K9 Cop on Trial for Killing K9 - Page 3

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by DDR-DSH on 30 July 2010 - 08:07

Slamdunc, no offense to your kind, but too many of the police are just stoopid about their dogs. I saw a memorial site on the internet about "fallen K9 officers" and it was pretty obvious that most of the deaths were quite unnecessary, related to bad handling in many cases.. like one dog who jumped out of an open car window and got hit by oncoming traffic while crossing the road to his handler, or one released into a lot of bushes to get knifed to death. How about another one I heard of that was released on a rooftop search and fell to his death. Or the cop who left his car parked with A/C on and engine running while he went in to get a few drinks... AC got clogged with dog hair? and dog died of overheating. That one got prosecuted. Most of the time, this kind of carelessness is covered over.

I remember well the sheriff cheapskate bastard who bought a pup from me, many years ago and let it drink from a puddle in a parking lot.. strangely green, that puddle. When the pup was dying of liver failure, he wanted me to come over and take a look at it, so he didn't have to spend the money / time to take it to the vet. Ten o'clock at night and I came out, to see if anything could be done, not knowing the history. I've seen liver failure before, and saw the classic signs. Dog died. NICE breeding, too. The sheriff was well paid and needed for nothing. No excuse for that.

Let's face it.. most police are just Joe Six-Pack kinda guys in uniforms, which makes them glorified nothings. Most don't know much about anything in particular, and not much about dogs. I've seen them showing up at training classes with severe fly strike on their dogs' ears, too.

How many police K9's get dumped when retired? That's one of the dirty little secrets, isn't it?

Ufo was a dangerous dog and anyone who was on the inside track back then knew it. You obviously weren't, and would have a hard time finding anyone around anymore who was. I mentioned Ufo to Walter Martin, who was a speaker at a local dinner event, as he was serving himself coffee, and I thought he'd drop his cup, his head came up so fast, and eyes bigger than the saucer he was holding.


by DDR-DSH on 30 July 2010 - 08:07

Schaferhunden, or LaPorte? Which is it? 
Your writing is so terrible and rambling, it's hard to make sense of. I won't even dignify your questions, accusations, or whatever they are with an answer.
I washed that line out a long time ago, as did Martin Steffen (Fiemereck kennels). The entire bloodline had a bad reputation. If you go only on the behavior of one family member, with no understanding why it occurred, then you'd have to kill or sterilize the Nobel Prize winner or brain surgeon because he had a horsethief in the family years ago.
If you want to deselect yourself from the gene pool for bad temperament, go ahead, and send Sock Puppet the "Bobbit kit" when you're done with it. You'd be doing the human race a great favor!

You want to twist words, go ahead. I can't stop you, so knock yourself out.
Again, this is an event that happened way back in the mid 80's, so what is the relevance now?
Is La Porte a conjunction of your last name and Port Charlotte?

by Schaferhunden on 30 July 2010 - 11:07


Posts: 770
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2005 01:23 am
Hello, all, once again!  Steve, you are really amazing! I don't think that I have EVER seen any writing so long and so seldom punctuated. I am just making a light-hearted jest, not a put-down, so please don't take it that way. I have a friend who does the same thing. His emails are like a "string of consciousness" sort of flow. I have heard that this is a habit of some Native American people, and as a matter of fact he is Lumbee Cherokee. Anyway, Steve, you made a comment about the mouth being to a dog what a gun is to a policeman. I will take that a step further... The mouth is to the dog a sort of all-purpose feature of the anatomy, and one of the things that it is to the dog is A HAND!! Think about it.. Dogs have NO other way to grasp anything as we do. Not only do they not have any opposable thumbs, but they have no moveable fingers. Someone pointed out the same thing to me once about parrots. What constitutes a "bite" to some people might really be a friendly or exploratory grasp. Personally, I like a lot of types of dogs, each for different reasons and purposes, and I believe that there is a theoretical perfect home and lifestyle for every dog. We may not be able to connect with it, but it could be there, if we could find it. I am a big believer in proper matchmaking when placing dogs. There is no absolute formula or chart for that, but an intuitive person who knows dogs and people very well can do it, in most cases. A "shit" dog to one person is a treasured life-long buddy for someone else. My Ufo would have been a perfect dog for me if I was guarding a very dangerous outpost all alone, maybe in a war-zone, and wanted a dog that would kill any intruder, no questions asked. In that situation, a dog like this might be invaluable. But he would still require an absolutely expert handler who was almost glued to him, as Steve said, eating and sleeping together. No off-time of his own, and very frequent obedience training sessions to reinforce authority in a ritualized manner such as the canine kind do! I have to tell you a funny little anecdote about my Ufy-poo! After I had him subdued and muzzled, and I was initially handling him.. two or three times only, he made experimental growls with me, to see if he could get away with it. I had a good-sized chunk of hardwood broom handle in my pocket for just such an occasion, and when I heard that, it came out immediately to give him a very sharp, HARD crack across the muzzle! No warning, just WHACK!!! Each time he did it, the growl was softer. The last time it was almost inaudible... But I have good ears, and I heard it! WHACK!!! If dogs could cry, it would have brought tears to his eyes. That broomhandle section had been used once on him to ride him to the ground, with him between my knees and the broomhandle passed under his collar and twisted like a tourniquette. I was willing to do it, again, if needed, but I never needed to. Just as hard as I was with him, I was extremely gentle, kind and thoughtful towards him when he was good. It didn't take him long to figure out that he should behave with me. He was the most obedient of dogs, after that. But only with me. He did try to challenge my daughter, once, but a shout from me immediately stopped it. He really gave me that, "Oh, Shit!..What did I do"? look. LOL The dog was very intelligent, and predictable, but ONLY if you understood what you were dealing with and laid down the law real hard. I just wish you all could have heard his last, pathetic attempt at assertiveness, his "tiny" growl. It was almost cute!

