OT: McCain Running Mate: Ringer or Not? - Page 4

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by RatPackKing on 31 August 2008 - 17:08

Dearest Trace, 

Let's look at Ray Nagin. This guy's hurricane strategy went something like this,

"Go to the Superdome if there's an emergency! There's no food, water, or doctors there, but what could go wrong? We could bus people out of here, but we left all the buses on a flood plain! Now, all the hard work is done and all I have to do is sit back and wait for my ‘Mayor Of The Year’ award for doing such a great job handling the crisis!"

Believe it or not, Mr. "Chocolate City" has also encouraged people to rebuild in the same areas that flooded before, even though everybody knows another hit from a Katrina-sized storm would just submerge the city again.

Yet despite the fact that Nagin is to competence what Paris Hilton is to chastity, the citizens of New Orleans saw fit to re-elect him as mayor. So, why should the rest of America get all upset about how Katrina was handled when the people of New Orleans were so unconcerned about it that they brought back the man who was primarily responsible for it?

For the citizens and former citizens of New Orleans who've already moved on with your lives the best you can, God bless you and best of luck to you. But, for the rest of the Katrina victims who are still complaining that America has "forgotten me" two years later, here's a piece of advice: it's time to get over Katrina already.

by horoceo on 31 August 2008 - 18:08

I'm afraid Palin may be a very bad (evil) person, after all, she has been punished with 5 babies.



by trace755 on 31 August 2008 - 18:08

 BUT, Ray Nagin's incompetence doesn't let George "party with McCain while a city drowns" Bush and FEMA off the hook for their part. 


by Ceph on 31 August 2008 - 18:08

They partied for a whole five days?  Really?  Hell...I'm to old for that....McCain must be more youthful than I thought!


by Jenijenjen on 31 August 2008 - 18:08

Ok after Gustav is over, Lets make it a WHITE Chocolate City!
We could even have a White History Month Down Town!
Trace: Everyone was warned to evacuate the area way before Katrina hit. for all the people that did not listen, who’s fault is that???? I would bet the same damn thing is about to happen again. I really don’t want to hear it all over again. If it makes you feel better, then put blame on GWB, FEMA and the State & Fed. Gov.
As for Hurricane Gustav - GET THE F*** OUT OF TOWN NOW  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MCCAIN & PALIN - They will get my vote! (Palin was a good choice)


by trace755 on 31 August 2008 - 18:08

 Cate, I wish people would stop making excuses. When my father was in the military they were called in for Hurricane Betsy and Camille. I am old enough to remember Fredrick and it didn't take 5 days. We had help the next day. They were pre-positioned and within hours made their way in.

During Betsy, LBJ, a leader made his way to New Orleans got in a boat and went house to house.  Not like George who partied at John McCain's ranch then flew over and didn't watch news reports for days.

I know our military is strained. But, there's no excuse for the piss poor response. If you weren't here you don't know. 100 plus high humidity. Most hospitals without power for days. No way to communicate phones cell and land lines down for days. It took a couple days to get a radio station we could pick up. I was lucky the old copper phone line worked for long distance and internet. I was one of the few that had a generator in my neighborhood and Dishnetwork so we could watch the news. This area ran out of gas and diesel quickly.

I was able to email relatives near Tenn border. They loaded their truck with water,can goods and gas for a couple weeks. In my home town, we took it on ourselves to clear the roads go thru our neighborhood checking on each others. But, i'm not dirt poor and wasn't worried about looters. I didn't go to the shelter the government told me to. FEMA knew about the convention center and the superdome and did nothing for days.


For the moron who said get over Katrina, I say get over your moronic liberal conservative bullshit. You types can't get over Bill Clinton getting a extra marital blow job but want me to get over a clusterfuck that resulted in deaths of American citizens. By your tone about Katrina the victims weren't your favorite color.




by RatPackKing on 31 August 2008 - 19:08

Get your vomit bag ready,


"NICE BIG CAKE"..................Liberal media?

I thought I should add Moore is a sick, demented, deranged, son of a bitch. And the Democrats love this guy. The mainstream media welcomes him. Just imagine if someone like Sean Hannity had said the same thing on Fox News about an avalanche heading towards Denver before the Democratic Convention.



by RatPackKing on 31 August 2008 - 19:08


It's tough for me to say that people should just "get over" it already. I mean, we are talking about a massive hurricane and flooding, here. But at the same time, three years should be more than enough time to get your life back on track no matter what happens to you. Will things be back the way they were before it happened? No, and they might never be. But there has to be a return to normalcy that sets in within two years, at least. Spending your whole life complaining about how no one ever helped you out is a sure way to stay right where you are in the world.

The aftermath of Katrina was a revelation for me. I don't think I'm alone.

I watched as hundreds of welfare dependent people poured out of government projects, people with no water, no food, no blankets. They were as unprepared and helpless as house pets. They were furious that no one was feeding them and giving them water - refilling their bowls, one might say.

These people (and yeah, they were mostly black, whatever, it isn't a skin color thing, it's a dependency thing), these people were not Americans. Our American culture is one of self-reliance, independence, and a willingness to help others.

These people are pets, and I would not stand to be a pet. No true American would. It's a disgrace.

And this is what liberals want to turn our entire country into.

RPK....moron to you


by Ninja181 on 31 August 2008 - 19:08

I want someone to list Obama's accomplishments! Hint there are NONE!

Palin has at least run a state government, which in essence is like a miniature country. You basically have all the same problems. Hiring, firing, balance a budget, pass laws, natural disasters etc.

She is the closest person ever on a presidential ticket to being "middle class". She had an unprecedented 80% approval rating as governor. The other 3 bums (and that includes McCain) have an 18% approval rating as US Senators. Where in this country as an executive in the private sector, could you survive with an 18% approval rating???

She appears "wholesome" and is a "breath of fresh air". So far I like her. She is not from the old school Washington crooked, lobbyist-sucking scumbags.

Everyone Sing!

No more pantsuits!


No more pantsuits!

No more pantsuits!

No more pantsuits!

No more pantsuits!

No more pantsuits!

No more pantsuits!

No more pantsuits!

No more pantsuits!

No more pantsuits!


by DesertRangers on 31 August 2008 - 19:08

Funny how the other States effected did not have the same problems?

I have been to New Orleans several times since Katrina and Ratkingpack is correct, many of the New Orleans locals are totally helpless and dependent upon others, sort of like reverse slavery, they don't do anything and want everything given to them.  A year after Katrina employers were begging for help and could not hire enough people, yet all night long the local roamed the streets doing whatever they do all night, I saw this many many nights and it lasted until right before the sun came up, but none of them seemed to want jobs, we were hiring and willing to train and pay top dollars but few people applied.




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