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Siblings list for Sau-Lei
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Djordy White Shepherd Paradise and father: Max (VR 17591)
Mother: Blanca of the First Choice and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
Mother: Deejay White Shepherd Paradise and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
Mother: Hoofprint Utopia and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
Mother: Sheila of the First Choice and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
Mother: Sundance Girl of the First Choice and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
Mother: Taiga and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
Mother: Tara Edelwies and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
Mother: Taras Edelweiss and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
Mother: Wonderbred Lisa Marie and father: Winterpalace's White Masterpiece
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