, I know they are out there?

by eichenluft on 11 February 2010 - 16:02

I imported a female some time ago who had fast-normal hips - I x-rayed her before breeding and her hips looked very nice - they went OFA Good, 6 years old.  So I would personally go with the individual dog, if you get one with fast-normal hips have the owner x-ray the dog before you purchase it - send to OFA for consultation, I think it costs $30 for an opinion over the internet. 



by GSDBrisko on 11 February 2010 - 16:02

Someone is claiming that 'fast normal" is OFA boarder line, I knwo its not, looking for actual dogs names to show proof...

by eichenluft on 11 February 2010 - 17:02

Fast-normal is basically a lower rating from a-normal, because of some deficiency that is "not quite good" in the a-stamp.  I've heard that it is "the same as" OFA fair or borderline, while a-normal is "the same as" OFA good to excellent, and NZ is "the same as" borderline to displastic.  I think, that is comes down to the individual dog - if I were to consider a fast normal OR OFA Fair dog for breeding, I would get new x-rays and take a look-see before purchasing or breeding that dog. 

along the same lines, I purchased a Schh3 V rated female for breeding - she was a little older, perfectly sound, and had NZ hips.  It was a chance I took, because the rest of the female was super.  Of course I had her x-rayed before I bred her, and her hips were terrible.  I spayed and placed her, and was out a chunk of money in doing so.  Lesson learned - x-rays before money is exchanged when purchasing a dog for breeding.


by eichenluft on 11 February 2010 - 17:02

the actual dog I mentioned who was fast-normal from Germany and went OFA Good at 6 years old was Cora v Granit Rose Schh1.



by Lief on 11 February 2010 - 20:02

I don;t know of any fast normals that did not OFA  I think nochzuglassen would be considered more borderline or iffy. I suggested to OFA  one time to ask people submitting x-rays to denote foreign ratings so OFA could do a study they said ''We would have to take thier word for it''??  I said have them submit a photocopy of the rating that the radiologist reading them don't see.??  Anywho I guess they didn't go for it  ,,..They have a comparison chart on the site but its admittedly a non scientific one based apparantly on nothing


by Justk9s on 11 February 2010 - 20:02

Centra aus der Birkenschaferei,  Imported as Fast Normal.  OFA Good.    4 yrs old.


by sunshine on 11 February 2010 - 21:02

 Galaxy von Ajaye.  I had him X-rayed for his A-Stamp at 18 months and he received A-Fast Normal.  At around 32 months I had him X-rayed in the USA and at the time was told by the vet that he would go OFA Good or Excellent.  He came back OFA Good.

The dogs receive a much worse HDZW based on an A-Fast Normal.  I am not sure what the effect is but there are 9 points difference between my new male and his full sibling.  The difference being, I believe, is that the sibling was rated A-Fast Normal.


by Mystere on 12 February 2010 - 01:02

OFA Fair  is not borderline.    It is dysplasia-free.  It is merely a conformation rating, as Dr. Corley explained it.    I know of several dogs, imported and otherwise, with a-fast normal ratings who OFA'd  Good or Fair. 

Does anyone know of a fast-normal that actually OFA'd dysplastic?


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