Valentino =D - Page 1

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by aristianM on 21 August 2009 - 17:08

Hi guys I finally got my puppy today. I named him Valentino. Here are some of his pictures He is an indoor dog and only goes out to relieve himself.

jake r

by jake r on 21 August 2009 - 19:08

He looks like a good dog.  I am curious as to why you would get a working dog to be an inside dog.  I hope you are able to exercise him and keep him from being bored. 


by aristianM on 21 August 2009 - 19:08

He's too young and I cant exercise him. This is not my first dog and I regularly exercise my full grown female german shepherd. I will let him play in my garden tomorrow and when hes old enough, ill start excercising him. =) Thank you =)

Oh and I like keeping my dogs inside because i consider them to be part of my family =)

jake r

by jake r on 21 August 2009 - 20:08

How old is he?   I am picking up a GSD puppy in 2 weeks and he'll be 8 weeks at that time.    Just wondering how long I have before he is as big as Valentino (and house broken).  I've had Shepherds before but always seemed to acquire them when they were about a year old.  This will be  my first puppy.


by aristianM on 21 August 2009 - 20:08

Valentino is 3 months old and im not an expert but it took my female gsd about 6 months to get fully house broken.

by malshep on 22 August 2009 - 00:08

I like the name Valentino :)  He looks like one tired puppy. Congrates!

by happyday on 22 August 2009 - 00:08

What do you mean you cant exercise him?  He is THREE freakin months old - and he just stays inside and goes to the bathroom - what kind of idiot gets a puppy and just lets him go to the bathroom and doesn't do anything else and thinks he isn't old enough to  This is a puppy and you think he isn't old enough to exercise?  you got another dog?  what kind of exercise do you do with that dog? 

I am sorry - but you started this thread - I have a real problem with what you have posted....your puppies ears are back - in his/her pictures - not a happy puppy.....

A baby at this age should be having fun, playing outside, inside and where every - and you seem to be bragging that your pup stays inside and does nothing but goes out to use the bathroom.....  and you are going to take him out tomorrow?  How kind of you.....  get off your ass and take that pup out and start playing with him ----what is your objective in keeping him inside and doing nothing with him?



by EuroShepherd on 22 August 2009 - 06:08

uh Happyday,  I think you're jumping the gun too soon.  The poster said they just got the puppy TODAY, and they will be letting it play in the backyard.   Every reasonable vet, trainer, breeder knows that a young puppy (and 12 weeks old is still very young) should not be allowed to run/play/excercize as much as an adult dog.   It also isn't smart to force a puppy to play or let it explore every inch of the yard/house when it is brand new to the house and it probably had a long trip to get there too.  The puppy should be resting so it does not completely exhaust itself and stress it's immune system in an unknown enviroment. 
As for the puppy's ears being's ears are not even standing yet!  and it's in a completely new environment, being handled by a person who is still a stranger.  
Give the puppy and his new owner a break.  You are being entirely unfair. 

by happyday on 22 August 2009 - 12:08

OK -sorry, jumped a little - but I quote" is an indoor dog and only goes out to relieve himself."....why write that - leads one to believe that the dog isn't going to be going outside at all except to relieve himself....Sorry artisianM but a 3 month old puppy is old enough to get "exercise" - I guess all that is what bothered me----I apologize again - congrats on your new puppy.

I have 2 GSD and they both where totally house broken by 3 months - so if your pup is 3 months - and you stay focused on taking him out regularly and using a crate -  he will be hse broke in a week or so....


by shepherdpal on 22 August 2009 - 13:08

Valnetino is a beatiful pup.  i think Arisitan just means that she does not leave him out alone, I am the same way. I brought Benedict home at 7.5 weeks and took him everywhere  that was reasonably safe until he had all shots. We walked three miles each morning , but I carried him a lot at first and we had much indoor play. I could not even let him out in the yard alone at 3 months because he was always putting rocks in his mouth

  Benhy  has not had an accident on the house  since he was 14 weeks and lets me know when he needs out so I think he is house trained.  He sleeps  on the floor next to me at night. I keep the leash tethered to my arm in case he tries to wanders off to chew, I take him out to relieve himself about 10PM and he is now fine until 6 AM.. I usually   take his water away at about 8 pm.

  Now at 4 months Benny  is an inside  and only goes out to relieve himself but now that he as had all his shots we go for a  a long walk everyr morning, play at the park.  and go to puppy classes and play a lot of fetch in the house and yard. I also take him to work with me.

Bennys ears are mostly up all the time since 17 weeks ut the left flops occasionally when he is tired.

I am glad you consider Valentino a part of your family. GSD;s want to be treated, not like human family members, but  like canine family members. We are even giving Benedict chores and teaching him to put his toys in the toy box before moving on to something else or put his bowl in the sink when he is done eating!.  He looks at me like " Mom do I have to?" but loves the  praise or treat he gets.


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