OT: McCain Running Mate: Ringer or Not? - Page 2

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by eichenluft on 31 August 2008 - 07:08

McCain lost this woman's vote when he picked his VP.   I don't like Obama either, but I guess I'll just vote Democrat now.  One less vote for McCain due to this decision.



Vom Brunhaus

by Vom Brunhaus on 31 August 2008 - 12:08

I agree with Yellow Rosie 100% . Johns pick is a very forward & energetic woman.  VB


by trace755 on 31 August 2008 - 12:08

I'm dissapointed in his pick. It's like Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court. McCain picked a right wing hack not the most qualified. She's a typical politician with little experience or track record. The only thing going for her is she's supported by the neo-cons and bible thumpers.

One thing I don't like about Palin. She badmouth Bill Clinton's extra-marital affairs in the Anchorage nespaper. Now she joins McCain. A man that cheated on his first wife to marry a younger,wealthier woman from a politically connected family.  If you are going to preach it - live it. If Clinton is the next best thing to Satan so is McCain.

It's so funny how all the bible thumpers are getting behind McCain now he picked Palin. The same people who 8 years ago McCain called out. The very same people who help Bush spread the rumors to destroy his 2000 run. how can he forget. These religious nuts who spread he lost his mind in Viet Nam, he had a black baby out of wedlock, his evil temper, his wife was a crackhead and so on. It shows how far a man will stoop for power. 

I Don't think Obama is any better or worst and nothing to crow about either. If, these 2 political teams Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin are the best and brightest this country has to offer Welcome to Idiocracy.


We in this great nation should take a hard look and vote our conscience not political party or ideology . Because neither major party seem to have the average working class interest in their hearts. I haven't made up my mind yet. It looks like the last 20 years where I had to hold my nose and vote the lesser of two evils.


by DesertRangers on 31 August 2008 - 13:08

Let's see...Obama running on change.

1. Goes to extreme racist church for 20 years, quite when starts running for President. 2. Friends and does work with Ayers who is a radicial terrorist and still is. 3. Has dealing with a crook who helps him buy his land on shady deal. 4. picks Biden as his VP who is a long time establishment liberal. 4. Has the Kennedys all part of his campaign and is bed with them. 5. WIfe hate America

So what kind f change is he talking about?

2. John McCain is known as the Maverick for standing up to his own party and the establishment. Has high ethics marks.

3. Sarah Palin is also known as a Maverick and stood up against her own party and has high ethics.

So who has the better judgement and is most likely to make change? Obama change is to tax us more and build a socilist or even communist state.



Vom Brunhaus

by Vom Brunhaus on 31 August 2008 - 13:08

Good Post D.R. ------ VB


by trace755 on 31 August 2008 - 13:08

 McCain was a maverick. Now he kisses the religious right, neo-cons and country club republicans asses. Just like Obama kisses the left wingers asses. 

What did the republicans do when the control congress and the white house. The last eight years have sucked for the working class. Whose policies helped Gas triple, food double, insurance cost thru the roof. How many of you have seen your wages increase that fast? The national debt has nearly doubled under Bush. Take a look at whose presidencies have created 90% the national debt. Reagan and the Bush's ran up 8 1/2 trillion dollars during their 20 years. How much did the Carter and Clinton years run the debt up? How much did the stock market go up under the dems compared to the repubs?


That's a fine economic record the repubs have. It's time to get over parties and focus on who will actually put the Nation (us) first in practice not a slogan. Unfortunately, the dems are almost as bad.


by DesertRangers on 31 August 2008 - 13:08


I agree with you except i think Dems are equally as bad if not worse.

Did you see my post a few weeks ago saying the main problem is both parties play the people against each other, telling us what we want to hear(liberal or conservative) then do whatever they want to do. I asked why they sent millions to get a job paying a tiny portion back? It's because they are all corrput and we need need people/mavericks or to get a third party in power. The dems and reps are for the most part corrupt and unless you play under their rules you cannot advance in the party.


by trace755 on 31 August 2008 - 14:08

 No, I haven't been on the board much so I must have missed it. I feel bad for McCain I supported him in 2000 when he ran as a true maverick. It saddens me he has to kowtow to get elected. I know he and Obama have to do it to get elected.  This country is in serious trouble. We have a huge debt, trade deficit and whoever is elected will be saddle with two wars and at-least 400 billion dollar deficits until the Bush tax cuts sunset. We need a combo of Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and Eisenhower. But I don't see that in either McCain or Obama filling those shoes. We need a strong president to promote personal responsibility, corporate responsibility and the wisdom to get us out of endless wars.  

Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 31 August 2008 - 15:08

I don't think McCain could have made a better choice on nearly every level.

No, Palin doesn't have a lot of experience, but she isn't in the good-Ole-boy camp either, and she's a "get things done and done right" kinda gal. I think she will breathe fresh new life into the DC political arena. As long as Palin doesn't foolishly come out hard-line about Roe vs Wade (yes, I will always be a pro-choice conservative) 

I don't think Obama has much of a chance against these two now.  especially if McCain takes advantage of the sad opportunity approaching the Gulf Coast to really show he what he can do in an emergency situation of the magnitude facing the unfortunate people down south. I wouldn't be surprised if his presence at the RNC is via satellite, filmed with him hanging on a line out of some helicopter, soaked to the skin with a family and their pets in his arms, or backing FEMA trailers into the hardest hit areas... while Obama is flying over at 10,000 ft. searching the aircraft cabin for a clean, pressed shirt, promising impossibly fantastic action after the fact.

Once a hero, always a hero.



by DesertRangers on 31 August 2008 - 15:08

To bad Sarah Palin is not running for President. All her talents more than offset her limited experience.


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