Why Do we Own Guns? OT - Page 8

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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 01 October 2008 - 15:10

My son's grade school teacher actually argured that hunting to feed your family was the intent of the second amendment and that it was obsolete due to our progress as a society and we no longer relyed on hunting to feed ourselve's.

This woman who was educating our children believed this with all her soul and simply didn't know any better.

Our educator's aren't educated and we give them our children.

More time is spent on preparing for SAT's than educating.  They don't even teach Government and History the same way they did in my day.

People don't understand half of what they hear on the nightly new's when it come's to law, economic's, politic's, or the market place.  

The dumbing down has worked.

If we ever have to fight for our freedom, I hope our son's and daughters who serve in the military have the sense to know right from wrong and have not been so brain washed as to fire on American citizen's.

They have superior firepower and techknowledgy and we would lose that battle without their support I hope you all know this.  



by Zahnburg on 01 October 2008 - 15:10


  You are absolutely correct that an armed rebellion against the US government could be carried out by the citizens of the US. 

  However, you seem to think that this is a bad thing and an argument AGAINST gun-ownership??

  It is, in fact, precisely what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they created this great nation. 


"What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." (Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Dec. 20, 1787, in Papers of Jefferson, ed. Boyd et al.)


by Uglydog on 01 October 2008 - 16:10


We arent that far apart, you & I. 

However, I believe guns to be the great equalizer.   I wont carry a knife to a gun fight. Or a bat, or fists for that matter. Im brave but not stupid.

 I also think that our government is now appearing to be tyrannical, & not representative of the American people, but Bankers & elitists that rob us blind.  And youre right, the USA hasnt really won a war in 100 years, we still occupy the nations we supposedly 'defeated' & guard their borders (37k on Koreas Border alone)  but not our own.

And actually it is England that has the worst record of war & the distinction of operating the first Concentration Camps in South Africa's Boer War. Heres a little glimpse.

That breaks down to 77 wars England has been involved in Steve O


A Study of War by Prof. Quincy Wright, shows that in the period from 1480 to 1940 there were 278 wars involving European countries whose percentage participation was as follows: England involved in 77 wars in this time.


2 Moons-Good Post

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 01 October 2008 - 16:10


I don't think the founding father's invisioned infra red, drome plane's or satelite surveilance system's.

Or the use of chemical's.

At the time we all had the same techknowledgy... those day's are gone.

The only deciding factor who be the mind's of the servicemen and women and their commander's.

Gun ownership is an illusion of some control, but only a small illusion.    Every army ever defeated had weapon's.

Who carries the biggest stick ??


by Uglydog on 01 October 2008 - 16:10

2 Moons....

The nature of warfare hasnt  really changed in 2000 years. It is what it is.  We are learning that in Iraq & Afganistan, and learned it in Vietnam. And we are being outfought.  They fight a non linear, insurgency. 

Sun Tsu was pretty clear about Prolonged Warfare & Occupation.  

It all comes down to balls & smarts. Not drones or planes or weaponry.  But Boots on the ground killing & not being killed, utilizing guerilla tactics if necessary,  when  outmanned & outgunned..

One Sniper is as valuable as 100 combat troops,  and can inflict sheer terror in them, as Occupation forces where & when the next head shot will come,  & if its their day to die, for a cause not worth fighting..

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 01 October 2008 - 16:10


If it came down to actually fighting our own government the battle will have already been lost.

We as a people need to understand the power we have in unity.     And you don't cut out cancer with a chain saw... you use a very sharp instrument only at the sight of the desease.

If you know what I'm saying.

Very selective procedure.


by Uglydog on 01 October 2008 - 16:10

I see your point Grasshopper.  

 800-1000 political & corporate  families in this nation, hold power over us.

