Undescended testicle- Natural therapy? - Page 1

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by Swifteagle on 21 October 2011 - 12:10


I have got a pup 7 weeks old but no undescended testicles..... I can feel one coming down but no sign of the other one.
I know some people would not buy a pup without the two testicles at that age... I know others that say wait until 12 week...

anyway, I already have a 1 year old male with only one testicle and I dont want the same story to happen again.
the pup is awesome so I would really like to keep him.. but if when he is 14 weeks old he has none, I would have to find him another good home. :(

Is there any Natural thing I could give him to help him out?  Probably not  :(  ... but I am willing to try it as long as it is not harmful to my little fellow.
I read some where : "stewed German celery for one week." but that was it,  nothing else, not even how much. only that line.

Any help would be appreciated.



by GSDguy08 on 21 October 2011 - 12:10

My question is, do you actually intend to breed him? If not, why does it matter? 

by Blitzen on 21 October 2011 - 13:10

None I know of. At this age the inguinal ring has already closed and the testicles are either descended or not. Some males have delayed closure, they are normally the puppies whose testicles are here today, gone tomorrow or vice versa. They are probably not good breeding risks.

Best way to insure a pup has both testicles as an adult is to buy one that has both at 8 weeks. It's not always easy to fnd them in a standing puppy, so ask an experienced breeder to help you pick your puppy. The worst at finding testicles in young puppies are vets.


by Swifteagle on 21 October 2011 - 13:10

I GSDguy

Well my male which is missing one testicle is turning out very nice... It would had been nice to have the option to breed him, but I cant....
Now I have to outlay more money on him for the removal of that retained testicle....

Let say I work my ass off and the dog also turns out to be super awesome, we get to sch 3 everyone loves him and everyone would like to breed from him, but hey I cant because he has no balls.....  I dont do the sport for money, the opposite I spend a lot of money doing it and I dont get anything in return, only enjoyment for my dog and I ... But I guess it would be nice if the dog could pay itself off..


by Swifteagle on 21 October 2011 - 13:10

Blitzen thanks for your answer... I can feel one coming down, but I am sure I can not feel the otherone anywhere... so according to what you are saying If the one I cant find is not pass the ring, it is game over for that testicle.... not coming down ever?

by Blitzen on 21 October 2011 - 14:10

He's 7 weeks old? IF the other testicle is not descended and IF the ring has closed, it will not come down. IF the ring is still open, it may. No way to know about the ring, so it's a waiting game.

by czechdog9480 on 21 October 2011 - 14:10

If your dog needs 'help' with getting his testicle to descend he's not a good breeding dog either, same as if if didn't descend because you didn't take any action about it. Genetically it's the same dog, same problem with a descending testicle, you just 'made' it come down when it wouldn't have.


by VKGSDs on 21 October 2011 - 14:10

It's genetic, either it comes down and stays down or not.  But I think 7 weeks is early, they may drop or not.


by trixx on 21 October 2011 - 14:10

i would give him 3 -4 months, but by 4 months if not down, he is just not cut out for breeding.
i do perfer 8 weeks , but that is not always possible. the sooner the better. 

by Blitzen on 21 October 2011 - 14:10

I think often both testicles are in the scrotum, but they are hard to find with the dog in a standing position. I've done better holding them on my lap. A delayed closure of the inguinal ring where the testicles go in and out of the scrotum in a puppy 8 weeks or older probably indicates a poor breeding risk.

Sometimes I think it's just the luck of the draw. The best example I know is a friend who had a litter, 4 males. all with both testicles early on. Repeated the breeding, again 4 males and none had both descended. Go figure.


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