Overfriendly German Shepherd Puppy? - Page 1

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by SonyaBullinger on 30 March 2011 - 15:03

Hi, I am a new member to this forum. smiley
I got my puppy from a reputable breeder in BC. She is now coming close to 7 months old.
She is very overly friendly with strangers and dogs up to the point where if she sees a human or dog walking across the street , she would try to race to them and greet them exhuberantly. Is this normal or should i restraint her from doing that ?Does anyone else have the same experience?
I am bringing her for obedience classes and she does the same in the class.it takes her a while to settle down.
The trainer recommended prong collar to restraint her. I am not sure about if i want to use it.Can anyone advise?thanks


by Mystere on 30 March 2011 - 16:03

She's a PUPPY, for cripes sakes!  She is supposed to be outgoing.  If she wanted to attack everyone or was fearful, then you'd have a problem. smiley You don't need to put a prong on her,either.

If you are in BC, contact Janice Gunn for obedience.


by isachev on 30 March 2011 - 16:03

I have a boy Titus who loves everything and everybody, However, if push comes to shove, he will be the first to protect his family. GSD's are better at judging people and situations than I am. I thought I had a dud with a couple of my past GSD's. Wrong, they were just smarter than I. They turned ON when neccesary. As for the pinch, It is highly recommended. Just make sure they wear it high on the neck. Chokers and strap collars do just that, choke. Don't want to damage her neck/throat. A pinch will be fine. They get a quick pinch and say, don't want that again. Pinch is your best bet for training. Good Luck 


by laura271 on 30 March 2011 - 16:03

Hello to a fellow Canadian! I can comment as a "new person" on using a prong collar.

My 9 month GSD (Senta) is pretty easy to train except in leash respect. She was awful- at full strain at the end of the leash constantly- a choke chain made zero impact on her and so did any other technique. Our obedience trainer said she needed a stronger deterrent (so a prong collar). My husband steadfastly refused to use a prong collar since he thought they were barbaric but after months of arguing about it, he agreed to try it under the supervision of our trainer. Senta figured out instantly that straining with a prong collar wasn't any fun and stopped. My husband admitted that we should have moved to a prong collar months ago.


by troublelinx on 30 March 2011 - 16:03

What are your intentions with this dog, house pet, visual deterent, PP?

And yes that behavior is pretty much normal. 


by SonyaBullinger on 30 March 2011 - 16:03

Hi Mystere, thanks for the reply.smiley
There has been times when she had seen people walking on the opposite street and she had dashed across the road to get to them.on two occasions, i had fallen on the slippery pavement. I live in saskatchewan, canada where it snows pretty bad.I guess i have to step up her obedience which i am doing right now and hopefully this behavior is something she will grow out of.


by Siantha on 30 March 2011 - 16:03

my female is the same way even now at 2 but she listens now and stops she is a search and rescue dog so it is a ok behavior for her to charge up but my male who is a Schutzhund dog is very impartial to people if they come around thay can pet him and such but he wont sniff their hand or acknowledge them he is very aloof but be careful about her im always owrried that someone will steal her because of her friendly nature but im never worried about my male.


by SonyaBullinger on 30 March 2011 - 16:03

Hi Troublelinx,

My intentions with her was to get her into schutzhund sport.She is currently attending classes on puppy agility, obedience and tracking.There is a trainer who will be assessing her for schutzhund.
he is the only person here and he is about 40 min drive away. The german shepherd dog club drive into saskatoon takes abt 2.5 - 3hrs drive.Do you know of anyone doing puppy bitework in regina?


by Ruger1 on 30 March 2011 - 17:03


       I am jealous...I think that is a nice quality in a young dog...: )

                Enjoy her...: )


by Mystere on 30 March 2011 - 18:03


If you are going to do schutzhund, don't start formal obedience with her at all.   PLEASE contact the nearest sch club, or the one in Calgary (sorry, outside of BC, I am totally ignorant of Canadian geography, except for knowing Quebec and  New  Brunswick are on the East Coast ). smiley   Contack Diane Carnegie with the Calgary club.  She may be able to point you to folks in  or near Saskachawan. Or, move to BC--there are three or four excellent clubs, all within a 30 mile radius. smiley  And, all within 5-20 minutes of the US border. 


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