I still believe in the American Patriot.   And once aroused, the government wont last.    I  simply dont buy the 'we're doomed" mantra from the defeatists & pessimists, & will have nothing to do with it, nor would our Founding Fathers.  Thats BS.   Hell, most  US Military are over deployed or are overseas, waging Occupations wondering what in the Hell theyre doing over there, collecting hazard pay & reenlistment bonuses, because theres no work back home. 

Ballot or Stampede, its time for change.

Start the printing presses..with new 1 million dollar Bills for the hyperinflation


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 01 October 2008 - 17:10

Well I agree we're not doomed, but the fear card is being played to make us think we are so this shit can be covered up and blown over.

I think if we did nothing thing's would come around  in time.   The court's need to be handling this and not the congress.

People are too quick to believe what they are told instead of using their own heads and thinking on there own.

I hope Santa bring's me one of those....LOL

by carebear on 02 October 2008 - 08:10

To answer one final time Ugly Dog because you really don't want any opinions except your own and as I stated previously you manipulate all for yourself then resort to insults.  You accuse me of listening to media propaganda then quote the BBC news for what ends I have no idea.  But seeing you raised the  subject of Northen Ireland of which you clearly have no knowledge and being married to a ex serviceman who did three tours in NI all I  can say is the there were no winners, only losers - those innocents who were slaughtered by terrorist bombs and guns - men,women and children all over the world who are killed by guns and weapons you and your ilk are so proud to own. There is only one honest answer for why you own guns as stated already "Because You Can" - the rest is all bulls... so you can make youself feel better and sleep at night.  Ps  I have my banana - anyone seen my organ grinder!!

by Uglydog on 02 October 2008 - 12:10


Facts. Irish Catholics were BANNED by English Occupiers from:

Owning land, Receiving  Education, Taking Custody of Orphans, Intermarrying, Holding political office, Serving in the army, Bearing Arms, Voting, Representing  Parliament, Practicing Law, Using Gaelic, Inheriting land from Protestants & owning a horse worth more than 5 Pounds.....  And you have the Nerve to discuss 'terror', you Hypocrite?

300,000 Irish were Sold AS SLAVES in the Proclamation of 1625 by English Terrorists.  2 links for you to explore.



Millions more Catholics Deliberately Starved in the Potato Famine, by England, the Population cut in half.   BUT YOU WONT DARE DISCUSS THAT, Will you?   Rather, you defend England & are an Apologist for Occupation & War crime.

THe IRA Called in 95% of its bombs.   That was their offical policy, to avoid civilian casualties.   Youre well aware of this. They also killed 9xs the number of British troops by comparison.  Those Killed Deserved Killing,  there were minor collateral damage instances.. 

IRA almost Killed PM John Majors & his entire cabinet in 1991, bombing & Shelling  Downing Street in London.   For this success,  & for running a successful guerrilla campaign, the British were Forced to withdraw their troops.  From 35,000 active troops to less than 5,000 today,  that are deployed to bases only in N Ireland,  due to their Failure there.  And now the Catholics finally have representation in Parliament.

As the BBC reported, The English FAILED to defeat the IRA. It was Successful in Driving back the British. Those are the Facts.  "The British Government has recognised the political status and legitimacy of republicanism through releasing all of the prisoners and through entering into peace negotiations with Sinn Fein."

Because of bravery,  Firearms & weaponry,  Irish Catholics, like me & family living in Ireland,  can thank the IRA for their Freedom..and guns.  A Disarmed society is an enslaved society. A nation of Slaves.


Everything you type in Nonsense regarding Northern Ireland.  I listed facts, deal with them.  You call those that Resist Terror, Oppression & Occupation, 'terrorists'  Rather than those that Are The Occupiers. Typical  English Hypocrite.

I dont mind dissenting opinions as long as theyre based on facts. Yours arent however, & why theyre called out.  And your Husband & his Ilk were The Losers in Northern Ireland,   If you'd like to read the policy of IRA calling in Bomb threats, here you go:

Save accidental detonations 'call ins'  By the IRA were The RULE. 




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