Accredited GSD Scheme - DONATIONS - Page 1

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Sue B

by Sue B on 31 May 2009 - 17:05

On Provision that the scheme gets adopted by the Gsd Breed Council and goes ahead there were many who pledged individual donations of £20. Then there were those offering other fund raising idea's in addition to this. One of these being
Mr Paul Rattigan .

Paul is offering up the prize for a 'Special Raffle' which will be held at the Tony Howson Open Memorial Show hosted by the Gsd League on Sunday 14th June where Paul himself is juding females. 

THE PRIZE FOR THIS 'SPECIAL RAFFLE' is:- A  two disc set of dvds of the 1984 two day show, almost four hours duration. This was the FIRST ever Two Day Show which too was hosted by the GSD League held at Weston Park. Being one of the Top Handlers of the time, Tony Howson fiqures prominently on these tapes.

For those who haven't worked it our already, this year is the 25th Anniversary of that FIRST Two Day Show 1984 - 2009 so it will be a wonderful walk down memory lane for some and a window looking back in History of the Past Greats, dogs and people (Not to mention the Fashion, Hairstyles etc etc !!!  Of which seeing is believing   trust me !!  ). 

So, dont forget to buy one of these Special Raffle tickets, and if you happen to win it but you really want it,  I promise to give you £5 for it !!

Sue B


by Videx on 01 June 2009 - 12:06

I would hope this DVD could be shown at the next GSD Breed Council meeting, (usually poorly attended)  and at the next GSD League Council, and at the next BAGSD Executive Committee, and at ALL individual GSD Club committeee meetings. THEN they may possibly GRASP how huge the reduction of entries in our GSD Shows have become. IF they GRASP that fact, THEY may bother themselves to CONSIDER making several FUNDAMENTAL decisions to seriously tackle the problem. I WILL NOT HOLD MY BREATH

I am convinced the GSD Clubs within the United Kingdom are incapable of anything other than WINDOW DESSING and LIP SERVICE when it comes to making meaningful decisions to improve our GSD Show scene.

They lack the courage to make the fundamental changes required.

The least a viewing of this DVD would achieve, is to show them exactly what we have LOST!

Sue B

by Sue B on 01 June 2009 - 13:06

Sorry folks, the last sentance in my first message should read;

"....and if you happen to win it but you really DONT want it, I promise to give you £5 for it , so no excuses for not buying a ticket !!"



by jaymesie51 on 01 June 2009 - 14:06

david do you think that asking gsd people to vote for the gsd accredited scheme like you did for the split would work if the majority of gsd breeders exhibitors etc vote to have this scheme then surely it will be passed, as as far as i am aware we are part of the democratic system and go by majority vote  this is just a thought i know that most are members of 1 club or another but a single vote just might show us the strength that the accredited  scheme has
jim h


by Videx on 01 June 2009 - 14:06

 Jim h.
I sincerely believe that our breed is being ruled by an influential minority. Some of these influential minority hold powerful positions within the GSD organisational structure, and some of these do not exhibit GSD, and others do not even own a GSD. It is about time we all recognised exactly who RULES our GSD Show scene, and that while these few people rule it, we have absolutely NO CHANCE of making the neccessary changes to halt its decline and start making meaningful progress.

This minority of influential people within our breed actually do very little. This is the way they hold onto power and influence. They hold positions of power and influence, which they hold onto like a wheel clamp holds onto a wheel, but they do not use their positions to make meaningful and neccessary progress for our breed. They simply do little or nothing for our show scene. Its about time we removed these people from office, they are allowing our show scene to be destroyed by neglect. 

If people feel that any of these influential minority deserve to be regarded for past achievements within the GSD world, then by all means award them a GSD Gold Medal for services rendered and then replace them within our organisations.

Our GSD Show scene desperately needs dynamic people in positions of power and influence, people who own and exhibit GSD, people who recognise the need for a new approach and who are ready to make fundamental changes. Our GSD Show scene needs these people now.


by paulie on 01 June 2009 - 14:06

David, i agree wholeheartedly with you, i had not watched the video for years, but looking at the dvd amazes you when see the huge classes, the ringside crowd was five deep, there were trade stands every few yards and the most important thing, every body is smiling, and looking as if they are enjoying themselves.

   Regards Paul.


by Videx on 01 June 2009 - 14:06

 Hi Paul: Is there any chance you can obtain around 100+ copies of this DVD, I am sure there would be a big demand for them. 

by paulie on 01 June 2009 - 16:06

Hiya David, i'm sure there is every chance producing more dvd's, the reservation i have is that the original video tape was shot by our friend Errol Francis, whom i have not seen at shows in the last few years, but i would presume Errol owns the copyright.  i would be willing to copy some more, for no profit whatsoever, the proceeds being split between the Accredited GSD scheme, and the GSD rescue: if Errol gives his consent.

 Regards Paul.


by jaymesie51 on 01 June 2009 - 23:06

david i understand where you are coming from but are these people you are talking about not voted into these positions if so then they can be voted out and if their was an opinion pole done on whether or not we adopt the accredited scheme if the majority was indeed in favour then this minority could not stop it getting the full backing
jim h


by Videx on 02 June 2009 - 00:06

 jim h: Be certain, VERY certain, the influencial and powerful few have many ways and methods of 'killing' ideas they do not agree with. One such method is placing it with a "working party". I have never seen a "working party" report.


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