Breeder integrity...any recourse? Germany and beyond - Page 1

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by tedebear12 on 16 May 2013 - 17:05

Hello everyone: I wanted to ask if anyone knows if there is any type of recourse through the SV? Can you notify them of bad breeding/bad breeder practices? I honestly don't know as this is only the second time I have an experience with importing. 

Is there no such thing as breeder integrity and honesty when dealing with those across oceans? There is lack of breeder integrity at times within the same country, but at least there may be some level of recourse.  I have found that once the dog leaves Germay, I have nothing.  He won't even return my Facebook messages or emails, even though I know they are being read.

I am not posting the name of the breeder, unless enough people want that.  I am more wanting to tell my story as a beware.  I imported 2 puppies from a breeder I thought I could trust as they were related to a previously imported dog.  The very night the puppies arrived, within 5 minutes, it became apparent that something wasn't right with the male puppy's tail.  In fact, he has ankylosis ...or a breed disqualification where the tail is shorter, the bones are fused, and it's knotty feeling.  The very next day I emailed the breeder to ask if something had happened to his tail, maybe broken? His response was that  shorter tail was better so it didn't curl....he didn't address the knots.  This was the last time he would ever talk about the tail.  The tail is an interesting thing I have never seen in all of my years with the breed.  My puppy, now 14 months old, cannot uncurl his tail due to the bone structure.  I paid full price for a puppy that he knowlingly sent with a breed disqualification!

On top of that, both of my puppies have a downed ear that won't stand (or in the girl's case, rarely stands), have extremely sensitive stomaches and cannot tolerate hardly anything new in their diet, and my male puppy with the tail issue is also cow hocked.  My plans for the puppies was performance.  Well, my girl has limped with pano since 5 months of age non-stop.  At least it will go away.  My male is so cow hocked that agility isn't realistic.  He will be shown in other things that don't require that level of work.  I had told the breeder what I wanted to do with the puppies.  Obviously, he didn't care.
More importantly, my male puppy around the start of the year developed a large growth in his mouth.  The surrounding tissues were affected as well.  Since January, he has had 2 oral surgeries (one with a oral specialist) and a CT scan.  It's not over yet, and there is no environmental reason.  At least it's not cancer and it doesn't currently involve any bone structure. 

Recently, I again emailed and facebooked the breeder to tell him what was happening.  I love these puppies, but I'm broke with their initial costs and tons of vet care.  My male is around $3,000 just for the oral care to date, not including the future.  I begged the breeder to please return my purchase price for the male puppy to help in the cost for his oral care, especially in light of the fact that he was totally dishonest in the beginning (basically sent me what he would have considered a reject puppy).  What I have discovered is that he only cared about anything before he had my money.  Now I can't get the time of day, and he especially won't talk about my puppy or any issues.  I can't believe there is such a lack of caring on his part.  I have known many breeders throughout the years, not all good, but this is saddening to me.
I love my puppies, and they will have a forever home with limitless care, but I feel that he purposefully wronged me for the sake of money.  Now I am left with trying to file a complaint against him or somehow finding out how to create a record of what occurred.  I believe that people should know what the lines produced (the sire is a top stud dog) and should be aware of the dealings with this breeder.  I am not saying to not purchase from him, but perhaps only do so if you can visit his kennel, select the dog onsite, etc.
If you have any ideas at all as to how you can make certain information public record, I would appreciate your thoughts on behalf of my puppy.


by TingiesandTails on 16 May 2013 - 18:05

Sorry to hear about your dogs.
The SV is working for their members and breeders. You can file a complaint at their head office ( There are some East European money makers, to say it carefully, that advertise as German SV breeder but sell dogs from their countries out of Germany. If you read some of the ads here and the wording they are choosing you can find out.  SV members have it a little easier when purchasing a dog from Germany. Paper work seems to get done faster that way.  I think the risk of "buyer beware" always holds up when you purchasing a dog from overseas. Intense research on the breeder is essential. Did you sign a contract with the breeder? Laws in Germany are different. Just another thing to keep in mind...

by SitasMom on 16 May 2013 - 18:05

This is why importing a pup or dog is risky. To better the odds, finding a reliable broker is important.

In Germany and many other countries, puppies are sold, for the most majority of breeders, "as is" - with no guarantees.

by Ibrahim on 16 May 2013 - 19:05


I feel for you, what the breeder did is at least un-ethical and he looks one of those who care most for the money no matter what the other part in the transaction might undergo of financial loss and heart break due to health misfortunes of the puppy. I myself do not know what sort of complaint you can file against this un-ethical breeder but I urge you to expose his name and his kennel name right here on PDB so he learns his lesson right, he shouild not get away with what he did and other people be ware of what he really is and what he does. Just spell out his name and by that you help other humans and you help the poor dogs. HE SHOULD NOT GET AWAY WITH WHAT HE"S DOING.
I appreciate your caring for your puppies, they did nothing wrong, HE DID. God bless you.


by Ibrahim on 16 May 2013 - 19:05

SitasMom, hopefully by now you know how much I respect and appreciate your views and contributions, but do allow me please here, please do not go in that tune of highlighting the mistakes of the victim and ignoring the crime of the criminal. I have heard this tune a lot here on PDB, it is just not right, educate buyers, but do not equal mistakes to crimes, they once asked a rapist why he did what he did to the poor girl and he answered she was wearing short skirts



by 123lyn45 on 16 May 2013 - 20:05

Hi tedebear,

Sorry to hear of your misfortune importing, I have also imported but I must say I have received absolute impeccable support, from the beginning of the process, and even up to now and I have my beautiful male, we are always in contact and I receiving on going support and advice..   Definately report your plight to the SV, and if you are absolutely sure about the problems of your import, and have vet evidence to support what you say is wrong with you animal, name the person- you might stop someone else from having the obvious heartache you are experiencing...

I feel for you, 


by Brittany on 16 May 2013 - 21:05

You should release this kennels website and kennel name here. This is ridiculous. I would go on sites like Ripoff Reports and file up a complaint. Since the site is archived whenever someone does a search on the kennel on popular search engine like Google your page would most likely pop up on the first page.
This is an expensive lesson to all. If you choose to import make sure that their friendly in the state that you're currently resting, and make sure that the kennel is well known, and have an impressive history.

Western Rider

by Western Rider on 16 May 2013 - 21:05

OP should you wish to listen to some who have posted here to Name the person and or Kennel proceed with care.

Use may wish to 
Re-read the TOS rules.

I would not want this to be a name calling kennel bashing thread with no proofs just because some need to have drama or a way to entertain themselves for the weekend.

Proceed with care. Have you thought to ask the breeder to give his side here.  You can send word from your contact information that you have.

Western Rider Admin


by hexe on 16 May 2013 - 22:05

I wonder what the cost of a lovely advertisement in the SV magazine would be, complete with pictures of, say, a pup's mouth, or its cowhocks, or it's ankylosed tail? 

When all else fails, or all other remedies are denied you, shaming one before their peers can be especially effective.

by SitasMom on 17 May 2013 - 00:05

Nice thought but the SV wouldn't print such an add. Germany doesn't have the same free speech rights as we enjoy here. Unless you place photos and "stud for hire" and the dogs kennel name......that might fly.

After all is said and done, a recourse would be to make complaints on the different ripoff reporting sites, just make sure that everything is completely true.


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