Pink Papered Import/Score Book for Trials - Page 6

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by Unknown on 10 January 2014 - 18:01

Yes Charles please do forward my comments to Herr Henke.

Fact 1. The letter said we must allow WDA into our championships. Henke said no not true and you do not have to allow WDA to enter USCA championships. And we do not.
Fact 2. The letter said no addition fee for entry. Henke said no, an additional fee is fine as long as it is not punishment and not to just WDA members.

Fact 3, The letters in the past only stated to allow WUSV members into our events, and we did. Sitasmom enter our event with a GSDCA membership, long before the latest letter

I sat and talked to Herr Henke and Herr Luxx, you did not.

Once again you are a coward hiding behind a. Screen name spouting off inaccurate information...I will trust that people can see that you have nothing to back up anything that you claim and you are the biggest liar here.

I will not reply to you again, so go ahead and lie away all you want. The truth has been told....and please forward this to Herr Henke and ask if I am wrong.


by bubbabooboo on 10 January 2014 - 20:01

Fact one is a lie .. there is nothing in the letter about letting anybody into anyone's championships.

Fact two is a half lie .. Henke would not allow the USCA to charge a ridiculous fee to subvert the WUSV constitution which requires all WUSV members to accept scorebooks from other WUSV members and especially those with SV judges scores.  The USCA continuously refused to accept GSDCA-WDA scorebooks with SV judges scores and refused entry into any USCA trial to those members with GSDCA-WDA scorebooks.  The USCA also tried but failed to refuse entry to US residents with SV membership AND SV scorebooks.

The WUSV position on this entire mess was explained to every USCA president beginning in 2008 and Alloway knew full well what the WUSV position was on the GSDCA-WDA scorebooks and the illegal refusal to accept them.  It was not a secret and there was never any misunderstanding.  Henke's letter made it crystal clear that further refusal to obey WUSV rules would result in sanctions against the USCA for breaking the rules BLATANTLY and KNOWINGLY.

Any one sided account of the proceedings of what happened in any discussion with Henke is a typical spin machine lie fabricated by Alloway and his USCA predecessor Roetemeyer.  I also have the minutes of a USCA board meeting in which Roetemeyer stated that the USCA would no longer recognize the GSDCA-WDA as a WUSV member.  This was a political decision and spite aimed at the WDA's decision to ally with the GSDCA rather than allow any merger or hostile takeover of the WDA by the USCA.  No other WUSV member organization in the entire world ever refused to accept GSDCA-WDA scorebooks OTHER THAN THE USCA and that included the SV during the period in which the USCA made a political decision to ignore the rules of the WUSV and the WUSV members.

It is also worth remembering that during the entire period in which the USCA violated the rules, resolutions, and constitution of the WUSV in full knowledge of doing so the GSDCA-WDA followed the rules as sworn to by membership in the WUSV and allowed USCA members to enter their trials and accept all scores and titles by SV judges in their scorebooks.  This included schutzhund/IPO trials, Kkl, and breed shows or surveys done under SV judges with no additional surcharge or impediment to their entry.  The lie about the USCA allowing anyone into their national championships was settled law and it was well established that entry was limited to club and regional events in the USA and other countries with more than one WUSV member club and a smoke screen to justify not following the rules when Henke finally said enough.  The GSDCA-WDA received no letter from the WUSV threatening sanctions as did the USCA because they were NEVER in violation of the WUSV rules.  It is also worth recalling that at least 5 other countries had two or more WUSV members recognized by the WUSV and none of them experienced the violation of the WUSV rules, resolutions, or constitution that the USCA created in the United States.  It was a willful and deliberate violation of the WUSV rules, resolutions and constitution that the USCA created and the action was intended to harm the GSDCA-WDA.


by bubbabooboo on 11 January 2014 - 14:01

The original letter from WUSV President Henke to Jim Alloway USCA President on March 1, 2013 can be found at the link below


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