English Toy Spaniel Pedigree Search

Pedigree Database

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Try to avoid very common words like "vom", "von", "der", "aus", etc.. and stick to the kennel + name for best results

Recently added pedigrees

Snezhnaya Dinastiya Imperator Petr Perviy

Snezhnaya Dinastiya Imperator Petr Perviy

Inserted:1.1 years ago
Male (3242096)
Father: No information about the Sire
Mother: No information about the Dam
Created by Opatska
Father: No information about the Sire
Mother: No information about the Dam
Created by Opatska
Sufferance of haye

Sufferance of haye

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Female (2983758)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs
Bricksclose drave

Bricksclose drave

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Male (2983756)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs
Sorreleigh anna

Sorreleigh anna

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Female (2983755)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs
Badgercourt baron

Badgercourt baron

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Male (2983754)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs
Dolabellas cleopatra stuff

Dolabellas cleopatra stuff

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Female (2983753)
Father: Bricksclose drave
Mother: Sufferance of haye
Created by AB Underdogs
Beau briar

Beau briar

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Male (2983752)
Father: Badgercourt baron
Mother: Sorreleigh anna
Created by AB Underdogs
Moonreed amy

Moonreed amy

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Female (2983750)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs
Kettlestang comet

Kettlestang comet

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Male (2983749)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs
Chilview ann of steadroc

Chilview ann of steadroc

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Female (2983748)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs
Clarburgh art

Clarburgh art

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Male (2983747)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs
Craighaar charisma

Craighaar charisma

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Female (2983745)
Father: Kettlestang comet
Mother: Moonreed amy
Created by AB Underdogs
Steadroc sker

Steadroc sker

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Male (2983744)
Father: Clarburgh art
Mother: Chilview ann of steadroc
Created by AB Underdogs
Maesyddrewen quest of follybreeze

Maesyddrewen quest of follybreeze

Inserted:4.2 years ago
Female (2983742)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by AB Underdogs


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