Please comment on my breeding programme - Page 1

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by wildstrobe on 20 June 2006 - 13:06

5 - 4............................................. in VA - VICESIEGER Karly von Arminius 5 - 4............................................. in V19 (AUT) INT UCH Xando von den Dolomiten 5 - 4............................................. in Mischaland's Hera 5 - 4............................................. in V Rita di Casa Mary 4 - 3............................................. in SG Trissi vom Wildsteiger Land 4 - 3............................................. in VA1 (S) Mischaland's Von Fox 3 - 2............................................. in SG Fox vom Wildsteiger Land What will be the outcome of above mentioned breeding?Your valuable comments please.

Kennel von Lotta

by Kennel von Lotta on 20 June 2006 - 13:06

Why do you want to linebreed on SG Fox vom Wildsteiger Land? 3-2 is a very close linebreeding, so there must be something very special about that dog!


by wildstrobe on 20 June 2006 - 15:06

Very good front assembly.Earned a reputataion as a very good producer.Pls read comments about him.

by D.H. on 20 June 2006 - 15:06

The line breeding is limited to 3-2 on Fox. What follows after are this dogs parents and grandparents, which would not be listed. You list only the last common denominator so to speak. Line breedings with 3-2 can be very successful, they can also be disasterous. You will only know after the fact. When line breeding this close the dogs good traits should be very good and ideally there are few negative traits, because both good and bad will compound very strongly here. You need to look at all aspects very closely - health, temperament, structure, ability. If you see more flaws than good, pass. If you see more good than flaws it could work nicely. Pay special attention to the motherline since she will usually have a stronger influence than the sire line, but with this linebreeding the motherline will be especially strongly represented. If you want to establish a certain line or type, or lock in a certain trait, such a close line breeding might do that. After this you go wide again, or outcross. To have any better idea if the breeding was worth doing, one would need to know who both parents are. Ask yourself a simple question: if you have to ask public opinion, how sure are you really that this is a good idea? Follow your gut instinct. Be prepared for all consequences. If it is just for sake of convenience (have dam and sire at home) think twice. Do this litter only if you have a purpose. I did such close line breeding several years ago with my Ridgebacks to find out where a specific genetic flaw (Dermoid Sinus) was coming from and to expose the breeder of my females to a lie (of course before I purchased the females there were no such problems in his lines, though we had discussed it at length, and he blamed the sire of my first litter to be the cause of the problem when 3 pups in that litter had a DS). This particular fault was compounded as I expected from the motherside when it kept appearing in litters closely line bred to her. When going even closer to the sire via outside breedings (bitches owners were informed of the possiblity and actually wanted to know too) it did not show up at all. That was helpful to know, and could only be confirmed with certainty by doing these close line breedings. In all of these breedings - the type that was passed on was very nice, and structure and temperament was great. So from that aspect the breedings were a success. On the dam side the DS showed up continually, on the line breeding to the sire side there was no DS but it bring forth a higher frequency of pups with no ridge, which is not desired (but harmless and not affecting health) and came as a bit of a surprise. So it showed some of the good and some of the bad in both lines, which then helped plan the future. These were easy recessives though. What else was doubled up on that is not so obvious might not show for several generations, so proceed with caution. Such breedings should only be done with a very specific goal in mind.


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