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by beetree on 08 November 2016 - 12:11


Benefitted? How so? Anything I so called "learned" negatively from the lefty sites about Trump isn't changing his candidacy nor my decision to never vote Hillary.

I disagree with your statistic commentary. Oh well. NIce sunrise this morning, I must say. I haven't denied his questionable behavior, nor apologized for it, as others hint at or insistently, perceive. I have merely put myself in the position to empathize from his followers POV, in an attempt to bring a perspective not being explored or cared to be understood by those posting, here. I never considered the motive of changing any one's mind to actually vote for him. That would be impossible, now I have stated that twice, for the record.

I either don't do a good job of it or the idea to negotiate the divide, never had a chance.

by beetree on 08 November 2016 - 13:11


You also don't get anything, that's your problem, you think there is something to get.

Teeth Smile I'Il double down on this one. Yeah, I get it. Denial might not be the way to go, to get what I get, though.

He also couldn't afford a billion dollar loss. It doesn't work that way. He may not even have lost any actual cash. Anyone who pays taxes knows that there are all sorts of things that can be written off as losses. The fact he needed to be bailed out by his creditors, the ones who really stood to lose, shows that he couldn't afford to lose a billion dollars

OK, it was equity. Oops. Shoot me. His lifestyle wasn't affected, so I say he could afford it.

It's also interesting how you ignore Trump's views on the 1st and 4th Amendments. It's as if the only bad things about him in your mind are that he says mean and foolish things. Alienates people? Saying you will round up 11 million people is not alienating a group of people, it is dehumanizing and demonizing them. Oh right, the people who will have to deal with getting stopped by the police for suspicion of being illegal Mexicans won't look like you or your kids. The people who will be getting stopped and frisked won't be people who look like you or your kids and don't live in your neighborhood. I don't think alienation describes how they feel or how they will feel. Marginalized, oppressed, victimized and scapegoated might be more like it. And let's not even get into how Muslims, or rather Muslim Americans, or any American who might look "Middle Eastern" might feel. But let's talk about how Trump will regret it rather than how they feel about it. Regret it? He knew what he was saying and who he was saying it to. He wasn't trying to sway Rand Paul supporters. 

I guess it's easy for you to gloss over the birther movement and its inherent racism. The funny thing is that he demanded to see Obama's birth certificate yet he won't produce a letter that says he is being audited. He said he would. He could even release his taxes regardless of being audited. Only the rubes who follow him believe you can't do that. Besides a birther he's an antivaxer and climate change denier. He hasn't shown that he has a grasp on any issue.  

I am not defending Trump. So, no need to go on about anything. I told HM my intent to understand by empathy, how a supporter POV relates, was to understand THEM. Who else was bothered to try? Certainly not a HIllary fan. I don't know about you, but I know many people became vehement and passionate on both sides of this race, and I am not one of those who ends friendships because of politics. The sad thing is, there are people who have lost former good friendships because of the posted FB stances. My friends aren't posting here, so I guess it was worth the effort— to me only.

I don't associate with skinheads, though. And never had an interest in joining boards that encourage those postings. I think you miss that site where you were banned. You clearly enjoy someone to challenge. I know I am a pretty poor substitute compared to the access you had of the pool of cro-Magnons you previously enjoyed.

Since I never was campaigning for Trump , maybe stop fixating on my wimpy little vote? Except who else is there to vent a spleen on?

I also guarantee that when you take into account Hillary's record you ignore, or flat out forget, her record as a senator. Even Trump approved of it. You will also ignore Trump's charitable foundation and its issues as well as Trump University. You really have shown that you are not as aware of Trump's shortcomings as you claim. If all you can hang on to is that he has a potty mouth then you haven't been paying attention. On your list of cons for Trump you leave out a lot of things.

