Well when it rains it Dumps buckets in my world.:( - Page 1

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by gsdlvr4life on 02 August 2011 - 02:08

So now that i have been fighting Giardia for 6 weeks i guess the puppy gods think i can handle some more.

I am on the deck today watching the pups play and the one pup will not pee in the dog run she will only poop?? Anyways at this point i just dont care where they go as long as it is normal..Anyways as she squats to pee all i see is RED....OMG i was horrified..So knowing that metro can cause Kidney issues i am immedietly on the phone to the vet. Who then tells me to calm down just a tad...Metro side effects include bood in the urine. There is no fever,sad looking coat, not wanting to eat or being lethargic...She is a happy go lucky 7month old pup at this point.

This has been my concern since the beggining. The last course we did was safeguard for 7 days and nothing changed soooo they put the pups on 800mg of metro 2 times a day:( Yes they are now pooping normal but now i am dealing with this.. So i guess the theory is that when you take them off the metro the blood will stop? We'll to me blood in the urine just screams kidney issues does it not? I am forcing them to do blood work tomorrow on her. But maybe i am overreacting?

Needless to say they are on rice and boiled hamburger/turkey/chicken etc and will be for a long time. As i cant imagine what there insides look like after 6 weeks of drugs plus the giardia. We have solid poop now on both pups but the one with the blood her her urine is still pooping a fairly bright green but its solid?

I dunno anymore.

I am freaking out...Should i be?


by cphudson on 02 August 2011 - 13:08

I would also be concern if my pup had blood in the urine. But if she is acting fine other wise I would not think she has long term kidney issues.
Watch for the following warnings of kidney failure; pale gums, panting / other signals of pain, bad breath, dehydration, abdomen swelling, vomiting.

Dogs with kidney issues normally display many of these signs:
  • Increased water consumption (polydipsia)
  • Increased urination volume (polyuria)
  • Decreased urination (oliguria)
  • Lack of urination (anuria)
  • Voiding urine during the night (nocturia)
  • Blood in urine (hematuria)
  • Decreased appetite (anorexia)
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Hunched over posture or reluctance to move
  •  Poor or unkempt hair coat

Since your puppy is acting normally she most likely does not have any kidney issues. Try getting a urine sample to have tested for UTI.

UTI signs in dog:

• Frequent urination
• Straining or difficulty urinating
• Blood in the urine
• Foul smelling urine
• Urination in inappropriate places
• Tender lower abdomen (in the area of the bladder)
• Fever
• Lethargy

Could she be coming into heat soon-???

Good luck with her & let us know what the results are from the vet.



by cphudson on 02 August 2011 - 13:08

I missed the green stool in your question about your puppy. It could be she still has Giardia in her system that could change the color of her stool, but it would have a very strong odor still.
Since she has had a lot of medication it could be her bowls are irritated, since most of those med's destroy the good beneficial floral dogs need in their intestines to digest food normally.
Try adding Greek yogurt with her meals to help replace the lost floral / beneficial bacteria in her intestines. Green stool can also come from dog food dyes.

Also rat poisoning can cause green stool, & since it's slow releasing it's normally the first sign your dog has digested it. Has she been vomiting? Excessive drinking?
If she's been acting fine since & no way of her getting into rat poisoning then I'm sure it's one of the above reasons.

Once again good luck.


by LadyFrost on 02 August 2011 - 14:08

gsd4life....oh man, i am so sorry....i can't really offer an advice but you have my sympathy and once again I am so sorry...it will get better...your dogs are lucky to have someone who had put up with messy crate, green poop, red urine...you had experienced every color of the rainbow... and they love you for it...after all this they will turn out to be your best dogs yet... :)


by VKGSDs on 02 August 2011 - 14:08

Is she on metro for giardia?  In my experience, panacur (higher dose) is better for giardia than metro/flagyl.

