***British Sieger Schedule*** - Page 2

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by Videx on 09 August 2008 - 17:08


1. That all WUSV member Clubs hold National Sieger shows each year.

2. All dogs presented in the working dog classes at Sieger Shows will have to pass a working dog test.


by Videx on 09 August 2008 - 19:08

Making mistakes is human. Making clearly avoidable mistakes is incompetence. Not knowing the SV-WUSV rules & regulations & policies for a Sieger Show for 2008 which includes VA grades is ignorance. Not asking the SV for guidance and advice regarding
the SV-WUSV rules & regulations & policies for a Sieger Show for 2008 which includes VA grades, our British Sieger 2008, is stupidity.

Sue Worley

by Sue Worley on 09 August 2008 - 20:08

Has anyone thought a bit further down the line so to speak ..... Dogs that have  parents without koerung are not eligible for a VA grading, remember Karats Ulk, so where do we go now ??? if we are going by the German system that's fine but either all or none !!!

by A Shepherd on 09 August 2008 - 21:08

Are you all stupid, has nobody worked it out yet?  Non sensical , inconsistencies of normal common practice, is what follows when those in charge attempt to orchestrate a tune to suit a specific group of individuals. Like saying we are having a nobbly knee's competition but only thin , bald men over the age of 55 with all their own teeth can enter. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look around to see which 'clique' fits this particular bill.  For those who constantly ask the question why the Brits never move forward, therein lies your answer, we cant even hold a WUSV Sieger Show without cocking up the rules to suit the sacred few.  Another British Farce.



by Videx on 11 August 2008 - 02:08

The DUTCH SIEGER 2008 will be awarding the title of VA (NL) for the first time this year. The rules & regulations for awarding the title VA are included on their website, in Dutch, German, and English. It may have occurred to the British Sieger 2008 Working Group to have a look at them, and maybe even print them for INFORMATION & GUIDANCE purposes, OBVIOUSLY not. I respectfully suggest it is NOT TOO LATE to make changes to the British Sieger 2008 rules & regulations for the Working Dog Classes from which the title of VA may be awarded, and bring them into COMPLIANCE with the WUSV Resolution Ulm 2005. (Resolution Delegates Meeting WUSV Ulm 2005)


by Videx on 11 August 2008 - 02:08

The rules & regulations for awarding the title VA are included on their website, in Dutch, German, and English.
See this webpage:


by Videx on 11 August 2008 - 02:08

DUTCH SIEGER 2008 - English page: http://www.vdhdeplantage.nl/KCM2008_Engels.html


by Videx on 11 August 2008 - 10:08

Perhaps an amended British Sieger Schedule could include the awarding of VA (GB) as just that, including the (GB). Maybe they can also consider printing some of the Schedule/Entry forms in German. The attraction of German entries certainly raises the interest and pleasure of the British Sieger. Next year perhaps French & Dutch could also be added.

The priority however must be ensuring the compliance with the WUSV policies on "SIEGER SHOWS" and applying those policies at the minimum level, i.e. SchH1, IPO1 for awarding VA (GB) - which would attract higher entries, particularly in the female Working Class. If a Korung is NOT required for British Bred dogs to be awarded VA (GB), surely we should allow that. We should REMOVE any entry requirements from the Working Classes that limit the grading to SG. It is a nonsense for dogs entered in the Working classes, with higher entry requirements than the Adult Class to be limited to being awarded an SG (just because of entry requirements), when dogs in the Adult classes, with much lower entry requirements, may all be awarded V. If necessary allow foreign bred dogs without a korung to enter ONLY the Adult Classes (exclude them from the Working Classes).

To test the nonsense of the current entry rules/requirements of the Working Classes, simply go through the Judging process of the Working Class, lets say 20 dogs pass the Courage test and have entered the ring for judging. First you have to place those with NO Koring at the rear, because they can only be awarded SG, and we ALL know an SV judge cannot place an SG in front of a V graded dog. Then the judge must place those entries with SchH1, IPO1 and a Korung in front of the SG group, because they do NOT qualify for a VA (GB) grade, then he places those that have a SchH2, IPO2 or ABOVE, and a Korung, IN THE FRONT group, because these are the only dogs that can be awarded a VA (GB) grade/Title. The initial line up will essentially be THREE GROUPS, the judging almost done by entry requirements.

Then imagine what must be checked by the Judge IF he decides to move one up on movement, if he places one of the SG dogs (predetermined by entry rules) near the front, ALL dogs behind this dog cannot be awarded a V. Then at almost the end of judging, the judge finds out the effect of his placings in respect of the entry rules, particularly regarding those with NO korung, and those with SchH1, VPG1, IPO1, and then he may consider changes to enable him to award some deserved V grades.

Just imagine watching such a farce, and the Working Classes and the VA (GB) Titles will be rendered a Joke. This must not be allowed to happen. A little FORESIGHT will save us all from such a farce at our British Sieger 2008.

by A Shepherd on 11 August 2008 - 13:08

In his posting above I notice Videx felt the need to spell out the obvious to my 'are you all stupid' message in relation to the Farce that currently is  the British Sieger. The most stupid should thank him for taking the time to explain. Now has the penny dropped so you all see the light,  or are you all , still drips in the dark ?



by BRADY BEE on 11 August 2008 - 14:08

Seems like certain people couldn't organise "a piss up in a brewery" LOL


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