I acknowledged her generic accomplishments, already. You aren't getting more than that, from me. I read about the Trump Foundation issues. His is a different animal entirely as a small Private Foundation. So, not even close to the scale and scope of the Clinton Foundation's bastard child existence. 

His unintentional mistake of an ethical lapse can't touch a hair to Hllary's! The painting that was purchased, was from a charity event where an Artist painted participants. Melania made a bid on the one he made of Trump. The autioneer, as they do at these swanky charity events, actually got Melania to double her own bid! No one else even made a bid. The value of the painting on the real market probably wouldn't top 5K! So, the benefit was for the nonprofit! Giving non profit to non profit isn't illegal. He should have paid for the real value out of pocket and made a straight donation for the rest. The media blew that one so out of proportion, especially in comparison to the foreign country pay to play schemes the Clinton's machinate.

Not even close.

Speaking of potty mouths, a Trump advisor called Hillary a cu*t on twitter. Oh yeah, these are the types of people we want representing us.

I agree someone needs their mouth washed out with soap. I am not a twitter follower of anyone. I opened an account just to prevent some scammer from opening one in my name. I bet Hillary advisers have called Trump some nasty names, too. People aren't very nice all the time, are they?

One more thing, Hillary didn't say no boots on the ground in the context that you mean it. Besides, we already have troops on the ground in Iraq. There is a difference between, as you said, declaring our limits in a war, and going to war. She didn't say she would never go to war (and there are limits in a war, think Geneva Conventions). She was talking about the current state of Iraq and whether we would re-enter that war or get involved in Syria's mess.

I heard her in the debates. She said no troops on the ground. This is Obama doing the troops on the ground, not Hillary. Probably hopes to have it all cleared up for her so she won't have to make a liar out of herself should she win today. Oops. Not being a liar, still, that might be impossible! I didn't say she wouldn't go to war, she just won't authorize a ground presence as was done before in a manner similar to GWB. She did too, say that.

Now go out and vote for Hillary. I sure won't.


by Mindhunt on 08 November 2016 - 14:11

"@Mindhunt Maybe you should just stop trying to guess. You aren't very good at it."

@ Beetree - hahahahahahahahaha, thanks, I needed that laugh. 

No longer aimed at Beetree-----

At this point no one is changing anyone else's mind about who to vote for.  And yes, I think Clinton being a woman does have something to do with it just like Obama being African American had something to do with his treatment.  Racism and misogyny is alive and well.  There are those individuals that truly do not care about race and gender, however, there are many that do care but will shout from the rooftops that it ain't so.  One or the other is going to win and thankfully this election crap will be done and we can hopefully work on getting our country's reputation back since we have become a laughing stock for other countries.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 08 November 2016 - 15:11

All politicians lie, you can't continually call one a liar and never in all these posts have you said Icky is a liar, that is a double standard. You seem to excuse, deflect and condone his numerous lies but want to hang Hillary for her lies. Make sure you proudly tell us you voted for Icky because not matter how much you claim otherwise the handwriting is on the wall.

by beetree on 08 November 2016 - 15:11

Shades Smile @Mindhunt You are very welcome! Teeth Smile ClownTongue Smile I am with you about this crap finally being over!


@GSD Admin

I have never tried to hide the fact I don't care for Hillary nor how I will never care for Hillary. I don't see where I have to say anything about Trump just because I say something about Hillary. 


You won't ever know what I did in the privacy of the voting booth, but one thing is for sure:


An image


Tongue Smile  

I can't wait for the board to start complaining about who ever wins! Whisper

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 08 November 2016 - 16:11

I don't need to see it in the booth, you have made it abundantly clear by your words and posts for the last 6 or so months. And no one said you have hid your displeasure for Hillary but you have defended Icky every step of the way so why call Hillary a liar but give Icky a pass? That is a double standard.


by Mindhunt on 08 November 2016 - 16:11

Beetree, we certianly don't agree on politics but we most certianly agree .....