by Schaferhunden on 30 July 2010 - 11:07

TRASH Janice Bartmess = convicted for abuse/neglect.......although she will say it was AR activists and write novels defending the abuse. http://www.pet-abuse.com/cases/8106/CA/US/

by Schaferhunden on 30 July 2010 - 12:07

I remember well tI remember well the sheriff cheapskate bastard who bought a pup from me, many years ago and let it drink from a puddle in a parking lot.. strangely green, that puddle. When the pup was dying of liver failure, he wanted me to come over and take a look at it, so he didn't have to spend the money / time to take it to the vet. Ten o'clock at night and I came out, to see if anything could be done, not knowing the history. I've seen liver failure before, and saw the classic signs. Dog died. NICE breeding, too. The sheriff was well paid and needed for nothing. No excuse for that.from me, many years ago and let it drink from a puddle in a parking lot.. strangely green, that puddle. When the pup was dying of liver failure, he wanted me to come over and take a look at it, so he didn't have to spend the money / time to take it to the vet. Ten o'clock at night and I came out, to see if anything could be done, not knowing the history. I've seen liver failure before, and saw the classic signs. Dog died. NICE breeding, too. The sheriff was well paid and needed for nothing. No excuse for that.

DDR you keep trying to redirect attention to other people not relevant to the threads.It does not work every person on this board knows what you are trying to do.I am sure the cheapskate sheriff  bastard who bought a pup from you caused the pup harm. The pup would have lived just fine if it would have been left in your care to eat and drink it own urine and feces in the bottom of the crate.

how about Mel Gibson


by sueincc on 30 July 2010 - 12:07

What everyone needs to remember is that DDR-DSH Has no  first hand knowledge of what goes on with K9s or their handlers these days.   She has no involvement, and is talking out of her ass.  Janice is not crazy as a shit house rat, she IS the shit house rat. 

I agree Slamdunc, these are very serious charges and if true, that cop deserves to have the book thrown at him.  At the same time DDR-DSH has no room to talk being that she was convicted of abusing her own dogs.  What is also really disgusting is she is such a low life piece of trash she blames what she did on others.  What an asshole.


by Sunsilver on 30 July 2010 - 14:07

The relevant post in that thread is the second last one on page 2.  Just below it, NoCurs says something that should be memorized by every dog trainer and dog training student:

I judge the TALENT of a trainer by how little force they must use to produce the desired behavior in an animal. That's talent. Hanging a dog is not.


by DDR-DSH on 30 July 2010 - 16:07

Sunsilver said it best. Getting the most response, with the least force. But, this sort of method does not satisfy the primitive urges of brutes, who often enjoy the process of dishing out beatings.

One thing I can say with Ufo.. I was the first person to get control of that dog in what was probably at least five years. Also, my correction (the most severe I've ever had to do with a dog, by far), did not kill him.. It let him live.

Unfortunately, Ufo's progeny showed some very disturbing and even dangerous traits, which could not be tolerated in the general public, so the line was abandoned. One never knows until one tries. This was a very promising dog with an outstanding pedigree... (went SG-11 in Youth group, Siegershow, and two years later V-59 Adult class Siegershow) who just didn't work out. But, he did give me a very memorable life experience, which really became more of a right of passage. After that experience, I really got in touch with my primal inner self, and became a very much better decoy. I LOVED, even craved, working dogs, after that. First, I had to deal with deep fears and instincts. The experience to me, overall, was almost shamanic.. which is why I get into the retelling, from time to time.

Did I put that stranger on the floor after he was bothering my very young daughter and then "accidentally / on purpose" copped a free feel on my boob? You're darn right, I did! The thing is, that it happened quite without thinking or anticipating my own actions. THAT is the part that freaked me out, because I would not normally act out like that. But, was it completely unjustified? I got groped hard in the crotch by some groups of drunk men in Spain when I was there for the running of the bulls, age 19. I hauled back and punched one of them in the kisser, so hard his eyes crossed and he went down to his knees. Then, I got the hell out of there, while his buddies tried to get him back up. So, I guess I might have it in me. I have a lot of restraint, but maybe I should just justify my actions the way that cops always do when they shoot some poor bastard to death or break all the bones in his face, or shoot or kick a dog to death.. "I felt threatened".

Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 30 July 2010 - 16:07


Are you ready for that intervention?



by steve1 on 30 July 2010 - 16:07

Sam Spade
If i was at my club and i saw someone treat there dog in such a manner they would be in one or two places, In Hospital or in a bodybag, and i would use whatever it took to do it,
The Guy deserves his time in jail and i hope there are some Dog Lovers in there with him to give him a little party every now and then, but not the sort he may expect


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