Pedigree Database

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Sample photo gallery

Dylan vom Haus Hugelland - Dog: Dylan vom Haus Hügelland

This is "Dylan" at almost 7 month old...

7 months old...Almost 7 months old...Almost 7 months old...7 months old...Almost 7 months old...Almost 7 months old...Almost 7 months old...Almost 7 months old...Almost 7 months old...Almost 7 months old..."Dylan" at 7 weeks old...Still in Hungary..."Dylan" at 9 months old..."Dylan" at 9 months old..."Dylan" at 9 months old...


The Importance of Titles, Health Screening and Breed Surveys on Breeding Stock

The Importance of Titles, Health Screening and Breed Surveys on Breeding Stock

Historically, dog shows and other related events were developed with a very specific purpose in mind – to select and recognize those dogs with the best breeding characteristics, in order to guarantee the future health, stability and vitality of individual breeds. The practice of dog breeding is dedicated to this purpose, and dog breeders have a responsibility to do what is best for the breeds with which they choose to work. 

  • Organized Sports for Your Dog

    Training your dog is a fun activity for you and your dog! General training is a basic requirement for dog ownership, but more advanced training can be a fun endeavor.  If you haven’t ventured into the various activities available to you and your dog, you might not realize how many opportunities there truly are.  We’ll take a look at some of the most commonly available options.

  • Questions to Ask a Breeder

    If you have decided on a breed of dog, then probably you have already done a decent amount of research about that particular breed’s characteristics, history, temperament, appearance and potential health problems. Then again, maybe you have selected a breed based on childhood memories of another dog or because a


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