An image

Yes I voted lol......


by beetree on 08 November 2016 - 17:11

LOL Keep fishin'.  I am not biting.

You should do me the favor and try reading with some better comprehension, as well. You don't want to understand what I have been saying, and well, truth be told, I understand that about you, so, I'm not even the least bit upset about how you continue to mischaracterize my posts. 


An image


How many times does a Hillary hater have to explain why Hillary is hateable to any number of Hillary huggers? Try saying that three times fast!

Did you get the day off or something... finally? Wondering

You can't really be thinking The Donald actually stands a chance to win? Not with Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi showing up and giving concerts for Hillary. Right there... game over, no contest! The Boss can't be fired by Donald, how surreal would that be?

I voted already, you are wasting your key strokes on me! Shades Smile

@Mindhunt    LOL and I keep getting up early 'cuz of Daylight Savings Time, too! Ok, that makes two of us who have voted already. 



by Noitsyou on 08 November 2016 - 18:11

@beetree, you said, "See, also by your next accusations, why I don't like TRYING to explain my tolerance of flawed people to other (flawed) people who rail loudest against biases of all kinds?"

You like to think you are insightful and have mentioned flawed people before and your tolerance for them and my lack of it. Here's something you probably didn't see coming and it shows that you are not as insightful as you think. I don't view people as flawed. Those who you say are flawed I don't see as flawed. I don't think Trump is a flawed person; he is the perfect example of Trump.

As far as losing control of the conversation, that is only you. I don't need to rely on insight to see that you avoid facts. They are like kryptonite to you. That's OK because, and this is IMO, you come off as a bit of a child. I don't view that as a flaw it's just who you are. I get it, you don't want to say who you support even though others have not been shy to take a stand and say who they are supporting. You'd rather say, "nah, nah, I won't tell you." It's fine that you aren't willing to put yourself out there, not everyone can be brave enough to take a stand on the internet with strangers.

I was almost expecting you to say to me, "if you love Sam Harris so much why don't you marry him." But those "jokes" you directed at me do say something about you. Since you want to be insightful I will be as well. You betray a hatred for Harris and his use of science because you don't like facts. He is also someone who accomplished something in life as far as his education goes. You take a shot at me implying that I have some unfulfilled wish to be a professor which gives me a case of sour grapes. This also reflects on you. The thing is my life is not over and I am still pursuing my education so maybe I will be a professor at some point, if that's what I want to do. I'm not looking back at what could have been, I'm still looking forward. You, on the other hand, see Hillary as ambitious and you use that in a pejorative way. Why? Is it because you lack her ambition? Is it because your life has peaked and you are going from washing your kids' clothes to soon changing the diapers of your grandchildren?

Your attacks, I mean jokes, on education and intellectualism, what do they mean? Are you jealous of Harris for his education? Does he speak like someone with too much fancy book learnin'? Is science scary to you because you don't understand it? Are you jealous of my education? Is that an unfulfilled wish on your part? Maybe you could have if only. It's OK though, I don't see you as flawed, I just see you as suffering from middle aged angst and fear.

by Noitsyou on 08 November 2016 - 18:11

@beetree, you said, "I know I am a pretty poor substitute compared to the access you had of the pool of cro-Magnons you previously enjoyed.

Since I never was campaigning for Trump , maybe stop fixating on my wimpy little vote? Except who else is there to vent a spleen on?"

That's pretty judgmental, elitist and mean. It's certainly not tolerance. And you are not a poor substitute.

Who else is there to vent on? You seem to forget that you are posting as much, if not more, than I am. You are posting anti-Hillary comments and pro-Trump comments (yes, you can say you don't support him but you do defend him) on a site where most are pro-Hillary and/or anti-Trump and you think you are not complicit when it comes to the heat that the arguments generate? Your conscious contrarianism is a deliberate provocation. You are venting as much as anyone here. You knew exactly what would happen. You are not the bigger person here, you are just a person here.


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