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Pembroke Welsh Corgi - Female
Putnam Oh So Chic
Dam born: 11. March 2002
AKC DN00393808
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
DNA: AKC DNA #V307945
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
AM CH Aubrey Oakwind Armful Of Fun1999AKC DL81551203 HD- Sire | CH (INTL, USA, FIN, SWE, GBR, IRL, EST) Elfwish Leprechaun at Craigycor1998KCSB 4645CK (FIN18251/04)(AKC DL73244301) HD- Sire | ROMXCH Hum'nbird Valedictorian ROMX1994AKC DL517444/02 12-95 HD-OFA: Good WCP-3165G29M Sire |
CH AKC Elfwish Lyleth1991AKC DL35873108 HD- Dam | ||
Aubrey's Victorian LaceHD- Dam | PHC ROMCH (USA, CAN) Aubrey Brookehaven Outlandsh PHC ROM1993AKC DL47652704 HD-OFA: Fair (WCP-2692F24M-T) Sire | |
AM CH Pinemead WatercolorsHD- Dam | ||
AM CH Putnam Dazzling Splendor1998AKC DL75411301 HD- Dam | ROMCH Hallmarks Olympian ROM1996AKC DL64962702 HD-OFA: Fair (WCP-3920F25M-T) Sire | PHC ROMCH (USA, CAN) Aubrey Brookehaven Outlandsh PHC ROM1993AKC DL47652704 HD-OFA: Fair (WCP-2692F24M-T) Sire |
Hallmarks Snickers1994AKC DL51915303 HD-OFA: Fair (WCP-3297F33F) Dam | ||
ROMCH Putnam's Tinker Bell ROM1995AKC DL57775501 HD- Dam | CH Nebriowa Face FactsDL39540403 HD- Sire | |
Putnam's Happy Go LuckyAKC DL40942201 HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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