Progesterone Levels - Page 2

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by MitchellHaus on 15 October 2014 - 14:10

Well, blood was drawn again this morning.  We won't have the results until this afternoon.  If it's at an "approved" number of 5ng/ml, then they'll be able to try for a tie.  This is a very experienced stud who knows his job. ;)  He goes straight to it and seems to have no other interest in getting acquainted.  Not my idea of romance... lol 



by Dog1 on 15 October 2014 - 15:10

You should reach a 5 today. Wait the 48 hours for the eggs to mature and the numbers say breed Friday/Monday. I prefer to let the female reach the right time rather than breed early. I'm not convinced the sperm lasts as long as it's supposed to and if it's too early for the female, you're setting up a bad situation. I haven't used a muzzle in 5 or 6 years. My preference is to set up a good experience for the female, especially the first time. Traumatize her and you may have a difficult female to breed from then on.

by SitasMom on 15 October 2014 - 16:10


This chart has never failed me.

by MitchellHaus on 15 October 2014 - 19:10

So according to the chart, if she was at 2.9 on Monday, Monday was her surge date. IF we're at 5 today, we should be on spot for first tie tomorrow and repeat in 48 hours?


by Jenni78 on 15 October 2014 - 20:10

My "too early" means close to or at ovulation, but eggs haven't matured yet. I didn't mean and do not mean to force a breeding before both dogs, esp. the female, are good and ready or way before ovulation. Sperm really ought to live 2 days, though, so if both dogs say it's's likely about time. 

Best of luck, Mitchellhaus. 

by MitchellHaus on 15 October 2014 - 20:10

Progesterone just came back - 8.5

Attempting first tie tonight, second tie on Friday.

by MitchellHaus on 16 October 2014 - 03:10

sucessful tie. Wink Smile    going to repeat friday morning. or thoughts on second tie thurs evening?


by Bundishep on 16 October 2014 - 04:10

Day 15, 16 , 17 is a late breeder to me,if you get one more tie on thur i would call it good,she might not even let him by fri, I,m like some others its sounds like jumping though hoops, if your female is very calm and easy around the male why is a muzzle demanded ? I  also would not rely on progestrone levels and trust the male is when he thinks she ready. As some already stated better to start a little early then start late,I,ve had a female tie late and no pups.


by jdiaz1791 on 16 October 2014 - 10:10

The "old tables" of 4 being ovulating day is mostly wrong, based on OLD,outdated research; I've seen females ovulating as early as 2 and as high as 15...Once is over 2, I look more at her, the male  and Cythology.

Females brought to us are ALWAYS muzzled, to protect them and our males.

You have to do tests, because MANY females will not stand at the right time or only too early and because of bacteria,Mycoplasma , which makes it impossible for her to get pregnant and to be RESPONSIBLE and not passing bacteria to stud and to other females from this stud.

You should do: CERVICAL CULTURE, BRUCELLA, MYCOPLASMA for every breeding to AVOID spreading diseases and bacteria.

Not doing tests is IRRESPONSIBLE and if a stud owner doesn't require them, think about the female he bred before yours could have had one of these diseases.

When you need a better timing,have trouble getting a female pregnant,  use daily LH test, start 6 days into bleeding, spikes 24-48 hrs before ovulation. Also check her Thyroid levels.

My advise...good luck


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