Nero v Nobachtal progeny Now What? - Page 1

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by TRUgsds on 31 July 2008 - 03:07

I have read the 100+ comments about Nero. I still don't know exactly how does it effect his pups and now his grand pups and their standing now? Can anyone knowing explain Exactly what it means today? Are his grandkids still going to be used in the future of the Breed?  Thanks in advance


by 1doggie2 on 31 July 2008 - 03:07

There is a date, I am sure someone here can give it out. His progeny born before that date and acceptable to SV standards and would follow with grandkinds from those parents. His progeny born after that date are not accepted into the SV, which would follow with grandkids.

by TRUgsds on 31 July 2008 - 03:07

I know it was back in 2004 sometime the issue and conference on him was held with the SV for their decision.

But today, USA, AKC, those of us with his grand pups.........???  All his progeny since 2004 and theirs?  All pets now? He was a superb dog!


by JOZOLLI on 31 July 2008 - 09:07

1doggie2 is 100% correct.

The Nero progeny born prior to the date of the ban are FULLY accepted by the SV. 

Those born afterwards are not recognised and to my knowledge were never given pedigrees.

We had a litter just before the date (phew) and I have now bred from the best female - no problems with her pedigree, and no problems with her puppies.

Nero sons born before the ban remain at stud too - fully accepted by the SV and appear on the 'Decknarichten' - such as Merlin and Maestro Ostabergerland. And (tho I havent noticed his name in a while) Campino Piste Trophe.

Its still a tradgedy that such a superb male was managed in such a way....., he had so much to give the breed in terms of coat, colour and pigment alone! Our Nero daughter is a lovely flexible female, a great mover with endless energy... and the head shapes and expressions from our Nero line are THE VERY BEST in the kennel.

Of note - the progeny we had from Nero are a'stamp hips and ELBOWS CLEAR!

We would have had no hesitation in using him again had he not been banned.

Until Furbo - no dog has impressed me as much as Nero.

by TRUgsds on 31 July 2008 - 14:07

Thank you for the link Joyce, I had missed that Post, and also thanks for the replies to this post folks.

Nero was bred to my females Grand dam back in Jan of 2004, my females Dam was then born March of 2004. She was then Bred to Orbit v Tronje in 2006 and my girl was born in Nov of 2006. She has a1 hips, fast normal elbows and a ZW of 72. When inquiring of the SV about breeding her, I was informed there were No breed restriction/ban on her what so ever, and so she will be bred in Germany this year. She is linebred on 5 VA dogs and I was so relieved to finally understand the dates and to know she can still contribute to the breed.

I just wasn't understanding the exact dates and why and how there could be bans on some of his progeny when I knew my female was free of any bans.



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