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Pembroke Welsh Corgi - Male
CH (AKC) Otreks Fool Me Once
Sire Born: 01. April 2000
AKC DL83387403
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
DNA: AKC DNA #V307772
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMCH (AKC) Pentalar Star Struck of Revelmere ROM1997AKC DL71523801 HD-OFA: Good WCP-4376G47M-PI Sire | ROMXCH (GB AKC) Ninacorte Star Caster at Woodhenge ROMX1995KCSB 0518CH (AKC DL61560304) HD-OFA: Good WCP-5243G75M-PI Sire | ROMCH (AM) Renefield Sportscaster ROM1992AKC DL43775203 HD- Sire |
ROMXWoodhenge Sun Maiden ROMX1991AKC DL59400901 HD- Dam | ||
Revelmere SunbeamHD- Dam | GB CH Belroyd BlackcapKCSB 1814CD HD- Sire | |
Revelmere Wish Me Luck of RivonaHD- Dam | ||
ROMCH Otreks Hearts Design ROM1994AKC DL55023901 HD- Dam | AKC CH Aubrey's Heart of the MatterHD- Sire | PHC, ROMXAKC/CAN CH Brookehaven Pfeif and Drum PHC, ROMX1986AKC D532649 HD-OFA: Fair (WCP-915F24M) Sire |
AKC CH Aubrey's Delight of ArielHD- Dam | ||
Otreks Genuine DraftHD- Dam | Vennwoods Golden Fable1985HD-OFA: Good Sire | |
ROMLarklains Master Cameo ROM1986AKC D512834 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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