RAW diet - Temperament Impacts? - Page 1

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by fawndallas on 11 July 2012 - 15:07

How does going to the RAW diet affect the dog's temperament? 

Over the years, I have received many "warnings" that a dog should not eat pure raw food, as this causes them to be more aggressive.  I have learned that this is not always a bad thing though.  I also understand that many people on this forum have WL dogs, so aggression is a desired trait.

Here are some specific questions:

1.  Does the dog appear to be more protective over its food?  One of the primary things I have with all my dogs, is that at any time, a human can take the food away or put their hand in it.  Any recourse on the dog's part is met with a quick, firm correction; if the issue is not resolved immediately, I start re-evaluating the dog as "safe" around children.  This is not because I am trying to tease the dog, but to insure the dog is safe at all times and around all humans (think children).

2.  If you have multiple dogs, is their an increase towards aggression within their pack?
3.  If a dog (s) have been taught to sit and wait for release to eat, have you found you have to enforce the rule more once they are on the diet?
4.  Do you find that the dog (s) question more the human status as always the "Alpha?"
5.  If you have multiple dogs, did this impact the "pack" mentality in a negative way?

I have 5 (6) dogs now.  I know how to work with them all to avoid any "pack" issues among them and with my family.  My male GSD is the Alpha of the dog pack and one of the female puppies I am considering keeping will likely challenge him for that position at some point.

I just want to be sure I have "beaten" this thing to death before I make the switch.    


by Jenni78 on 11 July 2012 - 15:07

It's a higher value item, thus, higher desire to protect it. You're making this too complicated, FD. It will simply make them more enthusiastic. I'm sure you'll be fine. 


by fawndallas on 11 July 2012 - 15:07

LOL, yes, I have a tenancy to do that.

So, meal time now becomes high value time, hmmm.  I think I am going to have to re-evaluate the timeline and how I am going to change over to RAW foods.  Maybe start out as "treat" training with the RAW food.  This slowly introduces the new diet, plus allows me the ability to re-enforce the training on how meal time is handled.

I can see lots of benefits to this, but I am still back to.... Will I need to watch more during meal time if children are around?  As I deal in service dogs.... this could be an issue, especially if eventually the dog goes to a home for a child that might have self control issues.

by Sasha on 11 July 2012 - 15:07

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5, No

I have 3 dogs, all raw fed for about 4 years now, never had any problems. They haven't seen a vet
in all that time except for my 9 year old bitch with a fatty lump.  Their coats look fantastic and
they're happy dogs.


by Ryanhaus on 11 July 2012 - 16:07

Yes.. it will change their temperaments,

 to happy, satisfied and very content!

I find my dogs don't fight over food cause in my house it's like you snooze you loose,
they are too busy catching the raw food I sometimes just throw out to them after calling out their name, or just plain paying attention to woof'n down all they can in their bowl, I find they eat
faster and there are no left-overs!


by Jenni78 on 11 July 2012 - 16:07

LOL, Mirasmom. I throw food out the kitchen window sometimes. I make hamburger and organ balls and toss them out the window and make a goofy game out of it. Keeps the house cleaner;-)

by Nans gsd on 11 July 2012 - 16:07

To avoid all of the mentioned problems;  I separate all of mine and feed in their own crates;  that way no competition, otherwise, YES, I could see some of those mentioned problems arising; however, I have a particular food aggressive bitch sooooooo that said, I try to avoid any and all confrontations.

I do not want mine to feel they have to compete for their food as afterall I do have 2 seniors who have earned everything they get and more.  Nan


by judron55 on 11 July 2012 - 17:07

Nan is correct....I have 4 dogs and feed all raw...no aggression problems because they all can relax when eating knowing they won't be disturbed...and I have never had a problem about taking there food....though, I refrain from that as my pup will swallow a bone whole if he thinks you're coming to take it....:-)

by brynjulf on 11 July 2012 - 18:07

Ditto Nan and Judron.  All of our training dogs are feed in their kennels.  It is their quiet time.  When they are finished with supper they all get a big bone and I remove the dishes. 


by fawndallas on 11 July 2012 - 19:07

All good things for me to consider and think about.  Thank you all (once again ).  This gives me enough information to plan out how to handle meal time with the change.

My 2 adult males, and so far all the puppies, get right to business during dinner.  One blink and the food is gone. 

Now Rose, that is a whole different manner.  She takes her time; usually all day to eat her food.  I have tried every trick in the book to get her to eat a bit faster.  Her response is "Fine, I did not want to eat any way."


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