Does Pannus run in the Eichenluft dogs? - Page 9

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Don Corleone

by Don Corleone on 28 March 2008 - 14:03


I can't help it, I'm a Libra.  I have to have everything balanced or my OCD will drive me nuts!


by steve1 on 28 March 2008 - 17:03

This thread is discusting to say the least, now some 81 posts on this which has a good chance of ruining a persons reputation,

People coming on these forums looking to by a Pup will read this thread and give this kennel a No,

When you get on a thread 81 posts its not possible to sort out how it started and what the real reason was for doing it in the first place, because every thing gets twisted in the maze of words

As i said  before if you wish to know the Facts go straight to the Fountain Head not splash it about on a Forum

Its not ethical to do this, not in my book anyway but some people  have no scuples or morals

If i were Molly i would ask the poster of this thread to prove what he has put into print

and the heading he or she has put on this thread tells it all

And this is why i do not like people not putting there real names to a forum or where they come from

To me if you have to hide behind a Non de Plume, then you are not one to be taken seriously and have something to hide


by eichenluft on 28 March 2008 - 17:03

I have asked "them" to prove what they say, of course they cannot - and I have put the facts out there.  HOpefully if people read this thread they will read through and get the facts instead of listening to the rumors.   Or better yet, ask the people themselves instead of posting on a chat list.


by Alte Baum on 28 March 2008 - 18:03

I have to throw my 2 cents in here.  I've known of Molly and had business dealings with her for close to 10 years now.  I really can't understand where all of these crazy accusations and degrading comments about her breeding program come from.  She is one of damn few people in this country that breed, raise and title her own dogs and have taken them to high level competition.  Whether every dog she has competed with is your cup of tea or not, what have you crap talkers got to compare with?  Molly has had in her possession, dogs from some pretty heavy hitters including Tiekerhook, Schwedenbrunnen and several more that I can't recall.  If these kennels trust her enough to let her take their dogs, that says something about her character and breeding practice.  Do you have any idea what it takes to breed and raise good working litters and then attempt to get them into the hands of people that will work and title them?  How about raising a puppy from a litter and then taking it through the program and making it to a national event?  Maybe all of you gripers are really top level competitors from Europe and are coming on here incognito because it's your idea of fun?  If not, I really doubt that any of you have anything up on Molly. 

Mike Williams                                                                                                                                                                

Alte Baum Kennel

by Kandi on 30 March 2008 - 03:03

This is the only time I will post a response to this thread, as I loath posting anything on this message board, and frankly, just rarely have the time. I purposely do not get involved in the "Lee vs. Molly Saga", as IMO, they are BOTH wrong for participating in such BS...but whatever.


I own Hawk V Eichenluft, 12 X SchH3 and IPO3, out of Orkan V Werraland and Arrow v Zuckerberg aka " Adra". On my property, belonging to my son, I also have Miko V Eichenluft CGC out of Bodo V Tiekerhook SchH3 and Glarbo's Gina...I forget her title. I also have on my property two young dogs with Eichenluft bloodline. Hawk has also sired for me 4 litters, and also had numerous outside breedings. Pannus is no where to be found in any dog, period. I also have met many many many Eichenluft "Pups" as we call them, as every year Molly has a reunion were countless Eichenluft owners converge from all over for a 3 days picnic where almost every dog gets to work with the sheep, do agility, try some bitework or show what they already know, swim in the pool,  hang out in the shade, and/or show off any other special talents. You don't get that kind of hands on experience as to what a kennel produces any where else that I know of. On top of THAT, she also has an email list where every puppy owner is invited to join, I believe the membership is well over 100 people at this point...all sharing trials, tribulations, fun stuff, problems, ideas, advice...hard to hide "secrets" with everyone communicating together in that is a VERY active list!!

Yes, Molly has been a very close friend of mine for about 10 years now. I also knew her foundation breeding stock first hand. Zeke aka  Cynnor v Eichenluft was the only dog I ever knew or saw with pannus out of all her dogs. She stayed at my home for a short time once, and simple eye medication kept it in check....she had NO trouble chasing a ball...EVER.

If ANYONE would like to contact me privately with any questions, I will try to respond in a timely fashion....but training, caring for and enjoying my dogs; trialing; raising a family;  preparing for puppies; and keeping up with my home are and will remain a higher priority.

Kandi Jacopino

Canaan CT USA




by sueincc on 30 March 2008 - 04:03

" I also have met many many many Eichenluft "Pups" as we call them, as every year Molly has a reunion were countless Eichenluft owners converge from all over for a 3 days picnic where almost every dog gets to work with the sheep, do agility, try some bitework or show what they already know, swim in the pool,  hang out in the shade, and/or show off any other special talents. " (Kandi)

AWWWWW, that sounds like a lot of fun and is  a really great idea.   Kudos to Molly, I bet everyone has a ball, 2 and 4 legged!


by sunshine on 30 March 2008 - 05:03

A realy stupid Post in my opinion.  God help us!  If Pannus were the only problem in the breed.  Molly, I can't read the whole damn thread because i ain't got all the time in the world.  Thank you for doing all the good things you do for the breed.  You will never have the whole answer.  But at least you breed to the standard.  And for this you deserve respect.




by steve1 on 30 March 2008 - 05:03

There we are, the truth will out,

Kandi. has said it all, Full marks to Molly and her Kennels sounds like a nice caring lady to me who is rightfully proud of her Dogs and what happens atter to her Pups she passes on to others, a rare quality

Those you started this thread need to be thrown off the site for good, and  crawl back into the holes they came out of, Call yourself Dog lovers, you make me laugh, over here we have other apt names for you people without morals of any kind

The sooner you are off the site the better for everyone and i will be writing to the site owner myself



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