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Icelandic SheepdogOli's Big Test Bark champion 2016Þetta er comment ....5.3 years ago
Icelandic SheepdogOli's Big Test Bark champion 2016test tvö test 43 12312323 ....9.4 years ago
German Shepherd DogCH (US) Wilva Don's Faust ROM"The Dog with the Niche"
Bred to "niche" with VA1 Axel von der Deininghauser Heide R Litter Osnabrueker Land bloodlines as well as Pfeffer von Bern bloodlines; Faust is line bred on two outstanding producers: Hein vom Richterbach (R.O.M.) 3-4 and Canadian Grand Victrix CH Alfa vom Wormser Weg (Register of Merit) 2-3. He has a tie to SGR 1937/8GV CH (US) Pfeffer von Bern bloodlines through his grand-sire CH Wilva Don Aaron, Sire of four Champions. Faust's Illustrious sire: CH (US) Wilva Don's Nordic was the sire of two 'Select Class'  winners at the 1962 German shepherd Dog Club of America National Specialty as well as the winner of the bred by Exhibitor Class and the second open bitch at this show. To date Nordic has been the sire of four Champions and has a total of 196 ROM (Register of Merit) points from 10 progeny. Faust's Dam, CH (US) Wilva Don's Bikini, comes from a litter of three Champions of record and was the Winners bitch at the 1961 German Shepherd Dog Club of America National Specialty, also placing Select female number five. To date, He is also the grandson of Wilva Don's Leda R.O.M. and 
testing comments ....11.9 years ago
German Shepherd Dog2x VA1 Yasko vom Farbenspiel SCHH3, FHHomepage ....21.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogG Freser Vom Haus Pixner SchH3(SG-BSP) IPO3Correct, Found the information here : ....21.7 years ago


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