Survey, Your dog VS Your Mate - Page 1

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by EchoMeadows on 02 December 2006 - 07:12

some of you know I posted a while back that I had an issue with one of my males not wanting to "share" mommy (me) with the hubby... Well I'm wondering how many others have this kind of issue ? if you will call it that. And how many would agree that you feel your mate has not presented themselves as an "alpha" in the home? Obviously I feel I have the "issue" and too I do feel my hubby does not present himself as an "alpha" much as he would like to "think" he does, He does not to the dogs and is roughoused with by them more like a sibling. LOL :-) looking forward to your responses.


by knightenhaus on 02 December 2006 - 07:12

Too funny! Well, my husband isn't 'into' the dogs at all, so if yours is, then that is wonderful! Mine tolerates them and once in a while will roughhouse with them a little bit. Yes is MORE than stern and alpha with the dogs, in fact, I think too much so! I really thought you were going to ask who we liked better, our dogs or our mates! LOL...I was going to say hands down the dogs win!! *grin* Peggy

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 02 December 2006 - 07:12

Since Im a widow I can't lend to that issue I just know I get teased an awful lot that I will never find a mate because no man would want to compete with all those GSD's They think Ive gone dog crazy My females dont want the male when they are out together to get near me if I sitting on my bench resting They are all "alpha" females and chase my very 'Alpha" male away Funny as can be I even sometimes have to get up and move because they get testy . When I sell a pup people always tell me later they can tell a woman raised these pups....

by EchoMeadows on 02 December 2006 - 07:12

I thought about it (evil little giggle) :-) Yes I am lucky he loves the dogs, plays/trains/promotes/shows (kids in 4-H)/ the whole bag he's there 100% Poor guy doesnt really have a clue though how to "read" a dog, He thinks my dogs are playing with him but body posture says not playing. and he postures with play it's confusing/frustrating/ maybe even irritating to them (the dogs). When they can't get the point accross to this annoying little puppy. LOL Peggy, me too, but I would miss him a little. LOL


by knightenhaus on 02 December 2006 - 09:12

LOL....well yeah I think I'd miss Tony too. But in my case, the dogs were here before HE was!! *grin* Dogs are definitely more understanding, don't criticize and love the kids unconditionally. How many people can say that about their husband?? LOL Ok....I'm done bein silly now! Oh..and I think you're husband is pretty nice. He's emailed me to talk dogs. I think we have a lot of the same goals with our breeding programs. Yeah, Tony used to not know how to read dogs either, but he's learned quite a bit in the last few years (thank God)! Better get some sleep.. Peggy

by EchoMeadows on 02 December 2006 - 09:12

Peggy, Actually that was me, Mitch is short for Michelle it was a thing my Dad tagged me with. LOL And I agree we share alot of the same goals and I know your prety close well in Oregon anyway, Want to come visit sometime but will now have to wait till next spring I'm sure. :-)

by p59teitel on 02 December 2006 - 14:12

My old American-lines GSD has the same sort of issues, but in reverse: he doesn't want anyone near my SO, including me. It's to the point where if I sit next to her on the couch he will try to shove me of of the way, and will run up and bark at friends and family who greet her with a hug. He is just as likely to bring a ball to her for play as he is to bring one to me. The late Otto, a dominant brute who feared almost nothing, was more intimidated by a stern word from her than he was by a hard leash correction from me. People would laugh at the sight of this big tough dog dropping to the floor and averting his gaze when she'd say "Otto, stop it!" The new pup loves her but is definitely "my" dog; she is a distant second to me in his universe and he looks only to me for his needs and play.


by Janette on 02 December 2006 - 15:12

It seems that the dogs love whom ever feeds them the best. But they also know who makes them feel better when the are hurt. So our dogs love us equally. But they also know who are alphas.


by ziegenfarm on 02 December 2006 - 15:12

dogs are not always at the bottom of the pack order. just don't ever let them be at the top. :)

by EDD in Afgan on 02 December 2006 - 19:12

I AM STILL A SHELTER PUPPY. But when the spouse was here the dogs would not listen to her if I was home. My police dog would actually look at me if she told him something as if asking if he had to listen to her. Mike


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