Puppy and Adult Coats - Page 1

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by dmdmitriev on 30 January 2011 - 17:01

I am curious to know if there is any correlation between a puppy's coat length and how it will look as adult. I know color can often change shades with some predicability. But will you know as a puppy if it will grow with a coat type looking like this:

Or this?:

And what would such puppy with a nice plush coat look like versus a short stock coat? If you could post your puppy and adult photos, working and showline, so that I can learn, I would much appreciate!

Again, I'm asking about coat length/type, not about color.

Thank you.

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 30 January 2011 - 18:01

I would say absolutely.  A plusher puppy will be a plusher adult.  Of course, a LSC pup is fluffy with long ear hairs.

Most tight coat pups turn out to be tighter coated adults.


by nonacona60 on 30 January 2011 - 18:01

This puppy's coat was longer and plushier than the baby pic shows....It was really plush...We were very surprised to see his coat at 1yr old, which is the second pic...We just thought he would be a LC. Surprise Hope this helps...


by mfh27 on 30 January 2011 - 18:01

Here is my boy at 11 weeks:

And at 3 years:


by leoetta on 30 January 2011 - 19:01

Here are two examples that I had, first one I called a long coat second dog has stock show coat, it was a nice stick out kind of show coat, same coat his father had.

"Reef" Photo at 5 weeks

"Reef" Photo at 4 months

"Reef" Photo at ten months

Next dog

"Urban" Photo at 8 weeks

"Urban" Photo at 1 year

by dmdmitriev on 31 January 2011 - 04:01

Red Sable - at what age can you tell plush from stock, or which puppy in litter will have fullerest coat?

Nonacona - how old is puppy in your picture?

Leoetta - I see whispie hair around Reefs ears as puppy, which means he will be long coat?  and Urban has whispie hair along cheek and chest as puppy, which means he will be stock show coat?

Shicco has such a thick looking coat.  Would puppy Shicco look long coated?



by nonacona60 on 31 January 2011 - 12:01

I believe he was close to 7wks old.....


by GSDguy08 on 31 January 2011 - 12:01

 I have a different breed, and I don't have any plush coats or long coats, but you can still look at differences between the puppy coats and the adult coats in these pictures.

Here is the puppy they named Loki at 7 weeks from a litter of mine. This was when he was still here.


Here is Loki now.  I edited the picture so it wouldn't be so big, but they do have a huge wooden fenced in yard outside of the area he's standing in, in that picture.


I've got more of the other puppies and their coat differences from puppy to adult, I'll just have to go back through and find them.


by alboe2009 on 31 January 2011 - 17:01


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