Almost Paradise... RIP Beautiful Sweet Tiffany, our San Bernadino OMG girl :( - Page 1

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by marjorie on 28 November 2012 - 20:11

I have been trying to write this since Saturday night, but have been unable to do so, thus far, without dissolving into hysterical tears..

.As you all know, my heart was stolen by Tiffany, the beautiful bi-color young female at the San Bernadino shelter. Her time was up, no one had stepped up for her, and I just couldnt have such a sweet beautiful girl die in that shelter. I used my own money to pay for transport to the east coast, and boarding. Olga picked her up, kept her at her house overnight, and brought her to boarding the next day. She said Tiffany was a good sweet girl that went into the crate, overnight, and never barked or made a fuss.  The shelter had given her a 5 in one shot + kennel cough vaccine  when she came into the shelter, 12 days, previously. Olga took her in for a rabies shot, which she needed for transport, so we were ready to roll. Transport was arranged for Dec 1. 

Olga called me the next day saying Tiffany had a greenish discharge from her nose, and I told Olga she needed antibiotics, as green indicates infection. We got her on antibiotics but the next day Tiffy was running a fever of 105.9. Olga stopped at her house with Tiffany, before going to the vet, and called and told me she was afraid Tiffany was going to die on her couch, she was so sick
:( Olga brought Tiffy to a 24 hr vet hospital. By then, Tiffy's temp had dropped to 105.5 and she had perked up, so we were hoping she could be treated. The vet said Tiffany had distemper- a mild case. She had no discharge from her eyes, had no neuro symptoms, and no cough. I dont know how the vet determined it was distemper. She said she did a nasal slide, but it seemed odd to me that a dx of distemper could be gotten so fast. I spoke to my vet and Julie spoke to her vet, and both said it was impossible to accurately dx distemper in such a short time, as cultures would need to grow out. They said it could have been kennel cough, a sinus infection, or a host of cureable conditions! We called the hospital and they informed us Tiffany would have to leave the hospital immediately, due to her contagious condition. We mentioned that she was already in the office, so it would already have been contaimnated! . We gave them our credit card number and told them we would pay for her treatment, but they refused to keep her. The boarding facility would not take her back, and no one else would take her in due to her illness. The only medical boarding facility was full, so they could not take her.

We begged the vet to at least keep her over night, but they refused. They said we had 2 options- we could take Tiffany back to the shelter, where they would euthanize her immediately, or they could euthanize her at the hospital. Again, we begged for them to keep her, at least overnight, as I know Shelley would have taken her, but they refused to keep her, even overnight! Olga couldnt take her home,and that left nowhere for Tiffany to go. We certainly couldnt put her out on the streets! No matter how we pleaded (and the vet said there was a good chance Tiffy could be cured, without even a major expense, as after 2 doses of antibiotics, her temp was already dropping), yet  they  refused to allow Tiffany to stay the night. With nowhere for poor Tiffany to rest her  head, and the hospital insisting she could not stay, we had no option but to have her euthanized at the hospital. We paid to have her cremated, as we didnt want her thrown out with the trash, ending up in a garbage dump....

Tiffany came so close to paradise- Julie was also so in love with her that she was going to keep her as her own personal dog.  Tiffy's love for life in her eyes, her exuberance and cheerful demeanor, even under adverse conditions, reminded both Julie and I, of Missie T's indomitable spirit. Hard to believe that NO ONE would offer this pretty sweet girl at least an overnight, so her life could be saved. My heart is broken... I am crushed... I dont think I can rescue again- this just pulverized my heart.. The sadness is like a concrete weight sitting upon my chest. I have finally reached the  point where I am crying on and off, not constantly, but I dont think I will ever get over this loss. I dont know how a vet clinic could be in business if they dont want sick animals there! This is just unfathomable to me....

Sweet Beautiful Tiffany, people tell me you are in a better place, but I cannot imagine a better place then being in a home, where you would have been loved, hugged, and safe, for life. Please have a look at Tiffany's video,  tell her you love her, and that her death will not be in vain. I am going to make sure this never happens to a rescue dog again!  It will be called "Tiffany's Law"... I will not rest, until this comes to fruition....

by Nans gsd on 28 November 2012 - 21:11

I too feel just terrible about this whole story;  WTF.  I cannot believe the shitty ass vet's would not take her in give her a couple more days of antibiotics;  possibly an IV and send her on her way when she could travel or safely stay somewhere.  That is just unbelieveable.  Shows you what the vet's are in it for and it is certainly NOT for the sake of the animals.

I guess the volume is so very large they just don't give  damn any more.  Guess our resources need to be better t o accommodate these animals;  seems so senseless to me that a nice young girl just because she picked up something from the shelter had to be euthanized.  Unforgiveable to the vet community.  I hate them.

Well just know she is in a better place and you did everything that you could to help her.  Just wished she could have been pulled out of the shelter immediately and her chances would have been so much better.  Where is the local rescue groups, or did she not pass their testing or something??  As some groups even if the dog bocks at the wrong time sometimes will say the dog is this or that when what it really gets down to is the dog(s) are maximum stressed and given a chance will usually settle down and behave. 

So sorry.  I understand your anguish and despair.  Nan


by 3Shep2 on 28 November 2012 - 21:11

Then it is time we all give this veterinary practice a piece of our mind-if they are not in the business to treat/heal sick animals, they are indeed in the wrong business.  I am indeed sorry that this was the course of action that was deemed necessary and wish that something else could have been found.

For Tiffany.


by marjorie on 28 November 2012 - 21:11

Tiffany was a sweet girl- Olga said she greeted everyone in the shelter lobby, when they brought Tiffy to her. If she was ever temptested, she would have passed with flying colors! There are just too many dogs in kill shelters esp in California! The vets office said Tiffy was one of the sweetest GSDS they had ever seen.


by fawndallas on 28 November 2012 - 21:11

Again the price is paid for by an innocent.  I am so sorry. 


by starrchar on 28 November 2012 - 22:11

Marjorie, I am so sorry. I am so saddened, angry and sick over this. Since when will a vet not treat a sick animal?  I don't even know what else to say...horrible! God speed beautiful Tiffany.  


by marjorie on 28 November 2012 - 22:11

Forget not treating her, which was horrible enough, but not to allow her to stay the night when they KNEW she had no where else to go, she was already in the facility so it was already contaminated just by her entering ( AND she was in the exam room, as well), dooming her to euthanization!!! OMG- I am so upset I am rambling.. rambling sentences- my hallmark when I become upset.. We would have treated her elsewhere, but this all unfolded at 7 pm at night, Ca time and there was nowhere else to take her at that time of night. They were a 24 hr vet!

I was so upset I posted to a thread which didnt exist. thats why a thread says missing topic. sorry......

by Shandra on 28 November 2012 - 22:11

I am in tears... I am so sorry that this happened to tiffany. Damn vet.. they have a quarentine area for parvo/distemper/rabies, all vets do, so what the hell..its not as if you were requesting charity.
This is exactly why I prefer ANIMALS over people...


by marjorie on 28 November 2012 - 22:11

No- no charity- we gave them our credit card number!!!! They just wanted her out o f there, though she was there a good 2 hours, anyway! You want to tell me hte place wasnt contaminated in all that time?? I also dont believe it was distemper, nor does my vet or Julie's vet.


by Jenni78 on 29 November 2012 - 01:11

It was likely a vaccine reaction brought on by a ton of stress and too many damn shots all at once. F that vet. I hope they die a miserable death, alone, with nowhere to go and no one who will take them in. Seriously. 


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