A poem of Hope critiques on improvment will be read. - Page 3

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by wlpool on 17 September 2011 - 00:09

Thanks.  We have talked about it reasonably as adults and have both come to the conclusion that this is not the time for "us".
This was my first serious relationship after the the divorce (although the damn paperwork still isn't done.  We just finished mediation and I hope to have the final paperwork done early next week, Yippie).  This actually hurts more than the divorce as after years of being in a relationship with a person that was clearly uncompatible with me this one was about compatibility.
Amen, Sista.


by wlpool on 17 September 2011 - 02:09

Ah, today has come to it's end...
A success story of mend...

After days of self pity, loathing, and hate...
I've come to my senses and finally ate.

Big ass pot pie washed down with beer....
Happiness is on the brink of being right here. 

by Preston on 18 September 2011 - 05:09

Wl, from your description it sounds like you are doing very well and have overcome a lot of issues.  You have dealt with this situation effectively and continue to do so. Better times are close at hand for you and it sounds like you have learned a lot about yourself and what you want and will be back on track very soon. Commendations to your for dealing with your feelings openly and honestly and moving ahead so well. 


by Ruger1 on 21 September 2011 - 14:09

How ya doing wlpool???


by wlpool on 21 September 2011 - 20:09

I am much better.  Thanks for asking.  I think the finishing the poem was the turning point for me.  It is funny how words can mean so much sometimes.  I have started working the dogs again so I suppose I will be back to my ol' self in a few weeks :-)
Again, thanks so much for all of your help in the matter. 

by beetree on 21 September 2011 - 23:09

Great that you are moving past the rebound guy. You have a super-cute, little girl who needs a mom with healthy self-esteem, and you need to be okay with yourself without a guy. When you are there, that is when you will find the right guy. 

I think you have a great idea and should start a new, ongoing PDB Poetry thread. Someone starts a poem, but someone else needs to finish it. Maybe it would work? LOL..... (I got a sudden premonition of some pretty salty limericks in the making!!!)


by wlpool on 29 September 2011 - 13:09

Thanks everyone.  Here is an update:
Tom emails me and then texts me to "talk" and asked me to wait until Tuesday to see if we can work through our issues.  I said okay.  In the meantime he was developing another relationship and didn't even bother to call me or inform me on Tuesday.  I was REALLY UPSET about it for obvious reasons.  So, I said screw it and went and took pictures which made me feel TONS better. 

Here they are:

He can just go to hell.



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