Vom Boyer Haus

by Vom Boyer Haus on 02 August 2011 - 18:08

We used Metro on our dogs and figured out that with holding a meal and taking them off metro worked wonders. 6 weeks on the meds is a very long time......... did the vet tell you that was ok?  Metro kills all the good and bad things inside your puppy and as  cphudson yogert works great to restore the pro biotics. Even when you take them off the meds its normal to have some runny stool but then it will harden up after a few feedings. skip a feeding and your pup will be fine. I had three pups all get Cocidia at the same time.................... it sucks!


by gsdlvr4life on 03 August 2011 - 00:08

Thanks for the replies:)

CPHUDSON: No there is no chance or mouse posison etc so i know its not that.
And she is acting completly fine so i dunno what to think. They took blood today and we are awaiting the results. But they did check her urine and there was no infection there. She is not running a fever either.

The heat thing may be a possibility. She is 7 months today and hasnt gone in yet that i have noticed, although her mother is a silent heat girl.BUT i have a male in the house that always notices these things;)

VKGSDs: we have done pretty much everything:) They started with metro then went to panacur then i just went and ought Safeguard(same thing as panacur) and started dosing a little bit higher and then we went to panacur and metro and then this wickedly high dose of metro is what did it.

Ladyfrost:...Oh im tellin ya i have definetly had enough:( And yes it is kinda funny to think of all the pretty colors i have seen over the last 6 weeks:)
Oh i have a new bond with these pups thats for sure:) The one is perfectly fine now its the other one that is causing so much grief. But you know it is what it is and i love them and would do whatever it is to keep them healthy...So this storm will pass to and i will forever be able to spot or smell for that matter giardia...lol


by isachev on 03 August 2011 - 01:08

That's a real bummer gsdlvr. Here's some info on blood in urine. I know those meds tear them up inside and that was a long time to take them. Be sure to get the probiotics going. Hope this helps. 
Take Care   Pete

Causes of Blood in Dog Urine

  • Urinary Tract Infections

Affected dogs exhibit blood in the urine often accompanied by other key symptoms such as frequent urination, painful urination, straining, licking genitals and fever. The condition can be easily treated with a course of antibiotics.

  • Bladder stones

Bladder stones also known as uroliths, are not uncommon in dogs. The two most common types of bladder stones found in dogs are: struvite stones and calcium oxalate stones. Dogs will bladder stones will develop painful urination, straining and bloody urine. Treatment mainly consists of dietary changes and in the case of large stones, surgical removal.

  • Prostate Infections

Prostrate infections occur only in intact male dogs. Symptoms suggesting prostate infection in dogs consist of: bloody urine, enlarged prostrate, difficult and painful urination, straining, lack of appetite and fever.


    by isachev on 03 August 2011 - 01:08

    Didn't have enough room in first post. Here's the rest.
    • Estrus Cycle

    While it may be obvious that an intact female dog will bleed during their heat cycle, there are novice dog owners that may not be aware of this occurrence. A dog will go in heat around six months of age and will produce some vaginal bleeding and vaginal swelling during their first week. Then the bleeding will halt after approximately 7-10 days and will be replaced by a straw colored fluid. This is generally when the dog is ready to mate.

    • Uterine Infections (Pyometra)

    Uterine Infections occur only in intact female dogs. Often owners confuse pyometra with the dog's heat cycle, but are often surprised that a second heat has occurred only a few weeks after the last heat. This however, is typical of pyometra, presenting often between 4 to 8 weeks after the last heat.

    When the pyometra is open female dogs will develop a foul, mucous, bloody vaginal discharge often resembling tomato soup. In this case, dogs are often given antibiotics to clear up the infections, fluids to hydrate them and often they uterus is removed.

    • Tick Born diseases

    These annoying and disgusting creatures are known to cause various tick borne diseases that may cause bloody urine among other symptoms.

    • isachev

      by isachev on 03 August 2011 - 01:08

      One More
      • Poisons

      The most common poison that causes bloody discharges is rodent poison. Dogs that ingest rat poisons containing Warfarin will develop blood clotting disorders and bloody urine may be a symptom.

      There can be other various causes of bloody urine in dogs. Among these are trauma to the bladder and some forms of cancer involving the urinary or reproductive system.



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